Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029976 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Stevens-Rumann, C. Stevens-Rumann,Camille COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Tree Regeneration in a Changing Climate: Reforestation Potential after Wildfire
1033268 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Stillson, P. Stillson,Patrick EMORY UNIVERSITY GA Can the Environment Alter the Vectoring Capacity of an Agricultural Pest?
1030811 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Stoufer, S. M. Stoufer,Sloane M UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Single-Tube Capture, Concentration, and Genomic Extraction of Foodborne Viruses Using Magnetic Ionic Liquids
1025638 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Strano, M. S. Strano,Michael S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology MA Nanosensors for Measuring and Decoding Immune Signaling Waveforms In Planta
1032094 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Strauss, S. Strauss,Sarah UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Altering the soil environment for increased resiliency in high-intensity specialty crop production
1025040 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Strauss, S. L. Strauss,Sarah L UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Traditional and novel soil health indicators for sub-tropical tree fruit
1028130 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Strauss, S. L. Strauss,Sarah L UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Assessing interactions between fumigants and the soil microbiome for increased sustainability of high-intensity specialty crop production
0227822 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Streets, D. G. Streets,David George UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO IL Development of a Coupled Socioeconomic-Technology Model of Future Emissions to Support Climate Mitigation and Earth System Management
1027664 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Strickland, M. Strickland,Michael UNIV OF IDAHO ID Synergistic response of soil function and biodiversity to multiple soil health management practices
1030055 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Strieder-Barboza, C. Strieder-Barboza,Clarissa TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Unraveling molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying intramuscular, subcutaneous, and visceral adipose tissue growth in beef cattle
1030118 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Strimbu, B. M. Strimbu,Bogdan M OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Optimal individual tree management for climate smart forestry using process-based modeling
1031347 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Studer, A. Studer,Anthony UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL PROCESS: Popcorn Related Outreach Curriculum and Experiences for Student Success
1028094 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Studer, A. J. Studer,Anthony Joseph UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL DSFAS: Digital Infrastructure for Research and Extension on Crops and Technology for Agriculture (DIRECT4AG)
1031819 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Stuligross, C. Stuligross,Clara UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Impacts of heat waves on orchard bee fitness and development: a comparative study of three western populations
1027780 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Stupar, R. Stupar,Robert UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Zeroing in on the Genes and Mechanisms Underlying Soybean Resistance to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis
1027782 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Su, J. Su,Jianzhong UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON TX Developing an Alliance for Training and Apprenticeship in Climate-Smart Agriculture (DATA-Ag)
1032575 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Su, S. Su,Sonia CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Enzymatic remediation of microplastics in food, water, and agriculture
1030644 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Su, X. Su,Xiao UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Valorization of proteins in whey waste through electrochemically-driven continuous separations for sustainable dairy manufacturing
1030025 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Subramaniam, K. Subramaniam,Kuttichantran UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL One-pot RT-LAMP CRISPR/Cas12b platform for rapid detection of tilapia lake virus
1032176 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Subramanian, S. Subramanian,Senthil SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Evaluation of natural and genome-edited genetic variations in auxin and cytokinin pathway genes for optimal nitrogen fixation in soybean
1029725 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Subudhi, P. K. Subudhi,Prasanta Kumar LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Climate Resilient Innovations for Sustainable Production of RICE (CRISP-RICE)
1029670 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Suchoff, D. Suchoff,David NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Developing sustainable fiber hemp systems in North Carolina’s historically tobacco-dependent underserved farming communities
1030330 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Suckling, C. Suckling,Coleen UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Examining temporal shifts in green sea urchin reproduction which could impact production.
1030522 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sudermann, M. Sudermann,Martha OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Characterizing the genetic basis of emergence of the hemlock pathogen Phytophthora pluvialis
1029906 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Suding, K. Suding,Katharine UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO CO Rangeland resilience to a drying climate: patch size distribution as an indicator of threshold functional shifts
1028195 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sue Wing, I. Sue Wing,Ian Trustees of Boston University MA Climate change and calorie crops - global impacts, adaptation and implications for US agricultural communities: Collaborative research with Columbia University and Boston University
0218584 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Suflita, J. Suflita, J. UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA OK Joint US - European Union Theoretical & Practical Course on Molecular Approaches for in situ Biodegradation Univ. of Oklahoma Summer, 2009
1030555 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Summers, R. Summers,Ryan UNIV OF ALABAMA AL Enzymatic grafting of lignin for modified surface chemistry
1027756 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sun, C. Sun,Changyou FOREST AND WILDLIFE RES CENTER MS Economic Analysis Of Property Rights Encumbered By Forest Conservation Easements
1030135 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sun, T. Sun,Tai-Ping DUKE UNIVERSITY NC Elucidation of the Roles of Protein Glycosyltransferases SlSPY and SlSECs in Tomato Fruit Development