Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1030852 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kolodinsky, J. M. Conner,David S. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT PARTNERSHIP: Investigating market opportunities for novel hemp based products
1030864 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Etter, A. J. Etter,Andrea J UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Investigating the Role Of Poultry as a Pathogen Vector in Multi-Species Animal Agritourism Settings
1032610 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cardoso Costa, J. H. Cardoso Costa,Joao Henrique H UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT PARTNERSHIP: Cream of the Crop: Raising Resilient Dairy Cattle For Modern Dairy Farms
1033237 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cardoso Costa, J. H. Cardoso Costa,Joao Henrique H UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Sustainable precision dairy farming: Bridging animal welfare and stakeholder concerns about the use of precision dairy technologies
1033306 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Magnuson, A. D. Magnuson,Andrew D UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Enriching Poultry Eggs With Buttermilk-Sourced Sphingomyelin
0225837 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sheard, L. B. Sheard,Laura Beth UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Structural Studies Of Plant Hormone Receptor Determinants Of Parasitic Striga Infection
1022139 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT den Hartigh, L. den Hartigh,Laura UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Food Specific Molecular Profiles and Biomarkers of Food and Nutrient Intake, and Dietary Exposure (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
1030129 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Mueth, N. Mueth,Nicholas UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Improving Multigene Cassettes in Plants via Genetic Insulators
1030752 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Winkler, M. Winkler,Marikaroliina UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Harnessing synergistic bacterial-fungal interactions in hydrogel biofertilizers to promote sustainable agricultural practices
1030801 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Guayazan Palacios, N. Guayazan Palacios,Natalia UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA How Do Plants Defend Themselves? Trade-Offs Of Pathogen And Herbivore-Induced Immune Responses In Legumes
1027980 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhao, D. Zhao,Dazhong UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI Development of a Nuclear Male Sterility System for Two-line Hybrid Sorghum Breeding
1032270 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cheng, Q. Cheng,Qingsu UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI Integration of Onsite Monitoring and Treatment of Waterborne Pathogens for Agriculture Return Flow and Recycle Wastewater
1025069 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Norton, J. Van Diepen,Linda UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Nitrogen Limitation in High-Elevation Hay Meadows: Understanding Processes for Improved Agroecosystem Health, Function, and Management
1030706 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hovhannisyan, V. Hovhannisyan,Vardges UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Implications of Table Sugar and Natural & Artificial Sweetener Consumption for Bodyweight, Welfare, and Public Policy
1030926 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Van Sandt, A. Van Sandt,Anders UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Responding To America's Rural Health Challenge: Data-Driven Support for a Critical Era
1031731 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hansen, K. Hansen,Kristiana UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Increase Weather and Climate Awareness, Preparedness and Response in Wyoming Rural Agricultural Communities
1032325 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dittoe, D. K. Dittoe,Dana Kristen UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Pre-Harvest Heat Stress: Disruption Of Microbial Ecology And Subsequent Shelf-Life Of Raw Poultry Products
1032333 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cunningham-Hollinger, H. C. Cunningham-Hollinger,Hannah C UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Novel methods for characterization of beef steer temperament and association with feed efficiency, metabolic profile, stress, health, and methane flux
1025205 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kochan, J. Silbey,Mari US IGNITE, INC. DC Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) Rural Platform
1024581 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dunn, J. R. Dunn,John R USDA-ARS, GENETICS AND PRECISION AGRICULTURE UNIT MS US-UK Collab: Combined influence of imperfect vaccines and vaccination practices, host genetics, and pathogen mutation rates on the epidemiological-evolutionary dynamics of infectious diseases
1028198 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ashworth, A. J. Ashworth,Amanda J USDA-ARS, GENETICS AND PRECISION AGRICULTURE UNIT MS Coupling Human and Machine Knowledge to Optimize Tribal Food Systems
1028365 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Shockey, J. Shockey,Jay USDA-ARS, GENETICS AND PRECISION AGRICULTURE UNIT MS Creation of Enhanced-Value Cotton Germplasm via Modulation of Cyclopropyl Fatty Acid Accumulation
1028413 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Campbell, T. Campbell,Todd USDA-ARS, GENETICS AND PRECISION AGRICULTURE UNIT MS Developing a Haplotype-Assisted Breeding System for Upland Cotton
1030087 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Spatz, S. J. Spatz,Stephen J. USDA-ARS, GENETICS AND PRECISION AGRICULTURE UNIT MS Generation of A Newcastle Disease Vaccine That Protects Against Infectious Laryngotracheitis and Marek`s Disease Which Can Be Delivered in ovo
1030617 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Broadhead, G. Broadhead,Geoffrey USDA-ARS, GENETICS AND PRECISION AGRICULTURE UNIT MS Does infection by a fungal pathogen influence host-plant response and vector behavior to enhance transmission?
1032073 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Walsh, E. Walsh,Elizabeth USDA-ARS, GENETICS AND PRECISION AGRICULTURE UNIT MS No More Mummies: Novel and integrative treatment options for Ascosphaera apis in honey bees
1032433 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jesudhasan, P. R. Jesudhasan,Palmy R.R. USDA-ARS, GENETICS AND PRECISION AGRICULTURE UNIT MS Electron beam (eBeam)-killed multivalent vaccine to control Clostridium perfringens and Mycoplasma gallisepticum in chickens
1021661 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Thomas, A. J. Thomas,Aaron James UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Summer Research Internships in Agricultural Biotechnology for Off-Campus Undergraduate Students
1025300 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Veblen, K. Veblen,Kari UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Criollo cattle as a strategy to maintain output of ecosystem services under a changing climate
1027486 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Villalba, J. J. Villalba,Juan J UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Using Smart Foodscapes to Enhance the Sustainability of Western Rangelands