Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1031967 NEW OTHER GRANTS Siddiqui, R. A. Nartea,Theresa VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Nutritional profile of ginger grown under deficit irrigation for promoting its cultivation and consumption for preventing obesity.
1032024 NEW OTHER GRANTS Corley, R. N. Corley,Robert N. VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA 1890 Scholarships Program: Next Generation of Food and Agricultural Scholars
1032760 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schafer, J. Schafer,Joseph WINROCK INTERNATIONAL INST. FOR AGRIC. DEVELOPMENT VA Advancing Organic Agriculture in the Mid-South II: Refining Solutions for Essential Challenges
1032787 NEW OTHER GRANTS Best, M. M. Best,Maureen McNamara LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGRICULTURE PROJECT, INCORPORATED VA Produce Rx in Southwest Virginia: Health and Community Food Systems Integration
1032835 NEW OTHER GRANTS Harris, A. Harris,Alistar SHALOM FARMS, INC. VA Shalom Farms Produce Rx Program
1032871 NEW OTHER GRANTS Harrison, C. B. Harrison,Cynthia Begail HARRISON ANIMAL HOSPITAL, LLC VA VA192_Harrison Animal Hospital: Serving Rural Food Animal Producers
1032962 NEW OTHER GRANTS Frank, D. Frank,Daniel VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Virginia IPM Extension Implementation Program
1033006 NEW OTHER GRANTS Corley, R. N. Corley,Robert N. VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA 1890 Scholarships Program: Next Generation of Food and Agricultural Scholars
1033100 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ferreira, G. Ferreira,Gonzalo VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA The rebellion of the queen: Alfalfa as the optimum forage for climate-smart dairy systems.
1033119 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fearer, C. J. Fearer,Carrie Jane VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Creating a Forest Health Curriculum Development Community
1033142 NEW OTHER GRANTS Small, J. Small,Jessica VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE (VIMS) VA Building Better Broodstock: Assessing Correlation of Survival and Morphological Traits with Dermo and MSX Diseases in Eastern Oyster Broodstock
1033180 NEW OTHER GRANTS Davis, J. L. Davis,Jennifer Lynn VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Davis FY25 FARAD July 2024
1033186 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mulder, M. Mulder,Matthew ARCADIA FOOD VA Veteran Farmer Training, Incubation, and Technical Assistance
1033198 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sohn, J. Sohn,JiAe SMART DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE INC. VA Smart Green Growers: Nurturing Sustainable Agriculture For Beginning Farmers
1033408 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cheng, R. Cheng,Rachel VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA DIVerse Extension Research and Teaching (DIVERT) experiences for training future leaders in reducing food loss and waste
1031288 NEW OTHER GRANTS Awika, H. O. Awika,Henry O UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Remodeling and Equipping Postharvest Facility for Teaching and Student Research Training at the University of the Virgin Islands
0196198 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tignor, M. Tignor, M. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Multimedia Instrument for Worldwide Greenhouse Education
1022985 NEW OTHER GRANTS Grubinger, V. P. Leslie,Teresa UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program
1026360 NEW OTHER GRANTS Grubinger, V. P. Leslie,Teresa UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Northeast SARE Regional Program
1026727 NEW OTHER GRANTS Greenwood, S. L. Conner,David S. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Feeding Seaweed to Organic Dairy Cows
1028666 NEW OTHER GRANTS Grubinger, V. P. Leslie,Teresa UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program FY2022
1028713 NEW OTHER GRANTS Newbold, E. J. Newbold,Elizabeth Jane UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Utilizing On-farm Inspectional and Educational Observations when Developing a Tailored Approach to Regional Produce Safety Education
1028785 NEW OTHER GRANTS Callahan, C. W. Callahan,Christopher William UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Understanding and Addressing Needs for On-Farm Produce Safety Education in Hydroponics and Aquaponics
1029692 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dombrowski, K. Coates,Patricia UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Vermont Institute for Rural Partnerships (IFRP-VT)
1030450 NEW OTHER GRANTS Grubinger, V. P. Leslie,Teresa UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Application to Serve as a Regional SARE Host Institution
1030899 NEW OTHER GRANTS Newbold, E. J. Newbold,Elizabeth Jane UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Creation of Food Safety Resource Clearinghouse Content Catalogs to Improve Access and Shared Knowledge
1030932 NEW OTHER GRANTS Grubinger, V. P. Grubinger,Vernon Phillip UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Community Accreditation for Produce Safety to Meet the Needs of Small and Mid-size Farms
1031024 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fanslow, Y. H. Fanslow,Yolanda H. Chen UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Field testing of pheromone mating disruption for swede midge in Brassica crops
1031138 NEW OTHER GRANTS Willard, M. Patton,Russ VERMONT STATE COLLEGES VT Vermont Technical College: Implementing a Transformed Agriculture Education Program; Meeting Student and Workforce Needs
1031205 NEW OTHER GRANTS Darby, H. M. Darby,Heather Marie UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Enhancing the Viability of Grass-Fed Dairy Production in the U.S.through Comprehensive Research and Extension