Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027591 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Murphy, K. P. Murphy,Kevin P. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Optimizing Human Health and Nutrition: From Soil to Society
1027590 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Callis-Duehl, K. L. Callis-Duehl,Kristine L. DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER MO Shrinking the Urban-Rural Divide: A Student Network for Corn and Climate Change
1027578 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Viers, J. Viers,Joshua UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, MERCED CA Securing a climate resilient water future for agriculture and ecosystems through innovation in measurement, management, and markets
1027577 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Price, N. N. Price,Nichole N. PRESIDENT AND TRUSTEES OF COLBY COLLEGE, THE ME Coast to Cow to Consumer: Marine algae use to enhance milk production, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and recover nutrients
1027572 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Raman, D. R. Raman,D Raj IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Regenerating America's Working Landscapes to Enhance Natural Resources and Public Goods through Perennial Groundcover (PGC)
1027571 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zohar, Y. Zohar,Yonathan UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE COUNTY MD Sustainable Aquaculture Systems Supporting Atlantic Salmon (SAS2)
1027569 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Morales-Agrinzoni, C. R. Morales-Agrinzoni,Carlos SISTEMA UNIVERSITARIO ANA G. MENDEZ, INC. PR EXPLORA-Ag: a sustainable agriculture non-formal educational program
1027540 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kisekka, I. Kisekka,Isaya UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Sustaining Groundwater and Irrigated Agriculture in the Southwestern United States under a Changing Climate
1027532 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Khanna, M. Khanna,Madhu UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Designing Agrivoltaics for Sustainably Intensifying Food and Energy Production
1027531 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Steiner, J. Steiner,Jeffrey OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Sustainably Incorporating Hemp Biobased Economy into Western U.S. Regional Rural and Tribal Lands
1027529 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lewis, K. Lewis,Katie TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Enhancement through the Utilization of Regenerative Agricultural Management Practices
1027512 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Prokopy, L. Prokopy,Linda PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN #DiverseCornBelt: Resilient Intensification through Diversity in Midwestern Agriculture
1027505 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Novotny, R. Novotny,Rachel UNIV OF HAWAII HI Food System Resiliency for Children's Healthy Living (CHL Food System)
1027494 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Picasso Risso, V. D. Picasso Risso,Valentin Daniel UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Fostering Resilience and Ecosystem Services in Landscapes by Integrating Diverse Perennial Circular Systems
1027486 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Villalba, J. J. Villalba,Juan J UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Using Smart Foodscapes to Enhance the Sustainability of Western Rangelands
1027444 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Mitchum, M. Mitchum,Melissa UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Elucidation of serine hydroxymethyltransferase-mediated mechanisms of nematode disease resistance
1027440 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gu, Y. Gu,Yu WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Collaborative Research: NRI: StickBug - an Effective Co-Robot for Precision Pollination
1027433 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bushley, K. E. Bushley,Kathryn E. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE MD Microbial Interactions in the Soybean Cyst Nematode Suppressive Soil Microbiome
1027386 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Englot, B. Englot,Brendan STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (INC) NJ Collaborative Research: NRI: Ocean-Powered Robots for Autonomous Offshore Aquaculture
1027373 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lee, K. Lee,Kiju WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX NRI: CASS: Configurable, Adaptive, and Scalable Swarm of Ground and Aerial Robots for Collaborative Smart Agriculture
1027330 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Brown, A. M. Brown,Amanda May Vivian TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Discovering hidden drivers of rhizosphere symbiosis and parasitism
1027329 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Powell, J. Powell,Jeremy UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Managing pain in cattle undergoing castration using a biodegradable microneedle patch containing meloxicam
1027324 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Krasileva, K. Krasileva,Ksenia UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Genes and pathways that boost wheat resistance to stripe rust
1027218 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chang, J. H. Chang,Jeff H OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Reprogramming of tRNAs in virulence of plant pathogenic Rhodococcus
1027211 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Liu, S. Liu,Sanzhen KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Dynamic mini-chromosomes: mechanisms of exchange, stability and causation of fungal pathogen adaptation
1027029 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Neuhouser, M. L. Neuhouser,Marian L FRED HUTCHINSON CANCER CENTER WA Seattle Dietary Biomarker Development Center
1026829 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zia, A. Zia,Asim UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Predicting Livestock Disease Transmission Dynamics under Alternate Biosecurity Risk Management Interventions and Behavioral Responses of Livestock Producers
1026820 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McArt, S. McArt,Scott CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY It's about time: multi-host parasite spillover in temporally dynamic communities
1026445 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wypler, J. Wypler,Jaclyn UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Structural Change, Stress, and Farmer Mental Health Across Social Identities