Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0207031 NEW OTHER GRANTS Washburn, S. G. Washburn, S. G. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Integrated Marketing Communication: A New Model for Recruiting Pre-Service Agriculture Teachers
1031509 NEW OTHER GRANTS Watkins, C. Watkins,Christopher CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Benefits of and barriers to dynamic controlled atmosphere (DCA) storage: Analyses needed for technology uptake by the U.S. apple industry
1027439 NEW OTHER GRANTS Watkins, E. Watkins,Eric UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN WinterTurf: A Holistic Approach to Understanding the Mechanisms and Mitigating the Effects of Winter Stress on Turfgrasses in Northern Climates
1028825 NEW OTHER GRANTS Watt, C. E. Watt,Casey Elizabeth WILLOWCREEK ANIMAL HOSPITAL, P.C. ID ID203_Willowcreek Animal Hospital: Veterinary Services for Rural Idaho Producers
0198553 NEW OTHER GRANTS Waukechon, C. Waukechon, C. COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Creating a Model Outreach Program for Native Americans
1029954 NEW OTHER GRANTS Weatherwax, M. Madman,Cheryl BLACKFEET COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT BCC Meat Processing
1031034 NEW OTHER GRANTS Weaver, N. M. Weaver,Nikki Marincic SUBLETTE VETERINARY SERVICES, INC. WY Seeking funding opportunities to purchase tools and equipment to provide more veterinary services to food animal producers.
1030538 NEW OTHER GRANTS Webster, T. Webster,Thomas KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Enhancing Methods in Agricultural and Environmental Science for the Kentucky State University Master of Science in Environmental Studies Program
1033125 NEW OTHER GRANTS Weebadde, C. Weebadde,Cholani MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI A fast-track, flexible, accessible, affordable online Masters degree to build and retain highly skilled agricultural talent across borders.
1031963 NEW OTHER GRANTS Weerasooriya, A. D. Weerasooriya,Aruna Dharmapriya PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Establishing the breeding value for various economic traits of industrial hemp using multi-omics data
1031241 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wei, H. R. Wei,Hsar R TRANSPLANTING TRADITIONS COMMUNITY FARM, INC. NC Increase start up and/or income of new refugee and immigrant farm businesses across N.C. through wrap-around educationalĀ opportunities.
1030303 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wei, X. Wei,Xiaofang Central State University OH Building Education and Research Capacity of Unmanned Aerial Systems at Central State University
1031749 NEW OTHER GRANTS Weil, R. C. Weil,Robert Conrad CITY OF DECATUR IL Pride of the Prairie Food Waste Composting Plan
0203944 NEW OTHER GRANTS Weisser, D. L. Weisser, D. L. Sinte Gleska University SD Certificate Program in Tribal Health and Wellness Grant
0214843 NEW OTHER GRANTS Weisser, D. L. Weisser, D. L. Sinte Gleska University SD Increasing the capacity of Sinte Gleska University to provide land use management to the Sicangu Lakota Oyate through the establishment of t
1031527 NEW OTHER GRANTS Well, J. Well,Jay OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Adaptive Agriculture in a Changing Climate
0212296 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wells, J. Wells, J. MAHASKA COUNTY AGRICULTURE EXTENSION DISTRICT IA Annie's Project-Curriculum Review and Adatpation Project for Farm Women Financial Risk Management Education
1029211 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wenninger, E. J. Wenninger,Erik J UNIV OF IDAHO ID Dissecting effects of insect-transmitted viruses on yield and quality of forage alfalfa crops
1032918 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wenninger, E. J. Wenninger,Erik J UNIV OF IDAHO ID Extension Implementation Program for IPM in Idaho 2024-2027
1032311 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wesson, G. D. Wesson,Garlen Dale FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL 2020 Florida A&M University 1890 Scholarship program
1032884 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wesson, G. D. Wesson,Garlen Dale FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL 2020 Florida A&M University 1890 Scholarship program
1033317 NEW OTHER GRANTS West, T. West,Travis OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH PAYS (Pathways for Appalachian Youth Success)
1027414 NEW OTHER GRANTS Westfall, J. Westfall,Jill HUNGER SOLUTIONS MINNESOTA MN GusNIP Nutrition Incentive Grant
1026819 NEW OTHER GRANTS Westfall-Rudd, D. M. Westfall-Rudd,Donna M VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Native Student Retention Through Experiential Learning and Culturally Competent Mentoring Program
1030763 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wetzel, D. Wetzel,Dana MOTE MARINE LABORATORY FL An In-situ Biosensor for Rapid Sex Determination: A Critical Tool for Economic Growth and Profitability of Sturgeon Caviar Production
1030420 NEW OTHER GRANTS White, A. White,Alexandra PRODUCEGOOD CA Field to Family Food Rescue
0197689 NEW OTHER GRANTS White, M. White, M. LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College Extension Initiative
1030340 NEW OTHER GRANTS White, T. White,Tomekia UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Smart Discovery Farming to Build Sustainable Agriculture
1031900 NEW OTHER GRANTS White, T. White,Tomekia UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Cultivating A Greener Tomorrow through Smart and Sustainable Agriculture
1028768 NEW OTHER GRANTS White, W. W. White,Wendy Wade GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GA FSMA and Business Development Training to Underserved Small Food & Beverage Entrepreneurs and Future Capacity Building