Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027068 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sablani, S. Sablani,Shyam WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Virtual and Remote Laboratories for Enhanced Food Science and Engineering Education
1027037 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kalyanaraman, A. Kalyanaraman,Ananth WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA AI Institute: Agricultural AI for Transforming Workforce and Decision Support (AgAID)
1027027 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Walsh, D. Walsh,Doug M. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Washington State IPM Extension Implementation Program 2021-2024
1026790 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hawk, C. Hawk,Carol FOUNDATION OF DISTRICT 304 WA COVID Relief 2020-70030-33190: Skagit County FVRx Program
1026663 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Arques, S. Arques,Sylvie NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA Eco-hydrological Model of the Nooksack River Watershed for Nutrient Loads Assessment and Harmful Algal Events in Lummi, Portage, and Bellingham Bays (WA)
1026511 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jocson, D. Jocson,Dowen WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Using Vibrational Communication for Mating Disruption and Pest Management
1026471 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Boyer, N. R. Boyer,Nathaniel R WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Elucidating determinants of regulating nitrogenase gene expression in the associative diazotroph Azotobacter vinelandii
1026405 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Neibergs, J. S. Neibergs,Joseph Shannon WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Improving the Economic Viability of Agricultural Producers Through Risk Management Education
1025792 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Brown, D. J. Khot,Lav WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA CPS: Medium: Field-specific weather-driven automated frost mitigation of specialty crops
1025439 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Pumphrey, M. Pumphrey,Michael WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Biofortifying Wheat Using Selection, Introgression, and Reverse Genetics
1025226 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Adams, H. Adams,Henry WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Improving management systems to increase resistance of loblolly pine plantations to bark beetle outbreak
1025190 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jack, C. Jack,Chandra WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Linking functional and taxonomic diversity of diazotrophs under contrasting management regimes for enhanced crop productivity
1024490 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Peacock, M. D. Peacock,Melissa Dawn NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA Testing Reality: The validation of passive sampling methods and real-world monitoring for Paralytic Shellfish Toxins
1024431 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Arnold, R. Rombold,John S. NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA New Discovery Research: Finding Tiokowe: Designing a qPCR assay to Detect Longfin Smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys)
1024419 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Amiri, A. Amiri,Achour WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Epidemiology-Based Tactics To Abate Gray Mold Of Apple And Pear In The Pacific Northwest
1024393 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Astorino, J. Chase,Carrie COMMUNITY ACTION CENTER WA Palouse Tables Project: On the Move
1024371 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Padilla-Gamino, J. Padilla-Gamino,Jacqueline UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Instrument Acquisition For Characterization Of Microplastics In Seafood And Assessment Of Plastic Degradation Of Aquaculture Gear
1024191 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Higheagle Strong, Z. Higheagle Strong,Zoe WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Culturally Sustaining/Revitalizing Approach to Native American Undergraduate Recruitment, Retention and Nation Building
1024134 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McMoran, D. McMoran,Don WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Western Regional Agricultural Stress Assistance Program
1024025 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Critzer, F. M. Critzer,Faith Michelle WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Bridging the Gap: Expanding a HACCP-based Curriculum to Help Produce Growers Treat Agricultural Water
1023855 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Carpenter-Boggs, L. Carpenter-Boggs,Lynne WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA No-Till Organic Cropping System for the Dryland Pacific Northwest
1023852 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Young, G. Young,Graham UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 32nd Annual Work Plan (FY20) RENEWAL
1023750 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, Z. Zhang,Zhiwu WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA FACT: Predicting Wheat Hagberg Falling Number from Near Infrared Spectrometers
1023630 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ganjyal, G. Ganjyal,Girish M WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Innovative and supplementary food safety training, education, and outreach program for small and medium-sized food producers and processors
1023501 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Keller, M. Keller,Markus WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA High-Resolution Vineyard Nutrient Management
1022720 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, J. Zhang,Jinwen WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA A Biobased Catalyst-Free Epoxy Vitrimer System Build On Hyperbranced Prepolymer and Its Potential Application For Self Healable Powder Coating
1022234 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Flury, M. Flury,Markus WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Microplastics in Soils: Long-Term Accumulation due to Land-Application of Biosolids
1022133 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bates, P. D. Bates,Philip WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Characterization of a novel triacylglycerol remodeling pathway for accumulation of industrially valuable fatty acids in Pysaria fendleri
1021981 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Van Voorhis, W. Van Voorhis,Wesley UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Bumped Kinase Inhibitor for Toxoplasmosis and Sarcocystis
1021873 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Michael, M. Michael,Minto WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Hyperspectral Imaging: A Potential Novel Tool in Rapid Microbial Identification