Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1021396 NEW HATCH Shapiro, JO, . Shapiro, JO, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA The economics of air and water pollution, climate change, and trade
1021394 NEW HATCH Daigh, AA, . Daigh, AA. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Soil, Water, and Environmental Physics to Sustain Agriculture and Natural Resources
1021393 NEW HATCH Kramer, DA, . Kramer, DA, . MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Genetic and Mechanistic Linkages that Govern Photosynthetic Responses to Fluctuating Environments
1021391 NEW HATCH Godfrey, RO, . Godfrey, RO. UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Enhancing sustainability of beef cattle production in Southern and Central US through genetic improvement
1021390 NEW HATCH Park, EU, . Park, EU. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition
1021389 NEW HATCH Simpson, RI, . Simpson, RI. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Improving the health span of aging adults through diet and physical activity.
1021388 REVISED HATCH Lahiri, SR, . Lahiri, SR. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Integrated pest management of arthropod pests of strawberry and small fruit crops
1021387 TERMINATED HATCH Kumar, SA, . Kumar, SA. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Land use and management practice impacts on soil carbon and associated agroecosystems services
1021385 NEW HATCH Cooper, MA, . Cooper, MA, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Farmer adoption of technologies and practices for greenhouse gas mitigation in livestock agriculture
1021383 NEW HATCH Ibrahim, A, . Ibrahim, A, . TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Small Grains Breeding and Genetics
1021382 NEW HATCH Dooley, KI, . Dooley, KI. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Cognitive Influence on Teaching, Learning, and Decision Making Around Critical Agricultural and Natural Resource Issues
1021381 REVISED HATCH Liang, YI, . Liang, YI. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Enhancing Poultry Production Systems through Emerging Technologies and Husbandry Practices
1021380 NEW HATCH Rea-Keywood, JE, . Rea-Keywood, JE. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Understanding Recruitment and Retention in the 4H Club Program
1021377 NEW HATCH Regmi, PR, . Regmi, PR. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Enhancing Poultry Production Systems through Emerging Technologies and Husbandry Practices
1021372 NEW HATCH Wang, HO, . Wang, HO. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN U.S. Agricultural Trade and Policy in a Dynamic Global Market Environment
1021371 NEW HATCH Munderloh, U. Munderloh, U. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Biology, Ecology & Management of Emerging Disease Vectors
1021370 NEW HATCH Anderson, K, . Anderson, KE. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Enhancing Poultry Production Systems through Emerging Technologies and Husbandry Practices
1021369 NEW HATCH Ragsdale, KA, . Ragsdale, KA, . MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Health and Development in Agicultaure Research
1021368 NEW HATCH Sanderson, JO, P. Sanderson, JO, P. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Biological Control of Arthropod Pests and Weeds
1021366 TERMINATED HATCH Mathews, RA, . Mathews, RA. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Food systems, health, and well-being: understanding complex relationships and dynamics of change
1021365 NEW HATCH Neibling, W, . Neibling, W. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Microirrigation: A Sustainable Technology for Crop Intensification and Improved Crop Productivity
1021362 NEW HATCH Raskin, I, . Raskin, IL. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Evaluation and characterization of novel botanical extracts for the prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome and diabetes
1021361 NEW HATCH Farley, J. Farley, J. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Towards Sustainable, Just and Efficient Small-scale Agroecological Food Systems
1021360 NEW HATCH Brewer, BR, . Brewer, BR. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition
1021359 NEW HATCH Xi, Z. Xi, Z. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI For lab to field: develop endosymbiotic bacteria Wolbachia for vector-borne disease control
1021358 NEW HATCH Denicol, AN, . Denicol, AN. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Germ Cell and Embryo Development and Manipulation for the Improvement of Livestock
1021357 NEW HATCH Makagon-Stuart, MA, . Makagon-Stuart, MA. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Enhancing Poultry Production Systems through Emerging Technologies and Husbandry Practices
1021356 NEW HATCH Zinn, R. Zinn, R. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Nutrition Health and Management considerations of calf-fed Holstein steers
1021355 NEW HATCH Kisekka, IS, . Kisekka, IS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Microirrigation: A Sustainable Technology for Crop Intensification and Improved Crop Productivity