Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027267 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cruz, A. E. Cruz,Angel NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Boots On the Ground: North Carolina’s Veteran Farmer Apprenticeship
1027265 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kelly, H. M. Kelly,Heather Marie UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN IPM Implementation for agronomic crops, housing, schools, pesticide applicators, specialty crops, and pollinators
1027258 NEW OTHER GRANTS Raygoza, J. M. Raygoza,Juan M. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX Fincas De Familia: Bridging Generations And Programs To Develop Successful Beginning Farmers In South Texas Colonias
1027255 NEW OTHER GRANTS Featherstone, A. M. Featherstone,Allen M KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Developing the Center for Farm and Ranch Transition in Kansas
1027253 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hewlett, J. Hewlett,John UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Growing Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in Wyoming
1027252 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McKinney, S. McVeigh,Rosie APPALACHIAN RESOURCE CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL TN The Field School: A Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program in the Appalachian Highlands
1027251 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sims, V. A. Sims,Venessa A. GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GA Georgia Farmer Healthy Mindset
1027250 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Coop, L. B. Coop,Leonard Bryan OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Oregon Extension IPM: Meeting Critical Needs Through Adoption, Education, Decision Support and Pest Impact Assessment
1027249 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bothfeld, D. Willard,Abbey AGRICULTURE, FOOD & MARKETS, VERMONT AGENCY OF VT Vermont`s Plan for Further Developing the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network
1027248 NEW OTHER GRANTS Little, N. Little,Neith UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Breaking Down Barriers to Maryland Beginning Farmers Success: Growing Local Markets and Working Toward Urban and Peri-Urban Farm Land Tenure
1027247 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jeliazkov, V. Jeliazkov,Valtcho OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Furthering the development of sprout inhibitors and growth suppressants for organic potato
1027246 NEW OTHER GRANTS Koenig, A. Crispin,Rebecca SPROUTING FARMS CORP WV Growing the Education to Market Pipeline: Meeting West Virginia Beginning Farmer Education and Training Needs
1027245 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Muna-Brecht, C. Muna-Brecht,Chelsa GOVERNMENT OF GUAM- DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION GU Guam DOAG Farm and Ranch Stress Assessment and Support
1027244 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wu-Smart, J. Wu-Smart,Judy UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Great Plains Master Beekeeping Farmer Open Apiaries and Educational Training Kits
1027243 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Spring Buffalo, G. Spring Buffalo,George POCASSET POKANOKET LAND TRUST, INC. RI Curriculum and Tool Development for Beginning BIPOC Farmers in Massachusetts
1027242 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Melanson, R. A. Melanson,Rebecca A. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Mississippi State University Extension IPM Implementation Program, 2021-2024
1027241 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gao, Y. Gao,Ying MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Evaluating disease prevention methods for organic American ginseng production in Appalachia, an integrated research, education, and extension approach
1027240 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Krull, J. Krull,Jayne AGRICULTURE, TRADE AND CONSUMER PROTECTION, WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF WI Expanding and Promoting Wisconsin`s Farmer Mental Health Resources
1027239 NEW OTHER GRANTS Grasinger, D. Grasinger,Dylanna U.S. COMMITTEE FOR REFUGEES AND IMMIGRANTS, INC. VA Flagship Farms/Landing Ground Program for Beginning Refugee and Immigrant Farmers
1027237 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Concklin, M. Goltz,Nicholas UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Connecticut Extension Implementation Program
1027236 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilson, M. R. Wilson,Marshal NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM New Mexico Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network
1027235 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Moore, V. Moore,Virginia CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Breeding Alfalfa for Intercropping with Intermediate Wheatgrass: Towards perennial grain-forage systems
1027233 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lucier-Greer, M. J. Lucier-Greer,Mallory Joy AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL 2022 Military REACH
1027231 NEW OTHER GRANTS da Silva, A. da Silva,Andre AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL The divergent paths of organic transition: Best management practices for initial years of organic vegetable fields in Southeastern U.S.
1027230 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fortenberry, G. Fortenberry,Gayle AGRICULTURE & COMMERCE, MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF MS The Mississippi Agriculture Mental Health Assistance Project will expand and strengthen the mental health, physical health and support system for farmers and their families.
1027229 NEW OTHER GRANTS MOREIRA, M. C. MOREIRA,MARIA C WORLD FARMERS, INC. MA Advancing Immigrants and Refugees Toward Farm Ownership and Building Learning Networks through Farmer-to-Farmer Mentorship across 25 Cultures
1027228 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Stamm, M. Stamm,Michael J KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Development and Management of Canola in the Great Plains Region
1027227 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Brummer, E. C. Brummer,Edward Charles UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Development and Characterization of Diverse Hemp Germplasm for Submission to the NPGS
1027226 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Almodovar, W. Almodovar,Wanda UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO EXTENSION PR Divided by Water, United by Need: IPM Program for Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands
1027225 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tautges, N. Tautges,Nicole FIELDS, MICHAEL AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE INC WI Building place-based mentorships for beginning grain farmers, with special supports for beginning women farmers