Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1009280 TERMINATED HATCH Gardner, E. Gardner, E. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Natural Killer Cell Response after Induction of Caloric Restriction in Adult or Aged Mice
1009279 TERMINATED HATCH Fenton, J. Fenton, J. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Diet, Obesity, Inflammation and Disease Risk
1009277 TERMINATED HATCH Taylor, JE, FR. Taylor, JE, FR. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Identification of causal variants underlying large effect QTL in beef cattle through the use of a functional variant assay and imputation to full genome sequence
1009276 TERMINATED HATCH Spencer, TH, . Spencer, TH, . UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Uterine Gland Function in Ruminants
1009273 TERMINATED HATCH Elsik, CH, G.. Elsik, CH. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Maintaining Genome Databases for Hymenopteran Insects
1009272 TERMINATED HATCH Shannon, M. Shannon, MA, CA. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Do old floor space allowances and nutrient requirements apply to modern finishing pigs marketed at 300 lb?
1009271 TERMINATED HATCH Van Emon, ME, . Van Emon, ME. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Developing Nutritional Strategies for Steer and Bull Development
1009270 TERMINATED HATCH Houseman, RI. Houseman, RI. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Ecology, Behavior, and Management of Insects in Human Environments
1009269 TERMINATED HATCH Williams, LA, . Williams, LA, . MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Skeletal Muscle Growth and Differentiation
1009268 TERMINATED HATCH Tidwell, D. Tidwell, D. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Parenting, energy dynamics, and lifestyle determinants of childhood obesity: New directions in prevention
1009266 TERMINATED HATCH Guo, WE, . Guo, WE, . UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Molecular Mechanism Mediating the effects of Obesity on Cardiac Function and Development in Fetuses and Offspring of Obese Mothers
1009265 TERMINATED HATCH Hoch, WI, . Hoch, WI. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Development and PRoduction of Ornamental Plants for Montana
1009262 TERMINATED HATCH Gill, S. Gill, S. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Mechanisms of bacterial toxins action in insects
1009261 TERMINATED HATCH Thompson, D. Oberhaus, ER, L. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Dopaminergic and anti-dopaminergic drugs in equine reproductive and metabolic physiology: Development of optimal modes of administration and use in basic research and on-farm applications
1009259 TERMINATED HATCH Petit, EL, . Petit, EL, . UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Multi-state Evaluation of Winegrape Cultivars and Clones
1009256 TERMINATED HATCH Cibelli, JO, . Cibelli, JO. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Mechanism of Cellular Reprogramming during Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
1009248 TERMINATED HATCH Li, YU, . Li, YU. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Developing management practices for Improving Soil and Water Quality
1009244 TERMINATED HATCH Ganganna, P. Monroe-Lord, LI, . UNIV OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DC Parental practices supporting positive eating behaviors during independent eating occasions among early adolescent children
1009243 TERMINATED HATCH Ganganna, P. Harrison, EL. UNIV OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DC Changing the Health Trajectory for Older Adults through Effective Diet and Activity Modifications
1009242 TERMINATED HATCH Palma, MA, A. Palma, MA, A.. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Specialty Crops and Food Systems: Exploring Markets, Supply Chains and Policy Dimensions
1009239 TERMINATED HATCH Annis, P, . Annis, P, . UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Transfer of Particulates and Microorganisms from Interior Textiles to Human Skin-like Surfaces
1009236 TERMINATED HATCH Jones, JE, . Jones, JE. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL From Theory to Practice: Using Developmental Theory to Promote Engaged Philanthropy
1009233 TERMINATED HATCH Zhang, J. Zhang, JI. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Genetic Improvement of Cotton Germplasm for New Mexico
1009230 TERMINATED HATCH Sorensen, TY, . Sorensen, TY, JO. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1009229 TERMINATED HATCH McGregor, CE, E.. McGregor, CE, E.. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Molecular tools for selection of flowering traits in triploid cultivars and their diploid pollenizers for increased seedless watermelon production
1009226 TERMINATED HATCH Sibeko, LI, . Sibeko, LI, . UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Parenting, energy dynamics, and lifestyle determinants of childhood obesity: New directions in prevention
1009220 TERMINATED HATCH Lombard, K. Lombard, K. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Horticulture and Health in Northwest New Mexico
1009219 TERMINATED HATCH Scott, T. Dunn, HE. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Omics evaluation of tissues following biopsy to improve predictive indices in cattle
1009218 TERMINATED HATCH Zhang, MI, . Zhang, MI, . UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Food, Feed, Fuel, and Fiber: Security Under a Changing Climate