Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0223550 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Wiggs, C. B. Christine Bracamonte Wiggs UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ CYFERnet Clickers
0213109 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Peterson, D. J. Peterson, D. J. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ CYFERnet Evaluation
0218028 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Russell, S. Russell,Stephen UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ CYFERnet Evaluation
0213146 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Kurzynske, J. Kurzynske, J. S. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY CYFERnet Program
0221631 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Jester, R. Ritter,William F UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Delaware AgrAbility Program
1000698 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Whalen, J. M. Whalen,Joanne M UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Delaware Extension - IPM Coordination Proposal: 2013-2016
1004212 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Thayer, H. E. Thayer,Harry E DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Delaware State University Sustainable Community Project
0213744 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Manno, M. Manno, M. UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Delaware Sustainable Communities Program
0206431 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Jester, R. C. Jester, R. C. UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Delaware-Maryland AgrAbility Project
0217929 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Colquhoun, J. Boerboom, C. M. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - EXTENSION WI Delivering IPM Education To Wisconsin Stakeholders
0222234 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Colquhoun, J. B. Colquhoun,Jed B UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - EXTENSION WI Delivering IPM Education to Wisconsin Stakeholders
0222917 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Landis, J. Landis,Joy Neumann MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Delivering Michigan IPM Extension programming to reduce potential risk to humans and the environment while supporting end-user profitability
0217961 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Landis, J. Landis, J. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Delivering Michigan IPM Extension programming to support end-user profitability and reduce potential risk to humans and environment.
1001160 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Carley, D. S. Carley,Danesha Seth NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Delivery, Monitoring, Evaluation and Needs Assessment Tools and Programs to Magnify Statewide IPM Impacts in North Carolina
1013465 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Hunnings, J. R. Hunnings,Joseph R VIRGINIA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION, VA POLYTECH INST. VA Developing a Partnership between The Pamunkey Indian Tribe and Virginia Cooperative Extension
0225444 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Mangold, J. Mangold,Jane MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE MT Developing a Statewide Invasive Plant Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) Program: The Foundation of Effective Integrated Pest Mgmt.
0230033 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Tooker, J. F. Tooker,John Frazier PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Developing an IPM program for the western bean cutworm, a new corn and dry bean pest in the Northeast Region
1001366 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Guedot, C. Guedot,Christelle UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Developing and delivering sustainable SWD management solutions for North Central region berry growers
0219935 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Jepsen, S. D. Jepsen, S. D. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION OH Developing Cultural- and Age-Appropriate Farm Safety Resources for Anabaptist Children and their Families
1000582 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Stocks, S. D. Stocks,Stephanie D UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Developing educational material for vegetable producers on high consequence pests of crops:bagrada bug, kudzu bug, and European pepper moth
0221940 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Murphy, D. Murphy,Dennis PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Developing Youth Farm Safety Education Programs in Southeastern U.S. Using The National Safe Tractor and Machinery Operation Program
1004800 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Agnello, A. M. Agnello,Arthur M. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Development & Optimization of Solid-Set Canopy Delivery Systems for Resource Efficient, Ecologically Sustainable Apple Production
0225093 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Ascerno, M. E. Ascerno,Mark E UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Development and Delivery of Bed Bug IPM Educational Modules to Diverse Audiences
0221700 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Schnabel, G. Schnabel, G. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SC Development and implementation of a web application in support of the 'Profile' resistance management program
0227069 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Lamb, E. Lamb,Elizabeth CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Development and introduction of handheld mobile application technology supporting biological control in greenhouse pest management
0218784 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Cooley, D. Miller, W. UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Development of Advanced Integrated Pest Management for Northeastern Apples
0221721 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Mueller, D. S. Mueller,Daren Shane IOWA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION IA Development of an IPM Curriculum with Scouting Competitions to Promote Youth Education
0219043 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Harmon, C. L. Carrie Lapaire Harmon UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Development of an online culture and morphology image reference tool for diagnosticians and identifiers
0225264 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Borgwordt, C. J. Borgwordt,Cindy Jean LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Development of Aquaculture Integrated Pest Management Training for Missouri Stakeholders