Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1030268 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ricketts, J. C. Ricketts,John C TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Agricultural Communications Capacity-building through Curriculum Development, Collaboration, and Artificial Intelligence (AC4AI)
1030305 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pendyala, B. Pendyala,Brahmaiah TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Screening and Identification of Potential Cyanobacterial Crude Extracts/Compounds against Highly Infectious Poultry Viruses and Bacteria
1030306 NEW OTHER GRANTS Omondi, E. C. Omondi,Emmanuel Chiwo TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Role of Mulches and Planting Time in Enhancing Production of Clonally or Seed Propagated Industrial Hemp in Tennessee
1030395 NEW OTHER GRANTS Addesso, K. Addesso,Karla TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Identification of pest and disease resistant crapemyrtle cultivars for nursery production
1030700 NEW OTHER GRANTS Young, D. Young,De`Etra TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN TSU 1890 Scholarship Program: Training and Mentoring the Next Generation of Leaders in Food and Agricultural Sciences
1030739 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ricketts, J. C. Ricketts,John C TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN NEXTGeneration Inclusion Consortium (NIC) for Building the Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Human Sciences Pipeline (FANHP)
1030862 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fouladkhah, A. C. Fouladkhah,Aliyar Cyrus TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Public Health Microbiology And Process Authority Support For Tennessean Entrepreneurs
1030927 NEW OTHER GRANTS Haruna, S. Haruna,Samuel MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN The Southeast Regional Perennial Grain Research and Education Center at MTSU: Pathways Toward Sustainable Food Production and Soil Health. Health
1030933 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mahmud, M. Chang,Anjin TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Remote Detection and Classification of Imported Fire Ant Colonies for Site-Specific Management to Enhance Nursery Quarantine Programs
1030948 NEW OTHER GRANTS Morgan, M. T. Morgan,Mark Thomas UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN A statewide collaborative education program to assist home-based food processors under the Tennessee Food Freedom Act
1031126 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stowell, D. R. Stowell,Derrick Ryan UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Getting Rooted in Gardening
1031525 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ruth, T. Ruth,Taylor UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Science, Engagement, and Leadership Academy (SELA): Promoting the Role of MANRRS at Community Colleges to Develop Capacity and Community
1031620 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kwon, J. Kwon,Junehee UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Development of a Food Security Certificate Program, utilizing Food4Vols, a Food Upcycling Program on a College Campus
1031624 NEW OTHER GRANTS Chen, J. Chen,Jiajia UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Integration of artificial intelligence in food engineering education to train future workforce
1031891 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wu, Y. Wu,Ying TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN An In-Depth Elucidation Of The Correlation Between Dietary Fiber And Gut Microbiota
1031892 NEW OTHER GRANTS Chang, A. Chang,Anjin TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Leveraging AI and Image-based Indoor Phenotyping in Greenhouse for Vegetable Productions
1031905 NEW OTHER GRANTS Maharjan, P. Maharjan,Pramir TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Small Flock Poultry Drinking Water Sanitation Practices on Tennessee Farms: An Approach to Thriving Small-scale Poultry Operations Through Improvement in Poultry Drinking Water Management
1031906 NEW OTHER GRANTS Chen, Y. Chen,Yujuan TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Growing Future Climate-resilient Urban Forests from an Equity Perspective
1031909 NEW OTHER GRANTS Thapa, R. Thapa,Resham TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Advancing Climate-Smart Agriculture through Nitrogen and Water Management in Cover Crop-Based No-till Crop Production Systems
1032025 NEW OTHER GRANTS Young, D. Young,De`Etra TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN TSU 1890 Scholarship Program: Training and Mentoring the Next Generation of Leaders in Food and Agricultural Sciences
1032452 NEW OTHER GRANTS Badgujar, C. Badgujar,Chetan UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Better trap design, identification automation, and spatial modeling for better stored product insect pest control
1032499 NEW OTHER GRANTS Motsinger, H. Motsinger,Hanes NASHVILLE FOOD PROJECT, INC., THE TN Nashville Community Food Hub Network (NCFHN)
1032790 NEW OTHER GRANTS Winters, T. Winters,Todd UNIV OF TENNESSEE TN Global Engagement and Exchange: A Capacity-Building Partnership in Kenya
1032794 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jagadamma, S. Jagadamma,Sindhu UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Tapping the Potential of Double Cropping for Profitable Organic Grain and Forage Production in the Southeast US
1032796 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zhong, Q. Zhong,Qixin UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Washable essential oil emulsion coatings to extend the shelf life and enhance the safety of organic fruits and vegetables
1032852 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cui, S. Cui,Song MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Organic Perennial Grain System: a Research, Education, and Extension Imperative for the Climate Transition Zone
1032888 NEW OTHER GRANTS Young, D. Young,De`Etra TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN TSU 1890 Scholarship Program: Training and Mentoring the Next Generation of Leaders in Food and Agricultural Sciences
1032949 NEW OTHER GRANTS Baysal-Gurel, F. Baysal-Gurel,Fulya TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Planning a Solution: A Partnership to Identify Research and Extension Priorities for Vascular Streak Dieback (VSD) in Woody Ornamental Crops
1033056 NEW OTHER GRANTS Reddy, C. Reddy,Chandra TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN 1890 Center of Excellence for Natural Resources, Renewable Energy, and the Environment: A Climate Smart Approach
1033064 NEW OTHER GRANTS Franck, K. L. Franck,Karen Lillemor UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Bridge B