Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1031470 NEW OTHER GRANTS Graham, K. K. Graham,Kelsey Katherine AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE CA Novel approaches for pest management and pollinator protection during the production of alfalfa grown for seed
1031464 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shah, D. Shah,Dipa COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CA A Produce Prescription Program with Tiered Incentive Amounts for Patients with Diabetes and Prediabetes in Los Angeles County
1031457 NEW OTHER GRANTS Blonder, B. Blonder,Benjamin UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Remote sensing of vegetation, soils, and crop health with field spectrometry
1031435 NEW OTHER GRANTS Harding, K. L. Tolar-Peterson,Terezie CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY CA Capacity Building for Sustainable Food Systems in the Inland Empire
1031434 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rivera-Figueroa, A. Rivera-Figueroa,Armando LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CA Focus on Outreach, Opportunity, and Diversity in Food Science and Technology (FOOD FST)
1031416 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cheng, H. Cheng,Hao UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Platforms and methods for sharing and collaboration on AG2P using public and confidential data
1031399 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hwang, J. Hwang,Jiwon California State University, Los Angeles CA e-FARMS: Education Reform in Food and Agriculture Using Reactive Molecular Dynamic Simulations and Science Pedagogy
1031392 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gonzales, B. Gonzales,Belen Hartnell Community College CA Hartnell College Project to Develop an Agricultural Mechatronics Career Pipeline
1031366 NEW OTHER GRANTS Johnson, S. Johnson,Sara California State University, Fullerton CA The U-ACRE Project: Instilling Leadership, Resilience, and Research Skills to Prepare Students at Hispanic Serving Institutions for Careers in Food and Agriculture
1031356 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tell, L. A. Tell,Lisa Ann UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Food Animal Residue Avoidance Depletion Program (FARAD) 2023-2025
1031332 NEW OTHER GRANTS Brown, N. Brown,Niki SISKIYOU COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CA Advancing Next Generation Livestock Farmers and Ranchers: Land Transitions, Capacity Building, and Access to CapitalĀ 
1031331 NEW OTHER GRANTS Faucher, C. Faucher,Chris FIVE KEYS SCHOOLS AND PROGRAMS CA Cultivate: Launching and Supporting Indigenous, Spanish-Speaking and Underserved Beginning Farmers
1031329 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gunasekara, A. Gunasekara,Amrith CALIFORNIA BOUNTIFUL FOUNDATION CA Agricultural Mentoring and Education for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Including those that are Socially Disadvantaged and Veterans in California
1031328 NEW OTHER GRANTS Harkleroad, N. Harkleroad,Nathan AGRICULTURE & LAND-BASED TRAINING ASSOCIATION (ALBA) CA Intensive on-farm training and access to resources to enable Latino farmworkers to transition to organic farm ownership
1031317 NEW OTHER GRANTS Brummer, E. C. Brummer,Edward Charles UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Extending the Scope of SCOPE: Sharing tools and expanding partnerships for organic cultivar development
1031296 NEW OTHER GRANTS Xiong, V. Xiong,Vila ASIAN BUSINESS INSTITUTE AND RESOURCE CENTER CA Southeast Asian (SEA) Beginning Farmer Program of Fresno
1031254 NEW OTHER GRANTS Nansen, C. Nansen,Christian UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Integration of frontier technologies to promote adoption of organic tomato production
1031190 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pires, A. F. Pires,Alda F UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Influence of Orchard Grazing on Soil Health and Pest Control While Mitigating Food Safety Risks
1031071 NEW OTHER GRANTS Maier, G. U. Maier,Gabriele U UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Elevating awareness of food animal veterinary practice careers among high schoolers
1031043 NEW OTHER GRANTS Philpott, S. Philpott,Stacy UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA Cultivando Lideres: A regional partnership for training and serving diverse students in agroecology, justice, and equity
1030974 NEW OTHER GRANTS Li, Y. Li,Yize CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY CA Collaborative Capacity Building On Biodegradable Soil Sensors For Sustainable Agriculture
1030957 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stock, P. Daley,Cynthia California State University, Chico CA Education and Work Force Development in Climate Smart Agriculture
1030947 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hejazi, M. Hejazi,Mina California State University, Chico CA Economics of Food Safety: a case-study approach
1030918 NEW OTHER GRANTS Grieshop, M. J. Grieshop,Matthew James-Donovan CAL POLY CORPORATION CA Fostering experiential learning through the evaluation of a regenerative vegetable system
1030902 NEW OTHER GRANTS Doan, H. K. Doan,Hung Kim UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Food Safety Outreach & Technical Assistance to Historically Underrepresented Farmers in the Inland Empire of Southern California
1030786 NEW OTHER GRANTS Still, D. Still,David CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIV CA Building a Boulevard for Career Success in Agriculture and Natural Resources for Underrepresented Students
1030745 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bliss, S. Bliss,Shannon Hartnell Community College CA Hartnell College Learning to Lead: Career Pathways Supporting US Leafy Green Production
1030734 NEW OTHER GRANTS Flores-Renteria, L. Flores-Renteria,Lluvia SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY CA Expanding and Diversifying Careers in Sustainable Food Systems Along the US-Mexico Border
1030721 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dundore-Arias, J. Dundore-Arias,Jose Pablo CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, MONTEREY BAY CA Nurturing Relationships to Harvest Success: Leveraging Social Capital for Training the Next Generation of Diverse Agricultural Leaders