Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1018087 REVISED HATCH Siliveru, KA, . Siliveru, KA. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Marketing and Delivery of Quality Grains and BioProcess Coproducts
1019868 REVISED HATCH Sideman, R. Sideman, R. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Varieties and cultural practices for vegetable and small fruit production in New Hampshire
1002873 REVISED HATCH Sibeko, LI, . Mangan, F. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Integrating Urban Agriculture and Nutrition Promotion to Increase Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables: A Focus on Worcester, Massachusetts
1018844 REVISED HATCH Shoemaker, CA, A. Shoemaker, CA, A. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Specialty Crops and Urban Food Systems
1004994 REVISED HATCH Shock, C, . Shock, CL. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Scaling Microirrigation Technologies to Address the Global Water Challenge
1013405 REVISED HATCH Shanoyan, AL, . Shanoyan, AL, . KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Specialty Crops and Food Systems: Exploring Markets, Supply Chains and Policy Dimensions
1017345 REVISED HATCH Shakiba, EH, . Shakiba, EH. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Development and Evaluation of Hybrid Rice Cultivars Adapted to the Southern U.S.
1023388 REVISED HATCH Sepulveda, MA, . Sepulveda, MA. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Agrochemical Impacts On Human And Environmental Health: Mechanisms And Mitigation
1019887 REVISED HATCH Sehgal, SU, K. Sehgal, SU, K. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Winter wheat breeding and genetics to improve quality and performance for South Dakota
0200458 REVISED HATCH See, M. See, MI, TO. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Genetic selection for novel traits and their effect on efficiency and profitability of commercial pork production
1021304 REVISED HATCH Seaman, AB, J. Seaman, AB, J. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Comparing the Performance of Four Organic Bush Squash Production Systems
0222066 REVISED HATCH Scott, MA. Scott, MA. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Development of transgenic insect strains suitable for genetic control programs
0228333 REVISED HATCH Scott, J. W. Hutton, SA, F. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Breeding and Genetics of Fresh Market Tomatoes
1002424 REVISED HATCH Sciumbato, G. Allen, TO, . MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Strategies for the Management of Foliar and Seedling Diseases and Nematodes of Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat and Corn in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta.
1015427 REVISED HATCH Schultz, B. Schultz, BR. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Mastitis Resistance to Enhance Dairy Food Safety
1013066 REVISED HATCH Schoville, SE, DE. Schoville, SE, DE. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Ecological and Genetic Mechanisms of Drosophila suzukii Cold Tolerance and Implications for Over-Wintering in Wisconsin
1014874 REVISED HATCH Schloemann, SO, . Petit, EL. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Multi-state Coordinated Evaluation of Winegrape Cultivars and Clones
1014481 REVISED HATCH Scherer, HA, H. Westfall-Rudd, DO, MA. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1007084 REVISED HATCH Schaber, MA, A. Schaber, MA, A. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Breeding Commercial Blueberry Cultivars for North Carolina
1013110 REVISED HATCH Scaria, JO, . Scaria, JO. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Enteric Diseases of Food Animals: Enhanced Prevention, Control and Food Safety
1020628 REVISED HATCH Scaria, JO, . Scaria, JO. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Understanding the role of the gut microbiome, diet, and host immunity in shaping enteric pathogen colonization and transmission
1018005 REVISED HATCH Sassenrath, GR, . Sassenrath, GR. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Managing Plant Microbe Interactions in Soil to Promote Sustainable Agriculture
1003766 REVISED HATCH Santerre, CH, R. Santerre, CH, R. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN The Risks and Benefits of Seafood for Sensitive Populations
1025898 REVISED HATCH Sandler, HI, A. Sandler, HI, A. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Harnessing Chemical Ecology to Address Agricultural Pest and Pollinator Priorities
1013216 REVISED HATCH Sanderson, MA, . Sanderson, MA. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Social, Economic and Environmental Causes and Consequences of Demographic Change in Rural America
1018523 REVISED HATCH Samuel, RY, . Samuel, RY. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Improving production efficiency of growing and finishing swine through the application of feed and management technologies
1011780 REVISED HATCH Salmeron, MO, . Salmeron Cortasa, MO. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Ecophysiology of soybean yield and water use efficiency-experimental and modeling approaches
1006332 REVISED HATCH Saito, L. Verburg, PA, . UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Using Halophytic Plants To Improve Food Security And Environmental Quality In Dryland Ecosystems
1007408 REVISED HATCH Safaii-Fabiano, S, . Safaii-Fabiano, S, . UNIV OF IDAHO ID Healthy Diabetes Plate Project