Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1028726 NEW OTHER GRANTS Krishnan, V. Krishnan,Viswanathan CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV. FRESNO FOUNDATION CA Fresno State HSI (Fresh) Program In The Applications Of Metabolomics Of Agricultural Biotechnology
1028727 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pheasant, S. Pheasant,Susan CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV. FRESNO FOUNDATION CA Utilization Focused Evaluation Conference for Pacific Coast HSIs - Maximizing Tools, Talent and Technology
1029044 NEW OTHER GRANTS Konduru, S. Konduru,Srinivasa CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV. FRESNO FOUNDATION CA Pathways in Undergraduate Education for Multicultural Scholars with Collaboration between Fresno State and Madera Community Colleg
1029418 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pooya, S. Pooya,Shabnam CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV. FRESNO FOUNDATION CA The effect of Comprehensive Nutrition Intervention with emphasis on fresh fruit and vegetable consumption on reducing food insecurity and diet-related chronic disease at CSU Fresno
1029795 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tarrant, K. Tarrant,Katy CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV. FRESNO FOUNDATION CA Flying the COOP: Empowering Underrepresented Students to Broaden Poultry Processing Career Horizons in the COOP Center of Excellence
1032881 NEW OTHER GRANTS Huisinga, L. Huisinga,Laura CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV. FRESNO FOUNDATION CA PEEPS: Professional Experience and Enrichment in Poultry Science
1023166 NEW OTHER GRANTS Michieka, N. Michieka,Nyakundi CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY CA BRIXCAL: Building Research and Internship Experiences for Hispanics in California`s Central Valley
1030974 NEW OTHER GRANTS Li, Y. Li,Yize CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY CA Collaborative Capacity Building On Biodegradable Soil Sensors For Sustainable Agriculture
1031435 NEW OTHER GRANTS Harding, K. L. Tolar-Peterson,Terezie CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY CA Capacity Building for Sustainable Food Systems in the Inland Empire
1026674 NEW OTHER GRANTS Garcia-Vega, M. Garcia-Vega,Melawhy CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY LONG BEACH FOUNDATION CA Leveraging Interdisciplinary Nutritional Knowledge (LINK) Program
1026607 NEW OTHER GRANTS Banks, J. Banks,John CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, MONTEREY BAY CA Increased Degree Attainment in FANH Sciences: Creating a Regional Pipeline
1030721 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dundore-Arias, J. Dundore-Arias,Jose Pablo CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, MONTEREY BAY CA Nurturing Relationships to Harvest Success: Leveraging Social Capital for Training the Next Generation of Diverse Agricultural Leaders
1026581 NEW OTHER GRANTS Donatello, R. Donatello,Robin California State University, Chico CA DA-FAN_HSI
1030947 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hejazi, M. Hejazi,Mina California State University, Chico CA Economics of Food Safety: a case-study approach
1030957 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stock, P. Daley,Cynthia California State University, Chico CA Education and Work Force Development in Climate Smart Agriculture
1031366 NEW OTHER GRANTS Johnson, S. Johnson,Sara California State University, Fullerton CA The U-ACRE Project: Instilling Leadership, Resilience, and Research Skills to Prepare Students at Hispanic Serving Institutions for Careers in Food and Agriculture
1031399 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hwang, J. Hwang,Jiwon California State University, Los Angeles CA e-FARMS: Education Reform in Food and Agriculture Using Reactive Molecular Dynamic Simulations and Science Pedagogy
1032782 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hibbs, B. Hibbs,Barry California State University, Los Angeles CA Competitive Water Availability for Agriculture, Wetlands, and Dust Mitigation in Salton Sea Area
1032838 NEW OTHER GRANTS Besnilian, A. A. Besnilian,Annette A California State University, Northridge CA Collaborative Pathways to Food and Nutrition Careers through Culinary and Food Safety Certification
1032846 NEW OTHER GRANTS Efrat, M. W. Efrat,Merav W California State University, Northridge CA Recruiting and Preparing Underrepresented Students for Careers as Certified Lactation Counselors
1026583 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lawrence, E. Knutson-Miller,Kari California State University, Stanislaus CA Career Ready Ag Food Safety (CRAFS)
1031295 NEW OTHER GRANTS Willsrud, S. Willsrud,Susan CALYPSO FARM AND ECOLOGY CENTER AK Growing Alaskan Farmers: An agricultural training program for Alaska Native people and their communities
1031037 NEW OTHER GRANTS Vena, A. Vena,Aubrey CAMBRIA VETERINARY CARE PA Cambria Veterinary Care Veterinary Services Grant Program RPE Shortage Area PA235
1029637 NEW OTHER GRANTS Drew, J. Drew,John Frederick CAMP CARVER KS Enhancing Knowledge and Skills of Socially Disadvantaged, and Veteran Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in Missouri and Kansas
0204910 NEW OTHER GRANTS Constantz, G. Constantz, G. CANAAN VALLEY INSTITUTE WV Characterization of Wetlands in North-Central West Virginia for Conservation and Restoration Prioritization
0195818 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cummings, T. Sherman, M. Canby School District #86 OR Alternative Growing Biological Environment
0196497 NEW OTHER GRANTS Guy, E. T. Guy, E. T. CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Volunteerism and Leadership program
0197327 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lohnes, D. Lohnes, D. CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Rebuilding the Heritage of Agriculture and Natural Resources on the Spirit Lake Dakota Nation
0200245 NEW OTHER GRANTS Guy, E. Guy, E. CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Spirit Lake Volunteerism and Leadership Development Project
0201113 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lohnes, D. Lohnes, D. CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Rebuilding the Heritage of Agriculture and Natural Resources on the Spirit Lake Dakota Nation