Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1033016 NEW OTHER GRANTS Scheufele, S. B. Scheufele,Susan B UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Partnering to foster development and adoption of IPM strategies for Specialty Crop Producers in Massachusetts
1033018 NEW OTHER GRANTS Un, K. Un,Katherine NATIONAL YOUNG FARMERS COALITION, INC NY Building an Inclusive and Comprehensive Network for Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance in the Northeast
1033019 NEW OTHER GRANTS Morrill, A. T. Morrill,Angela T. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Increasing Opportunities for Tribal Students in Oregon
1033020 NEW OTHER GRANTS Nguyen, C. Nguyen,Cuong UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Organic Production and Food Safety Workshop Series for Regional Farmers in California`s Southwest Desert Area
1033021 NEW OTHER GRANTS Matney, C. Matney,Casey UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Protecting Alaska Farms in a Changing Climate
1033025 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rodríguez, A. Rodríguez,Abner UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR An educational approach to precision livestock farming for current and potential undergraduate students using small ruminants as models
1033026 NEW OTHER GRANTS Abelleira, O. Abelleira,Oscar UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Enhancing the capacity for research and education in wood science and engineering in University of Puerto Rico
1033027 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shange, R. Shange,Raymon TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Center for Farming Systems, Rural Prosperity and Economic Sustainability (CFSRPES)
1033028 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ganchorre, A. Ganchorre,Athena UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Pathways into Veterinary Medicine: A Community College Entry to Success Scholars (ACCESS) Program
1033030 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mosley, J. Mosley,Jacquelyn UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Arkansas Multicultural Scholars FIRST Program
1033031 NEW OTHER GRANTS Johnson, D. Johnson,Donald UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Microcontroller Minds: Incorporating Microcontrollers into the High School Agricultural Education Curriculum
1033035 NEW OTHER GRANTS Boeger, M. Gistelli,Holland PEPPERWOOD FOUNDATION CA Pathways to STEM Careers in Sonoma County
1033036 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pyare, S. Pyare,Sanjay Univerisity of Alaska Southeast AK Developing an educational pathway in geocultural science for underserved coastal communities of Southeast Alaska
1033037 NEW OTHER GRANTS Vinchesi-Vahl, A. Vinchesi-Vahl,Amber UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH University of New Hampshire Integrated Pest Management Extension Implementation Plan
1033038 NEW OTHER GRANTS Saavedra-Lugo, J. Saavedra-Lugo,Janitza UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Fostering agricultural professionals: A comprehensive approach to recruit and retain students in food and agricultural sciences programs in Puerto Rico
1033039 NEW OTHER GRANTS Henderson, T. Henderson,Tara EXPLORA SCIENCE CENTER & CHILDREN'S MUSEUM OF ALBUQUERQUE NM Roots & Routes: Rural Women, STEM, and Sustainability
1033040 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kairo, M. T. Kairo,Moses T University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD The 1890 Universities Center of Excellence for Global Food Security and Defense
1033041 NEW OTHER GRANTS Uher, B. Naylor,Minnie UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS AK New Beginnings for Tribal Students - Northwest Campus
1033042 NEW OTHER GRANTS Younguhk, S. Younguhk,Steven COLLEGE OF MICRONESIA FM Advancing Agriculture Education in the Federated States of Micronesia through Innovative Distance Learning and Professional Development
1033043 NEW OTHER GRANTS Miller, C. L. Miller,Cindy Louise TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Bridging the Gap: Catalyzing Interest in FCS Education Among Underrepresented Students
1033044 NEW OTHER GRANTS Winstead, C. Winstead,Cherese DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE 1890 Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students in Food and Agriculture Sciences and Related Fields
1033045 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stevens, C. Stevens,Carrie UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Drumbeats Alaska: Place-Based Solutions for Alaska Native Food & Energy Sovereignty 2024-27
1033046 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hamilton, G. Hamilton,George RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Implementation of IPM in New Jersey
1033047 NEW OTHER GRANTS Emami, A. Emami,Anahita TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Women and Minorities in Smart Agriculture
1033048 NEW OTHER GRANTS Chandran, R. S. Chandran,Rakesh S WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Extension Implementation Program for IPM at West Virginia University
1033051 NEW OTHER GRANTS Howard, K. M. Howard,Keith M. FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Recruiting, Engaging, Mentoring And Training Undergraduate Students In The Agricultural Sciences At FVSU To Enhance The Skilled Workforce
1033052 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tewksbury, E. A. Tewksbury,Elizabeth A UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Enhancing Implementation of Integrated Pest Management for Sustainable Agriculture
1033053 NEW OTHER GRANTS Howe, P. D. Howe,Peter David UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT New Beginning for Tribal Students: Visionary Indigenous Training and Leadership for Natural Resources (VITAL4NR)
1033054 NEW OTHER GRANTS Biddle, J. Biddle,Julie UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Rural Nutrition
1033055 NEW OTHER GRANTS Liang, Y. Liang,Yuli TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX TALENTS: Technology and Leadership Education Network for Texas Students