Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1028711 NEW OTHER GRANTS Marshall, S. Marshall,Susie TEXAS ORGANIC FARMERS AND GARDENERS ASSOCIATION TX Targeted Food Safety Training for Small Farms in Texas
1028721 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pournik, M. Pournik,Maysam UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX Collaborative Effort to Enhance Water Supply for Agriculture and Food Development through Educational Training of Hispanic Professionals
1028748 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shim, R. Shim,Rosalyn TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX New Breed: Training Work-Force Ready Plant Breeders By Integrating Core Knowledge With Applied Research And Experiential Learning
1028751 NEW OTHER GRANTS Djidonou, D. Djidonou,Desire Texas A&M University-Commerce TX Enhancing Research and Education Capacity in Controlled Environment Production Systems for a Sustainable Urban Agriculture
1028763 NEW OTHER GRANTS Iranikermani, R. Wolfskill,Lawrence SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY TX Enhancing Present and Future Texas Farmers` Digital Marketing Capabilities by Building Capacity for Research, Education, and Outreach
1028808 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gibbons, P. M. Gibbons,Pippa May TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Professional Skill Bootcamp for Recent Graduates in Production Animal Medicine
1028834 NEW OTHER GRANTS Boutwell, N. Boutwell,Nikki TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Veterinary Science Certificate Program(VSCP) Services Grant
1028868 NEW OTHER GRANTS Drewery, M. Drewery,Merritt TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Mentorship and Promotion of Women and Minorities in Agriculture (MPOWA)
1028898 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sulbaran, T. A. Sulbaran,Tulio A UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO TX Expanding Participation of Women and Underrepresented Minorities in STEM Post-Secondary Education through H-Sum and E-Sum
1028954 NEW OTHER GRANTS Parks, A. L. Parks,Alfred L PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX CAHS Passport to Careers in Agriculture Scholarships Program
1029192 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mix, K. Mix,Ken TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Bridging Success: Strengthening Community, Capacity, and Viability of Texas Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
1029240 NEW OTHER GRANTS Byrne, D. H. Riera-Lizarazu,Oscar TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Developing Sustainable Rose Landscapes via Rose Rosette Disease Education and Outreach, Socioeconomic Assessments and Breeding RRD Resistant Roses with Stable Black Spot Resistance
1029268 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cavnar, G. Cavnar,Grace RECIPE FOR SUCCESS FOUNDATION TX Growing a New Tradition of Urban Farmers ("New Traditions")
1029308 NEW OTHER GRANTS Marshall, S. Marshall,Susie GLEANING NETWORK OF TEXAS, THE TX Ensuring More Farm Success in North Texas
1029311 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cardoso, R. Cardoso,Rodolfo TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) System for Animal Research
1029366 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ray, R. Ray,Ram PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Assessing Soil CO2 Emissions using an Automated Soil Carbon Flux Monitoring System
1029434 NEW OTHER GRANTS MacMillan Uribe, A. MacMillan Uribe,Alexandra TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX The Produce Prescription for Healthy Blood Pressure program to manage hypertension among West Dallas, TX residents
1029469 NEW OTHER GRANTS Den, W. Den,Walter TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY-SAN ANTONIO TX Water for Texas through Education and Research – A transdisciplinary undergraduate sustainability program (WaTER)
1029571 NEW OTHER GRANTS Borges, B. Borges,Brad TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX SWEAT: Standardized Welding Education and Training
1029596 NEW OTHER GRANTS Contreras, L. Contreras,Lucille TEXAS TRIBAL BUFFALO PROJECT TX Innovative Approach to Reclaim Traditional Foodways
1029752 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cruz-Reyes, A. L. Cruz-Reyes,Aisha Lee UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX Texas Agricultural Communities Creating Equitable Service Success (Texas Access)
1029788 NEW OTHER GRANTS Machado, T. Machado,Tanner TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY- KINGSVILLE TX Manager Education and Agriculture Technical Skills (MEAT`S) Workforce
1029951 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sen, S. Sen,Sudipta CIRRUS360 LLC TX Edge Computing driven AUTOMATION for small and medium Poultry and Meat Processors
1030249 NEW OTHER GRANTS Carson, L. Carson,Laura PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Enhanced production of beneficial secondary metabolites in specialty crops: Elucidating the role of agriculturally relevant metallic oxide nanoparticles
1030270 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lohakare, J. Lohakare,Jayant PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Utilization of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae for sustainable food animal production and organic farming
1030271 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kidane, N. Kidane,Negusse PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Evaluating the Nutritional Profile of Industrial Hemp Farm-Byproducts and Extraction Residues as Alternative Feed Resources for Goats
1030301 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tolen, T. Tolen,Tamra PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Experiential Approach to Beef Cattle Production Feedlots for Undergraduate Students
1030317 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kinman, L. A. Kinman,Lea Ann PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Student Workforce Development Program Promoting Experiential Learning for the Meat and Poultry Industry
1030380 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ray, R. Ray,Ram PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Quantifying Carbon Sequestration Potential of Sorghum Cultivars through Field Experiments and Modeling