Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1032979 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bish, M. Bish,Mandy UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Strengthening Missouri IPM Resources to Reach Diverse Clientele with Sustainable Pest Management
1031686 NEW OTHER GRANTS Scott, S. Scott,Samuel NORTH-SOUTH INSTITUTE FL Strengthening of Veterans Employment and Business Development through Veteran Business Incubator Clusters and Compensatory Work Therapy Networks
1032520 NEW OTHER GRANTS Navas, C. Navas,Claudia FARM TRAINING COLLECTIVE NYC, INC NY Strengthening Our Food System for Queer & Trans (QT) and Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Farmers and Urban Consumers
1025313 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jacobsen, K. L. Jacobsen,Krista L. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Strengthening Plant Production Though an Interdisciplinary Food Systems Graduate Training Program
1029123 NEW OTHER GRANTS Acuna-Guzman, S. F. Acuna-Guzman,Salvador F. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO EXTENSION PR Strengthening Puerto Rico’s Scientific Capabilities in Water Erosion and Sediment Transport Research
1031319 NEW OTHER GRANTS MARUTANI, M. N. MARUTANI,MARI N UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Strengthening research capability in micro-imagery and next generation DNA sequencing for plant taxonomy in Guam
1007145 NEW OTHER GRANTS Beltrami, J. Beltrami,Joleen University of the Incarnate Word TX Strengthening the Agricultural Statistics Pipeline at Hispanic-Serving Institutions
1030251 NEW OTHER GRANTS Silva, R. C. Silva,Roberta C NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Strengthening the Food and Nutritional Sciences Program to Create a Pipeline for Graduate Study and a Diverse Workforce
1031899 NEW OTHER GRANTS Silva, R. C. Silva,Roberta C NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Strengthening the Food Sciences Program through a Chocolate Science Education
1029183 NEW OTHER GRANTS Anderson, T. Peterson,Leah NEBRASKA GRAZING LAND COALITION NE Strengthening the Ranching Legacy in Nebraska
1020552 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stock, M. N. Stock,Melanie N. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Strengthening Training In Extension Plant And Soil Sciences (STEPSS)
1031378 NEW OTHER GRANTS Haynes, H. Haynes,Hal ILISAGVIK COLLEG AK Strengthening Tribal Students’ Persistence and Retention with Place-Based Wellness, Behavioral Health, and First-Year Student Support Strategies
1031904 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sinha, A. K. Sinha,Amit Kumar UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Stress memory as a potential strategy to mitigate the adverse effects of elevated ammonia, hypoxia and water-borne iron in catfish aquaculture
1030723 NEW OTHER GRANTS Thomas-Buchanan, P. A. Brown,Neil VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Student Experiential Learning-Internships, Professional Skills, Faculty Development in Animal and Environmental Sciences, and Climate Change
0197414 NEW OTHER GRANTS Otis, M. G. Otis,Morgan G. D-Q UNIVERSITY CA Student Recruitment & Curriculum Development at D-Q University
0201124 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cowan, G. Cowan, G. D-Q UNIVERSITY CA Student Recruitment and Curriculum Development at D-Q University Program
1030317 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kinman, L. A. Kinman,Lea Ann PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Student Workforce Development Program Promoting Experiential Learning for the Meat and Poultry Industry
1033163 NEW OTHER GRANTS van Loenen, R. van Loenen,Rebecca AUGUSTA LOCALLY GROWN INC GA Successful Farm Start-ups: Assets, Training, and Mentorship for Beginning Farmers
0210961 NEW OTHER GRANTS Klein, R. Klein, R. FORT BERTHOLD COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Successful Stockman, Ensuring Sustainable Agriculture for Fort Berthold Indian Country
1028886 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mencher, M. Mencher,Moira CATSKILL REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER NY Sullivan and Orange County Nutrition Incentive Program
1021311 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gabriel, E. Quaresma,Juliana GROUNDSWELL CENTER FOR LOCAL FOOD AND FARMING, INC. NY Supplemental Funding: Creating Pathways for Socially Disadvantaged Beginning Farmers
0222966 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fernandez, J. M. Fernandez, J. M. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Support of the USDA-SERD component at the NACTA/SERD Meeting
0203946 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hiestand, P. Hiestand, P. FOND DU LAC TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Supporting American Indian Students Through Opportunities, Internships, Experiences & Distance Education
1033172 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rivard, C. Rivard,Cary KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Supporting Beginning Vegetable Farmers through Expanded Partnerships in Kansas and Missouri
1031494 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cruz, A. E. Cruz,Angel Elisa NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Supporting Career Pathways in Sustainable Agriculture Sciences for Women and Minority Community College Students across NC
1032876 NEW OTHER GRANTS Marceau, K. Marceau,Kristine PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Supporting Family Resilience in the Aftermath of Disasters
1031427 NEW OTHER GRANTS Clausen, C. K. Clausen,Courtney Kay UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Supporting Multicultural Scholars in Agriculture at Utah State University: Towards a Diverse and Highly Skilled Workforce
1033103 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zamora, M. Zamora,Manuela NEW YORK SUN WORKS, INC. NY Supporting Pathways to Postsecondary Education & Careers in Urban Agriculture through Credit for Prior Learning
1026814 NEW OTHER GRANTS Silveri, J. M. Silveri,Jennifer Marie MICHIGAN FOOD AND FARMING SYSTEMS MI Supporting the Next Mission: Training Veterans to be the Next Generation of American Beekeeper
1006995 NEW OTHER GRANTS O`Gorman, M. O`Gorman,Michael FARMER VETERAN COALITION CA Supportive, Small Scale, Basic Livestock, Financial Skills and Risk Management Training for Beginning Veteran Farmers Program