Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1032962 NEW OTHER GRANTS Frank, D. Frank,Daniel VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Virginia IPM Extension Implementation Program
1032963 NEW OTHER GRANTS Krupke, C. Krupke,Christian PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Advancing IPM Knowledge and Adoption in Indiana
1032964 NEW OTHER GRANTS McCord, P. McCord,Per WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Understanding and Enhancing Climate Resilience in Prunus Crops
1032965 NEW OTHER GRANTS Martini, X. P. Martini,Xavier Philippe UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Understanding and managing effects of nuisance and phytophagous snail and slug species in horticultural crops: Research and Extension Planning Project Proposal
1032970 NEW OTHER GRANTS Whitehill, J. Whitehill,Justin NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC A Gift Seed: Accelerated Genetic Improvement Of Fir Through Sequencing, Economics, Extension, & Diagnostics
1032971 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tope, A. Bernard,Marcus KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY 1890 Scholarships Program for Kentucky State University
1032973 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sosnoskie, L. Sosnoskie,Lynn N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Identifying Needs and Overcoming Barriers for Adopting Novel Weed Control Technology in Perennial Crops
1032974 NEW OTHER GRANTS Threlfall, R. Threlfall,Renee UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Through the Grapevine: Developing Vitis x Muscadinia Wide Hybrids for Enhanced Disease Resistance and Quality
1032975 NEW OTHER GRANTS Patil, B. Patil,Bhimanagouda TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Climate resilient high-quality tomato varieties for sustainable production
1032976 NEW OTHER GRANTS Parks, A. Parks,Alfred PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX CAHS Passport to Careers in Agriculture Scholarships Program
1032977 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fields, J. S. Fields,Jeb S. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Beyond Peat: Substrate Security for a Changing Climate
1032978 NEW OTHER GRANTS Villegas, J. Villegas,James LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA IPM Extension Implementation for Louisiana
1032979 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bish, M. Bish,Mandy UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Strengthening Missouri IPM Resources to Reach Diverse Clientele with Sustainable Pest Management
1032980 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gang, D. Gang,David WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA POPBEANS SREP: Protein-rich Wholesome Popping Beans to Enhance Agricultural Production, Nutrition, and Sustainability
1032982 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jhala, A. J. Jhala,Amit J UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Nebraska Extension Implementation Program
1032983 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fontanier, C. Fontanier,Charles OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Integrating ecology, nursery, and turfgrass sciences to expand market opportunities and increase species richness in the American lawn
1032985 NEW OTHER GRANTS Durgan, B. Durgan,Beverly UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN IPM strategies in Minnesota for evolving climate, pests and audiences
1032987 NEW OTHER GRANTS McMoran, D. McMoran,Don WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program III
1032988 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kalcsits, L. Kalcsits,Lee WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Preparing U.S. Pome Fruit Production for Extreme Temperatures in a Changing Climate
1032990 NEW OTHER GRANTS Liu, X. Liu,Xiangping TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Comprehensive Experimental Learnings to Promote Climate Resilient Agriculture for Underrepresented Minority Students
1032992 NEW OTHER GRANTS COLQUHOUN, J. COLQUHOUN,JED UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Development and Delivery of Progressive IPM Outreach for Wisconsin Crops
1032997 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lebude, A. Lebude,Anthony NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Labor, Efficiency, Automation, and Production: LEAP Nursery Crops Toward Sustainability
1032998 NEW OTHER GRANTS Main, R. G. Main,Rodger Gary IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IA National Animal Health Laboratory Network Activities For Iowa State University - Level 1 Lab
1032999 NEW OTHER GRANTS YAMAMOTO, J. YAMAMOTO,JANEL UNIV OF HAWAII HI GoFarm Hawaii: Educating and Supporting Hawaii's Farmers
1033001 NEW OTHER GRANTS Reichhardt, C. Reichhardt,Caleb UNIV OF HAWAII HI Empowering the Future of Sustainable Tropical Livestock and Meat Industries through Education and Experiential Learning
1033003 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rondon, S. I. Rondon,Silvia I OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Oregon Integrated Pest Management Center: Understanding, Reconnecting, Delivering and Supporting State and Regional IPM Programs
1033004 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pierce, J. Pierce,Jane NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Expanding Extension IPM in New Mexico: A Multidisciplinary Approach
1033006 NEW OTHER GRANTS Corley, R. N. Corley,Robert N. VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA 1890 Scholarships Program: Next Generation of Food and Agricultural Scholars
1033009 NEW OTHER GRANTS Reay-Jones, F. Reay-Jones,Francis CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Crop Protection and Pest Management Extension Implementation Program for South Carolina