Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1026721 NEW OTHER GRANTS Di Gioia, F. Di Gioia,Francesco PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Enhancing and Advancing the SustainabilitY of Organic Specialty Crop Production Systems (ASD-EASY Organic)
1026713 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cheyne, L. Ray,Tim CHEMEKETA COMMUNITY COLLEGE OR Inspiring Hispanic Students to Pursue Careers in Agriculture and Technology through Experiential Learning
1026699 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lubberstedt, T. Lubberstedt,Thomas IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Combination of major genes for Improvement of organic specialty corn varieties (CoMGI)
1026690 NEW OTHER GRANTS Park, S. Park,Sunkyu NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Interdisciplinary Doctoral Education Program in Renewable Polymers from Forest Resources to Replace Plastics
1026678 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lachowiec, J. Lachowiec,Jennifer MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT NNF ALLIUM Program: Accessible Leadership Learning through Interdisciplinary Unified Mentoring
1026674 NEW OTHER GRANTS Garcia-Vega, M. Garcia-Vega,Melawhy CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY LONG BEACH FOUNDATION CA Leveraging Interdisciplinary Nutritional Knowledge (LINK) Program
1026666 NEW OTHER GRANTS Thavarajah, D. Thavarajah,Dil CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Sustainable, high-quality organic pulse proteins: organic breeding pipeline for alternative pulse-based proteins
1026642 NEW OTHER GRANTS Brito, L. F. Brito,Luiz F. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Data Science and Analytics for Precision Livestock Systems
1026639 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lochmann, R. Lochmann,Rebecca UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Holistic Career Preparation Of Doctoral Students From Under-Served Groups In Aquaculture And Fisheries Sciences For FANH Careers.
1026624 NEW OTHER GRANTS Simon, P. Simon,Philipp AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Carrot Improvement for Organic Agriculture: Leveraging On-Farm and Below Ground Networks
1026622 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kayler, Z. Kayler,Zachary UNIV OF IDAHO ID In-depth graduate training in forest soil health
1026619 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fraze, S. Fraze,Steven NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Young Agri-Scientists: Connecting diverse students to each other and FANRSS careers through experiential learning in mentored research and science communication
1026610 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stanko, R. L. Stanko,Randy Louis TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY- KINGSVILLE TX GO START NOW: "Getting Occupational Student Training in Agricultural Research Through NOvel Workshops"
1026607 NEW OTHER GRANTS Banks, J. Banks,John CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, MONTEREY BAY CA Increased Degree Attainment in FANH Sciences: Creating a Regional Pipeline
1026606 NEW OTHER GRANTS Biediger-Friedman, L. Biediger-Friedman,Lesli TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Food Security LEADers (Learning Communities and Experiential Learning Advancing Dietetics and Nutrition)
1026604 NEW OTHER GRANTS Buser, Z. Buser,Zena ADAMS STATE UNIVERSITY CO HSI Education Program: Experiential Education in Agriculture and Food Studies at Adams State University
1026602 NEW OTHER GRANTS Arun, A. Melendez-Ortega,Maria UNIVERSIDAD INTERAMERICANA DE PUERTO RICO, INC. PR Farming for Future: Integrated Interventions to Improve Student Success and Experimental Learning in Controlled Environmental Agriculture
1026599 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zimmerman, J. K. Zimmerman,Jess K. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO PR HSI: The Puerto Rico Natural Resource Career Tracks (PRNRCT)
1026597 NEW OTHER GRANTS Martinez, P. Martinez,Pamela NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Innovators from Marginalized Communities: Interactive Labs which Help Students See Themselves in Agricultural Careers
1026596 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hodges, T. Hodges,Tanya UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Sopa (Student Success By Increasing Opportunity, Participation, Awareness, And Achievement)
1026595 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lin, Y. Lin,Yang UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Data Science Training for Future Leaders in Soil Health Research and Extension
1026583 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lawrence, E. Knutson-Miller,Kari California State University, Stanislaus CA Career Ready Ag Food Safety (CRAFS)
1026582 NEW OTHER GRANTS Radhakrishnan, P. Radhakrishnan,Preethi RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK NY Project SEMBRAR: Growing and Diversifying the Next Generation of Urban Agricultural STEM Leaders
1026581 NEW OTHER GRANTS Donatello, R. Donatello,Robin California State University, Chico CA DA-FAN_HSI
1026579 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gaines, T. Gaines,Todd COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Workforce Development and Diversification in Agricultural Biosecurity through Experiential Training in Pest Management
1026578 NEW OTHER GRANTS Teske, J. Teske,Jennifer UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Arizona`s Science, Engineering, And Mathematic Scholars (ASEMS): Preparing And Retaining Leaders In STEAM
1026577 NEW OTHER GRANTS Drewery, M. Drewery,Merritt TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, and Mathematics: integrating scientific inquiry in curriculum for pre-service Agricultural Education teachers (STEAM-AGED)
1026566 NEW OTHER GRANTS Racelis, A. E. Racelis,Alexis Eclevia UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX South Texas Agricultural Roadmap for Teaching, Research, Experiential Learning, and Careers (STARTREC) in Food, Agriculture