Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0196970 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Moore, G. A. Moore, G. A. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Resistance to Citrus Tristeza Virus via Gene Silencing and Plant Resistance Genes
0196966 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Coop, L. B. Coop, L. B. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Regional Internet and GIS-Based Multiple Pest Forecasting and Risk Management System
0196949 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Vivanco, J. M. Vivanco, J. M. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Integrated Management of Centaurea Maculosa (Spotted Knapweed) in the Western United States While Utilizing its Allelochemical Properties..
0196933 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Taylor, S. L. Taylor, S. L. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Midwest Advanced Food Manufacturing Alliance
0196931 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kerley, M. Kerley, M. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Beef Technology Transfer
0196918 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Gleason, M. L. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Validating and Implementing IPM Alternatives to Conventional Management of the Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck Complex on Apples
0196895 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Creamer, R. Creamer, R. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV NM The Influence of Climate on London Rocket and Beet Leafhoppers and Their Role in Curly Top Infection of Chile in New Mexico
0196861 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Foil, L. D. Foil, L. D. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Development of an Integrated Control Program for Stable Flies
0196857 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Scherm, H. Scherm, H. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Development and Evaluation of Integrated Disease Management Tactics for Armillaria Root Rot of Peach
0196833 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Slusser, J. R. Slusser, J. R. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Development and Management of a USDA UVB Monitoring Program
0196832 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT O'Toole, D. T. O'Toole, D. T. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Wyoming Wildlife/Livestock Disease Research Partnership: Chronic Wasting Disease Studies
0196808 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Schwartz, H. F. Schwartz, H. F. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Seed Transmission and Ecology of Xanthomonas Campestris on Onion
0196805 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Oliver, J. B. Oliver, J. B. TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Alternative Field Nursery Stock Quarantine Treatments for Imported Fire Ant and Japanese Beetle as Substitutes for Chlorpyrifos
0196791 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Knight, J. K. Knight, J. E. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Economic and Technical Guidelines for Control of Ground Squirrels in Alfalfa
0196765 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Merchant, M. E. Merchant, M. E. TEXAS A&M UNIV TX IPM Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool for Schools
0196748 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hu, J. Hu, J. UNIV OF HAWAII HI Development and Implementation of Environmental-Friendly Strategies for Management of Mealybug Wilt of Pineapple
0196743 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Leppla, N. C. Leppla, N. C. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Incorporating Alternative, Multi-tactic IPM into the Crop Planning Process of Florida Vegetable Growers
0196735 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Bailey, D. Bailey, D. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Center for Food Quality-Utah
0196720 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Salman, M. Turney, L. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Enhancement of the Program for Economically Important Infectious Animal Diseases
0196717 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kring, T. J. Kring, T. J. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Incorporating Beneficial Insects in Treatment Decisions for Cotton Aphid
0196713 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Murphy, J. F. Murphy, J. F. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Management of Cucumber Mosaic Virus and Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Pepper and Tomato Using Biological Preparations and Reflective Mulch
0196670 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Ravlin, F. W. Ravlin, F. W. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Special Research Grant for Dietary Intervention: Chemoprevention of Oral and GI Tract Cancers with Berries
0196633 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Grafton, K. F. Grafton, K. F. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Alternative Crops
0196630 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hausbeck, M. Hausbeck, M. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Using Reduced Risk Fungicides and a Disease Forecaster to Manage Foliar Blights on Ginseng
0196621 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Bergh, J. C. Bergh, J. C. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Development of Improved Monitoring Techniques and Decision Tools for the Dogwood Borer, Synanthedon scitula Harris, in Southern Apple Orch.
0196595 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Garza, R. Garza, R. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO TX Hispanic Leadership Program for Research in Food and Agricultural Sciences
0196587 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Grafton, K. Grafton, K. F. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Crop Diversification, North Dakota and Missouri
0196581 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Springer, P. Springer, P. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Activation Tagging in Arabidopsis: Dissection of Developmental and Stress-Response Pathways using Dominant Mutations.
0196576 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Horn, G. W. Horn, G. W. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Increasing Profitability of the Wheat/Stocker Cattle Enterprise