Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0197415 NEW OTHER GRANTS McKeon-Hanson, E. McKeon-Hanson, E. STONE CHILD COLLEGE MT Stone Child College - Equity in Education
0201146 NEW OTHER GRANTS McKeon-Hanson, E. M. McKeon-Hanson, E. M. STONE CHILD COLLEGE MT Stone Child College Equity in Education
1031381 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gross, D. Gross,Dean NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Stop the Bleed: Empowering North Dakota Rural Communities Project
1032706 NEW OTHER GRANTS Audoin, F. Audoin,Flavie UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Stories of American Rangelands: Meeting the Challenges of a Changing Climate & Culture
1030912 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mansfeldt, C. Mansfeldt,Cresten UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO CO STRATAGEM: Standardizing Techniques to Reinforce Agricultural-runoff Threat Assessments for Genetically Engineered Microorganisms
1033146 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pinnamaneni, S. Pinnamaneni,Srinivas COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Strategies for sustaining the productivity of alfalfa under water limited environments of the Intermountain West
1032714 NEW OTHER GRANTS Brady, E. Brady,Earl DANIELLE AND EARL BRADY LLC VT Strategies to increase efficiency and feasibility of a large animal veterinary service for Danielle and EARL BRADY LLC (dba Cold Hollow Veterinary Services) to the JVTNH241 veterinary shortage area.
0229554 NEW OTHER GRANTS Brockington, D. C. Brockington,Deneene C. Resources for Human Development PA Strawberry Mansion Community Food Planning Project to Address The Food Insecurity Needs of Low-Income Households
0197603 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sweet, D. Sweet, D. COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Strengthen Student Recruitment in Nutrition and Food Science Program
1030328 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jiang, G. Jiang,Guo-Liang VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Strengthening 1890 Capacity in Plant Breeding and Promotion of Edamame and Dual-Purpose Soybeans for the South Atlantic States
1033213 NEW OTHER GRANTS Joseph, H. Joseph,Hugh THIRD SECTOR NEW ENGLAND, INC. MA Strengthening Capacities to Provide More Effective Training and Technical Assistance.
1032798 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schneider, S. Schneider,Sue COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Strengthening capacity to promote healthy behaviors and improve quality of life for older adults in rural Colorado
1031385 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bowie, M. Bowie,Maria UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Strengthening Cooperative Extension Capacity for Emergency Response
1029343 NEW OTHER GRANTS Abuelo Sebio, A. Abuelo Sebio,Angel MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Strengthening Dairy Health Through Multidisciplinary Doctoral Training of Veterinary Scientists
0217998 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rhodes, K. Rhodes,Kevin SHAWNEE COMMUNITY COLLEGE IL Strengthening Education in Food & Agricultural Sciences in the Rural Shawnee Region
1031604 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kumar, S. Kumar,Sanjiv AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Strengthening Environmental Data Science program in the black belt region through undergraduate scholarships, curriculum development, and experiential learning
1033117 NEW OTHER GRANTS Turner, B. Turner,Benjamin TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY- KINGSVILLE TX Strengthening Faculty for Teaching the Next Generation of Wicked Problem Solvers
1032376 NEW OTHER GRANTS Simonsen, J. Simonsen,Jon UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Strengthening Farm Financial Benchmarking for an agricultural industry in transition
1031922 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zhang, J. Zhang,Jingfang ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Strengthening Food Systems in an Era of Extreme Weather
1033070 NEW OTHER GRANTS DE LA CRUZ, T. C. DE LA CRUZ,TIMMY CASTRO UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Strengthening Human Nutrition/Food Science and Child and Family Life Science Program at the University of Guam
1027359 NEW OTHER GRANTS Merrifield, J. Pritchard,Nigel Athens Land Trust GA Strengthening innovative tools and resources for farmland access, transfer, and succession for beginning farmers in Georgia
1032924 NEW OTHER GRANTS Miller, F. L. Miller,Frannie L KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Strengthening IPM Knowledge to Support Behavior Change for Kansas Stakeholders
1032979 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bish, M. Bish,Mandy UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Strengthening Missouri IPM Resources to Reach Diverse Clientele with Sustainable Pest Management
1031686 NEW OTHER GRANTS Scott, S. Scott,Samuel NORTH-SOUTH INSTITUTE FL Strengthening of Veterans Employment and Business Development through Veteran Business Incubator Clusters and Compensatory Work Therapy Networks
1032520 NEW OTHER GRANTS Navas, C. Navas,Claudia FARM TRAINING COLLECTIVE NYC, INC NY Strengthening Our Food System for Queer & Trans (QT) and Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Farmers and Urban Consumers
1025313 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jacobsen, K. L. Jacobsen,Krista L. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Strengthening Plant Production Though an Interdisciplinary Food Systems Graduate Training Program
1029123 NEW OTHER GRANTS Acuna-Guzman, S. F. Acuna-Guzman,Salvador F. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO EXTENSION PR Strengthening Puerto Rico’s Scientific Capabilities in Water Erosion and Sediment Transport Research
1031319 NEW OTHER GRANTS MARUTANI, M. N. MARUTANI,MARI N UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Strengthening research capability in micro-imagery and next generation DNA sequencing for plant taxonomy in Guam
1007145 NEW OTHER GRANTS Beltrami, J. Beltrami,Joleen University of the Incarnate Word TX Strengthening the Agricultural Statistics Pipeline at Hispanic-Serving Institutions
1030251 NEW OTHER GRANTS Silva, R. C. Silva,Roberta C NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Strengthening the Food and Nutritional Sciences Program to Create a Pipeline for Graduate Study and a Diverse Workforce