Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1026582 NEW OTHER GRANTS Radhakrishnan, P. Radhakrishnan,Preethi RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK NY Project SEMBRAR: Growing and Diversifying the Next Generation of Urban Agricultural STEM Leaders
1026581 NEW OTHER GRANTS Donatello, R. Donatello,Robin California State University, Chico CA DA-FAN_HSI
1026579 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gaines, T. Gaines,Todd COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Workforce Development and Diversification in Agricultural Biosecurity through Experiential Training in Pest Management
1026578 NEW OTHER GRANTS Teske, J. Teske,Jennifer UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Arizona`s Science, Engineering, And Mathematic Scholars (ASEMS): Preparing And Retaining Leaders In STEAM
1026577 NEW OTHER GRANTS Drewery, M. Drewery,Merritt TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, and Mathematics: integrating scientific inquiry in curriculum for pre-service Agricultural Education teachers (STEAM-AGED)
1026566 NEW OTHER GRANTS Racelis, A. E. Racelis,Alexis Eclevia UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX South Texas Agricultural Roadmap for Teaching, Research, Experiential Learning, and Careers (STARTREC) in Food, Agriculture
1026564 NEW OTHER GRANTS Russell, M. Dockry,Michael J UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Establishing a Tribal Natural Resources graduate program track and increasing the diversity of natural resources students at the University of Minnesota
1026561 NEW OTHER GRANTS Agudelo, P. Agudelo,Paula CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Training Under-represented Minority Scholars in Sustainable Management of Plant Diseases
1026557 NEW OTHER GRANTS Morales, C. R. Morales,Carlos R SISTEMA UNIVERSITARIO ANA G. MENDEZ, INC. PR Agricultural Diverse Learning Approach Program
1026551 NEW OTHER GRANTS Balan, V. Balan,Venkatesh UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON SYSTEM TX Prepare Next Generation of Hispanic Students for Career in Food Biotechnology.
1026547 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dunn, B. Dunn,Bruce OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Growing Tomorrow`s Leaders through Graduate Studies in Sustainable Urban Horticulture
1026534 NEW OTHER GRANTS Miklavcic, J. Miklavcic,John CHAPMAN UNIVERSITY CA Developing Technical Competencies and Leadership Skills of Underrepresented Students in Food Science and Nutrition
1026533 NEW OTHER GRANTS Maller, M. Robinson,Seri C OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Multicultural Scholars: Diversification of Renewable Materials Students through Strategic Mentorship of Marginalized Populations
1026506 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gill, N. S. Gill,Nathan Samuel TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Training experts to investigate, manage & communicate complexities of forest resource use under novel patterns of wildfire in the Western US
1026498 NEW OTHER GRANTS Machado, T. J. Machado,Tanner Joseph TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY- KINGSVILLE TX Multicultural-Scholars Pre-Vet Experiential Agriculture Learning (M-SPEAL)
1026496 NEW OTHER GRANTS Knowlton, K. F. Bedore,Jessica Suagee VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA MSP Veterinary Scholars in Production and Regulatory Medicine
1026414 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jones, M. P. Cooper,ShaRonda UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN University of Tennessee Doctor of Veterinary Medicine MSP: Growing Diversity and Cross-Cultural Competency in the Veterinary Profession
1026371 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shetty, K. Shetty,Kateel FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FL Empowering students in the emerging big data field through multicultural scholar program
1026360 NEW OTHER GRANTS Grubinger, V. P. Leslie,Teresa UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Northeast SARE Regional Program
1026344 NEW OTHER GRANTS Nelson, B. Nelson,Beth UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Coordination of the USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grant program for the twelve North Central states.
1026323 NEW OTHER GRANTS Harp, D. Harp,Derald Texas A&M University-Commerce TX Plant DRIPS – Plant Drought Response and Insect Pollinator Studies at Texas A&M University-Commerce and Tarleton State University
1026295 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jordan, J. L. Jordan,Jeffrey L UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program 2021
1026286 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kroll, K. Borrelli,Kristy UNIV OF MARYLAND MD National Reporting, Coordinating and Communications Office
1026264 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gekara, O. Gekara,Ondieki CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIV CA Enhancing Research Skills Of Underrepresented Students In Feed Manufacturing Technology
1026256 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cisneros, L. Cisneros,Laura UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT A FANH Pathway: Engaging & Retaining Historically Marginalized Teens with FANH Service Learning & Near-Peer Mentoring
1026251 NEW OTHER GRANTS Marlow, C. B. Marlow,Clayton B MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT FY 2021 Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Host Institution Non-competitive Renewal
1026171 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zabawa, R. Zabawa,Robert TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL The Economic Impact of Race and Region on Heir Property in the Rural South
1025999 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schwertner, T. Schwertner,Thomas TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY - TIAER TX Understanding and Supporting Human-Wildlife Coexistence in Agricultural Systems: Collaboration Across Continents and Cultures
1025526 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mulvaney, D. Mulvaney,Donald AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL A Sustainable, Efficient, Profitable Beef Production Future
1025506 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kollanoor Johny, A. Kollanoor Johny,Anup UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Development of an affordable, adaptable, and accessible Master of Science program in poultry production and health for non-traditional students