Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1032758 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bihn, E. A. Bihn,Elizabeth Ann N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Leveling Up Produce Safety Knowledge Among Underserved Communities by Building Local Capacity and Creating a Dynamic Peer Network
1032759 NEW OTHER GRANTS Reeve, J. R. Reeve,Jennifer Rose UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Developing Resilient Organic Wheat Cropping Systems in the Face of Climate Change Related Crop Failure
1032760 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schafer, J. Schafer,Joseph WINROCK INTERNATIONAL INST. FOR AGRIC. DEVELOPMENT VA Advancing Organic Agriculture in the Mid-South II: Refining Solutions for Essential Challenges
1032761 NEW OTHER GRANTS DiCaprio, E. DiCaprio,Erin UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA California Center for Food Safety
1032762 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wright, M. Wright,Matthew SANDHILLS VETERINARY CLINIC, P.C. NE NE242 Sandhills Veterinary Clinic, P.C: Veterinary Services Rural Practice Project
1032763 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shikano, I. Shikano,Ikkei UNIV OF HAWAII HI Developing A Mass-Producible Bait Station Containing Entomopathogenic Fungi For The Control Of Invasive Tephritidae Fruit Flies
1032764 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sundin, G. Sundin,George MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Bacteriophage:pathogen:environment -- unraveling the critical factors necessary to make phage biocontrol a reality
1032765 NEW OTHER GRANTS Woodley, A. Woodley,Alex NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Enhanced weathering for carbon sequestration in high disturbance organic systems - An evaluation on climate change potential, soil fertility and agronomic implications
1032766 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shumaker, E. Shumaker,Ellen NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC FSMA Traceability Requirements in Retail Food Establishments: Development of an Educational Training Program
1032767 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hoagland, L. Hoagland,Lori PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN TOMI3: Bringing our insights to the farm to co-create more effective methods of disease control in organic tomato crops
1032768 NEW OTHER GRANTS Busch, D. Busch,Dennis UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - PLATTEVILLE WI Choreographing Change in Agroecology: An NLGCA – Tribal College Network
1032770 NEW OTHER GRANTS Morales-Agrinzoni, C. Morales-Agrinzoni,Carlos SISTEMA UNIVERSITARIO ANA G. MENDEZ, INC. PR Foster Dreams: Cultivating FANH Science Excellence in Puerto Rico
1032772 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jadeja, R. Jadeja,Ravi OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK A Collaborative Approach to Provide Food Safety Training and Technical Support to Small and Medium-Sized Food Businesses in Oklahoma
1032773 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shergill, L. S. Shergill,Lovreet Singh MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT From Microbes To Drones: Diversifying Agroecosystems To Manage Herbicide Resistance
1032774 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gutierrez-Rodriguez, E. Gutierrez-Rodriguez,Eduardo COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Colorado Fresh Produce Safety Collaborative 2.0.
1032775 NEW OTHER GRANTS Starcher-Patton, A. Starcher-Patton,Autumn MARSHALL UNIVERSITY RESEARCH CORPORATION WV Agriculture and Natural Resources Microcredentials to Support Workforce Development in Southwestern West Virginia
1032776 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zhu-Barker, X. Zhu-Barker,Xia UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Developing Guidelines For Organic Grain Growers To Manage Soil Health And Mitigate Climate Change Impacts
1032777 NEW OTHER GRANTS Boutwell, N. Boutwell,Nikki TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Veterinary Science Certificate Program(VSCP) Food Animal Medicine & Production Exposure
1032778 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lange, K. Y. Lange,Kelly Y TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Dollars and Sense: Building Capacity for Financial Literacy Education in Agriculture
1032779 NEW OTHER GRANTS Heiss, C. Heiss,Cynthia METROPOLITAN STATE COLLEGE OF DENVER CO A BCAL Scholars Program To Develop Future Leaders And Role Models In Nutrition And Dietetics
1032780 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wallace, J. M. Wallace,John M PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Improving the productivity, resilience, and diversity of organic small grain production in the Northeast
1032781 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cichy, K. Cichy,Karen AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Improving seed durability, processing quality and consumer acceptance of organic dry beans through breeding for sustainable value-added products
1032782 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hibbs, B. Hibbs,Barry California State University, Los Angeles CA Competitive Water Availability for Agriculture, Wetlands, and Dust Mitigation in Salton Sea Area
1032783 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hampton, M. Hampton,Marielle UNIV OF HAWAII HI Tasting with Keiki: Improving Early Childhood Nutrition in Hawai‘i through School-Based 4-H Food Introduction and Healthy Food Access
1032784 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tavares, K. Tavares,Kylie UNIV OF HAWAII HI Enhancing Food Safety Training Capacity to Support Hawai‘i’s Small Processors and Sprout Growers
1032785 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ren, J. Ren,Jianhong TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY- KINGSVILLE TX Collaborative Education and Research in Micro-Nano-Plastics to Train a Diverse and Talented Workforce for Sustainable Agriculture
1032786 NEW OTHER GRANTS Otienoh, L. Otienoh,Lydiah AFRITHRIVE INC MD Pathways to Stability: The African Food Access (ACFA) Project
1032787 NEW OTHER GRANTS Best, M. M. Best,Maureen McNamara LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGRICULTURE PROJECT, INCORPORATED VA Produce Rx in Southwest Virginia: Health and Community Food Systems Integration
1032789 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lu, C. Lu,Chao SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV IL Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Climate-Smart Soybean Farming in Sustainable Agriculture: Research and Educational Initiatives
1032790 NEW OTHER GRANTS Winters, T. Winters,Todd UNIV OF TENNESSEE TN Global Engagement and Exchange: A Capacity-Building Partnership in Kenya