Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0218269 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sproat-Beck, S. Sproat-Beck,Stacy WAIPA FOUNDATION HI Waipa Foundation Community Kitchen, Poi Mill & Farm Project
1029575 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sreevatsan, S. Hegg,Colleen MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Interdisciplinary Training in Leadership and Animal Biosecurity (IT-LAB)
1027709 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sritharan, S. Toledo,Jose Central State University OH A Scholarship Program at Central State University to Increase Graduates in Agriculture and Related Fields
1027710 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sritharan, S. Toledo,Jose Central State University OH A Scholarship Program at Central State University to Increase Graduates in Agriculture and Related Fields
1029210 NEW OTHER GRANTS St. Leger, R. St. Leger,Raymond UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Determining the Properties Required for a Genetically Engineered Biocontrol Agent to Work Safely
1031198 NEW OTHER GRANTS Staffen, M. A. Staffen,Marissa A RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Farmpreneurs: Empowering urban youth leaders to increase agricultural knowledge and food security in their communities
1028520 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stainbrook, C. Stainbrook,Cris INDIAN LAND TENURE FOUNDATION MN American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program - Indian Land Tenure Foundation
1031535 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stang, S. Stang,Stephanie NORTON SOUND HEALTH CORP AK Norton Sound Health Corporation Produce Prescription Program
1031058 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stanger-McLaughlin, T. M. Chavis,Courtney SOVEREIGN EQUITY FUND ND Tribal Extension Sustainability Initiative (TESI) Purpose: To support Tribal Extension projects aimed at meeting the needs of underserved agricultural producers in Indian Country
1026610 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stanko, R. L. Stanko,Randy Louis TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY- KINGSVILLE TX GO START NOW: "Getting Occupational Student Training in Agricultural Research Through NOvel Workshops"
1031251 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stanton, L. Stanton,Lee UNIVERSITY OF WEST ALABAMA AL Partners in Agribusiness and Conservation Enterprises (PACE)
1032775 NEW OTHER GRANTS Starcher-Patton, A. Starcher-Patton,Autumn MARSHALL UNIVERSITY RESEARCH CORPORATION WV Agriculture and Natural Resources Microcredentials to Support Workforce Development in Southwestern West Virginia
1027420 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stavely, N. Stavely,Nick FRESHFARM MARKETS, INC. DC Establishing a Metro Washington Region Incentive Program Coalition: Improving stewardship of SNAP and SNAP incentives for farmers markets/CSAs
1033235 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stecker, T. Stecker,Teresa CHRISTIAN CULTURE COMMUNITY IA Serving immigrants in Johnson County to begin and sustain small-scale farming of culturally-relevant crops.
1029355 NEW OTHER GRANTS Steinbach, S. Shah,Farhed A UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Training the Next Generation of Agricultural Economists in Data Science
1031649 NEW OTHER GRANTS Steinbach, S. Steinbach,Sandro NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Empowering Women Leaders and Transforming Agribusiness Education through an Experiential Master Program in Agribusiness and Data Analytics
1031576 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stelinski, L. L. Stelinski,Lukasz Lech UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: IPM approach that delivers economic viability to citrus production with HLB
1028555 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stephens, J. L. Stephens,Jennie L. CENTER FOR HEIRS PROPERTY PRESERVATION SC American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program - The Center for Heirs' Property
1029263 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stephenson, G. O. Stacey,Nathan OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Advancing Beginning Farmer and Rancher Viability by Expanding Our Effective Educational Strategies
1031314 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stern, L. Stern,Lori MIDWEST ORGANIC AND SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION SERVICE WI Farmer Advancement Program: Enhanced Mentorship and Business Technical Assistance
1027516 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stettler, K. Bacigalupo,Amy Land Stewardship Project MN Regional Farmer-led Education and Training Hubs for Building Resiliency and Viable Farms in Minnesota and Wisconsin
1029076 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stevens, C. Stevens,Carrie UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Place-Based Solutions for Alaska Native Food & Energy Sovereignty
1031257 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stevens, C. Stevens,Carrie UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS AK Drumbeats Alaska: Place-Based Solutions for Alaska Native Food & Energy Sovereignty 2023-26
1033045 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stevens, C. Stevens,Carrie UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Drumbeats Alaska: Place-Based Solutions for Alaska Native Food & Energy Sovereignty 2024-27
0201107 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stevens, C. M. Stevens, C. M. INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN INDIAN ARTS NM Traditional Native Art Curriculum and Cultural Identity Program
1033265 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stevens, J. F. Stevens,Jan Frederik OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Quadrupole Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry System With Electron Activated Dissociation Capability For Metabolomics And Lipidomics Research
1031610 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stevenson, C. Stevenson,Clinton NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Development of a diverse and competent food safety compliance workforce to enhance trust in a secure food system
1030786 NEW OTHER GRANTS Still, D. Still,David CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIV CA Building a Boulevard for Career Success in Agriculture and Natural Resources for Underrepresented Students
1020552 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stock, M. N. Stock,Melanie N. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Strengthening Training In Extension Plant And Soil Sciences (STEPSS)
1030957 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stock, P. Daley,Cynthia California State University, Chico CA Education and Work Force Development in Climate Smart Agriculture