Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1030286 NEW OTHER GRANTS Timmons, J. Timmons,Jennifer University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Heat Stress Mitigation and Nutritional Strategies to Improve the Health and Welfare of Pastured Poultry
1033479 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tindall, A. Tindall,Anthony COOK COUNTY IL The Cook County Community Food Scrap Drop-Off Program and the Food Waste Prevention and Diversion Marketing Campaign
0188614 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tipping, P. W. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE FL Biological Control of Salvinia molesta and S. minima in the Southeastern United States
1032653 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tocco, P. Tocco,Phillip MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Crowdsourcing an Image Library: Creating a user generated image library for education and outreach
1027317 NEW OTHER GRANTS Toledo, J. U. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1030301 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tolen, T. Tolen,Tamra PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Experiential Approach to Beef Cattle Production Feedlots for Undergraduate Students
1033168 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tomandl, J. Tomandl,Joseph DAIRY GRAZING APPRENTICESHIP, INC. WI Between Legacy and Livelihood: Developing a Comprehensive Farm Transfer Program for a New Generation of Managed Grazing Dairy Farmers
1027470 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tomasino, E. Tomasino,Elizabeth OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Assessment and management of risk associated with wildfire smoke exposure of grapes in the vineyard
1031944 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tomason, Y. Tomason,Yan WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Breeding high value melons for enhanced flavor, nutraceuticals and disease resistance through interspecific hybridization
1029451 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tong, X. Tong,Xiao UNIV OF ALABAMA AL Building Adaptive Apparel Competencies into the Higher Education Curriculum
1032895 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tooker, J. F. Tooker,John Frazier PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Pennsylvania Extension Integrated Pest Management Program
1032484 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tope, A. Bernard,Marcus KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY 1890 Scholarships Program for Kentucky State University
1032971 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tope, A. Bernard,Marcus KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY 1890 Scholarships Program for Kentucky State University
1028952 NEW OTHER GRANTS Torres Quezada, E. Samtani,Jayesh VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Integrated Pest and Water Management Practices to Improve Tomato and Strawberry Crop Health
1031837 NEW OTHER GRANTS Toth, K. Toth,Kelli ANCHORAGE, MUNICIPALITY OF (INC) AK Municipality of Anchorage, Solid Waste Services (SWS) Food Waste Reduction, Dehydration, and Composting pilot project.
1033542 NEW OTHER GRANTS Towner, S. Towner,Stephanie RIO SCHOOL DISTRICT CA Creating a Circular School Food System
1032793 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tramutolo, A. Tramutolo,Alexandra FAYETTE VETERINARY SERVICES LLC AL AL211_Fayette Veterinary Services, LLC: Improving Health and Production of NW AL Beef Herd
1031916 NEW OTHER GRANTS Trauth, J. Trauth,Jonathan Central State University OH Creating a Therapeutic Horticulture Program for Treating Mental Health at a Rural Historically Black College
1032832 NEW OTHER GRANTS Trejo, H. Trejo,Helen CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIV CA Culturally Relevant Experiential Learning in Apparel & Engineering: US Natural Fibers, Agricultural Byproducts, and Community Engagement
1031599 NEW OTHER GRANTS Trejos-Castillo, E. Trejos-Castillo,Elizabeth TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Building International Research Capacity Through Central American Research Symposium
1029159 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tressler, E. Tressler,Elizabeth K YUKON-KUSKOKWIM HEALTH CORPORATION AK Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program Produce Prescription Program
1031443 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tressler, E. K. Tressler,Elizabeth K YUKON-KUSKOKWIM HEALTH CORPORATION AK Prescription Produce Program
1033300 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tribett, E. Tribett,Erika PROJECT OPEN HAND CA Project Open Hand SNAP Match Nutrition Incentive Pilot (POH SNAP Match pilot)
1028972 NEW OTHER GRANTS Trinetta, V. Trinetta,Valentina KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Novel sanitation approaches to control Listeria biofilms in the organic produce industry
1029206 NEW OTHER GRANTS Triplett, E. W. Triplett,Eric W UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Hazard comparisons, under field conditions, of GE-derived, CRISPR-mutant, and wild-type tomato lines that vary in plant defense expression
1033314 NEW OTHER GRANTS Triplett, E. W. Triplett,Eric W UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Make transgenic citrus lines with robust HLB tolerance available to the citrus industry
1031286 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tronstad, R. Tronstad,Russell UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Overcoming Business and Land Challenges: Assisting Refugees, Indigenous Peoples, and other Limited Resource Beginning Producers in Arizona
1026836 NEW OTHER GRANTS Trueblood, C. Atcitty,Cherylin NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Experiential Learning: A Tool to Increase Retention and Graduation of Tribal Students at New Mexico Land Grant Institutions
1033209 NEW OTHER GRANTS Trusty, S. Trusty,Sophie MANDYS SPECIAL FARM NM Adaptive Agricultural Apprenticeship Program for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
1032883 NEW OTHER GRANTS Trybus, J. Trybus,James Rollins Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory NC NAHLN-NIFA 24-25