Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1033056 NEW OTHER GRANTS Reddy, C. Reddy,Chandra TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN 1890 Center of Excellence for Natural Resources, Renewable Energy, and the Environment: A Climate Smart Approach
1033057 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hazelrigg, A. L. Hazelrigg,Ann L. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Vermont IPM Extension Implementation Program (VT EIP): 2024-2027
1033059 NEW OTHER GRANTS Goltz, N. Goltz,Nicholas UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT CT Connecticut Extension Implementation Program, 2024-2027
1033060 NEW OTHER GRANTS Arispe, S. A. Arispe,Sergio Adrian OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Oregon Revitalizing Unpopulated Regions with Agricultural/Food/Natural Resource (AFNR) Literacy Towards a Prepared Workforce
1033061 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lau, M. K. Lau,Matthew Kekoa UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII SYSTEMS HI Huaka‘i ‘Ike ‘Aina (HI‘A): Wayfinding in ITEK Curriculum to Career FANH Pathway
1033062 NEW OTHER GRANTS Leppla, N. C. Leppla,Norman C UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL 2024 CPPM, EIP Project for the University of Florida: Entomology and Nematology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science
1033065 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kelly, H. M. Kelly,Heather Marie UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN IPM Implementation for agronomic crops, housing, schools, pesticide applicators, specialty crops, and pollinators in Tennessee
1033066 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hymon-Parker, S. Hymon-Parker,Shirley NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC 1890 Center of Excellence for Student Success and Workforce Development
1033067 NEW OTHER GRANTS Owens, D. Owens,David UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Connecting Pest Management Resources and Technology to Delaware Stakeholders
1033068 NEW OTHER GRANTS Borges, B. Borges,Bradley TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Agricultural Construction Laboratory Improvement
1033070 NEW OTHER GRANTS DE LA CRUZ, T. C. DE LA CRUZ,TIMMY CASTRO UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Strengthening Human Nutrition/Food Science and Child and Family Life Science Program at the University of Guam
1033071 NEW OTHER GRANTS DULLA, G. F. DULLA,GLENN FRITZ JALANDOON UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Improvement of Plant Pathology Research Lab and Plant Pathology and Student Nursery Spaces at the University of Guam
1033072 NEW OTHER GRANTS Uher, B. Naylor,Minnie UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS AK Bering Strait Summer Science & Art
1033073 NEW OTHER GRANTS Brown, M. Brown,Matt FOOD WAVES OR Growing Together: Food Waves` Initiative for Enhanced Agricultural Education through Experiential Learning and Community Collaboration
1033074 NEW OTHER GRANTS Baxter, A. Baxter,Aryn COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Colorado GROW Youth Institute: Expanding Access to Food Security Education
1033075 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mosley, J. Mosley,Jacquelyn UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Arkansas CommUniversity Statewide Partnerships and AGRI-STEM Pathways for Underrepresented Students
1033076 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rodriguez, A. Rodriguez,Alan UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT CAROLINA PR UPRCa Farm-to-Table and Food Safety Distance Education Program
1033077 NEW OTHER GRANTS Seth-Carley, D. Seth-Carley,Danesha NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Addressing Stakeholder Needs for IPM Programming in NC
1033079 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hedge, D. Hedge,Dennis SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Igluwiyeya (Prepare Oneself): Continuing Pathways from Preparation to Graduation at Land-Grant Institution
1033081 NEW OTHER GRANTS Echelbarger, D. Heitstuman,Mark D WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA 4-H WA State Teen Conference
1033083 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rowe, S. M. Mallozzi,Amy OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Explore and More: Diving Deeper into Tribal Students’ Interests
1033085 NEW OTHER GRANTS Marshall, R. Marshall,Renita SOUTHERN UNIV LA Center of Excellence for Nutrition, Health, Wellness, and Quality of Life
1033086 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ebeler, S. E. Ebeler,Susan E UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA WAMS: Addressing Climate Smart Solutions-A STEM Career Pathway Program in Food and Agriculture
1033088 NEW OTHER GRANTS Oppliger, K. E. Oppliger,Kitty (Karen) Elizabeth UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Cultural Competent Curricula for Diverse Health and Food Systems
1033091 NEW OTHER GRANTS Naylor, M. Naylor,Minnie UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA SYSTEMS AK Uqapiaguguuruna: I love to speak Inupiaq
1033092 NEW OTHER GRANTS Goolsby, C. Chartier-Hanson,Haley UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS AK New Beginnings for Tribal Students - Kuskokwim Campus
1033093 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ogunade, A. Ogunade,Adeola WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Seeing is Believing: Bridging Equity Gaps in STEM
1033098 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tiersch, T. Tiersch,Terrence LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Safeguarding the Genetic Resources of the Louisiana Crawfish Industry
1033099 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bruce, T. Bruce,Timothy AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Investigation Of Probiotic Potential To Enhance Vaccination In Catfish
1033100 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ferreira, G. Ferreira,Gonzalo VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA The rebellion of the queen: Alfalfa as the optimum forage for climate-smart dairy systems.