Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1031846 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sims, M. Sims,Madeleine BOARD OF EDUCATION OF CITY OF CH IL CPS District-Wide Composting Project
1029286 NEW OTHER GRANTS Singh, P. Singh,Prashant FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY FL Acquisition of VITEK 2 Compact at Florida State University for Enhancing Microbiology and Antibiotic Resistance Research
1032810 NEW OTHER GRANTS Singh, P. Singh,Prashant FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY FL Capacity Building for Beef Safety and Digital PCR Research and Training
1031995 NEW OTHER GRANTS Singh, R. Singh,Renu SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Building Digital Capacity: An Integrated Approach to Building Digital Commerce Capabilities of Small Agricultural Producers in South Carolina.
1031414 NEW OTHER GRANTS Singh, S. Singh,Surendra WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Living mulch and grazing techniques to improve soil health and weed control for farmers transitioning to organic farming across climatic zones
1030977 NEW OTHER GRANTS Singh, V. Singh,Vijay VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Standardization of Unmanned Aerial Systems-Based Herbicide Spray Applications in Watermelon
1033156 NEW OTHER GRANTS Singh-Knights, D. Singh-Knights,Doolarie WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Empowering Agritourism Service Providers to Strengthen Agritourism Programs as a Farm Diversification Strategy
1030273 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sinha, A. K. Sinha,Amit Kumar UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Functional significance of Rhesus glycoproteins in mitigating toxic ammonia build-up in catfish challenged with elevated environmental ammonia and water borne iron in aquaculture practices
1031904 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sinha, A. K. Sinha,Amit Kumar UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Stress memory as a potential strategy to mitigate the adverse effects of elevated ammonia, hypoxia and water-borne iron in catfish aquaculture
1031658 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sinha, A. Sinha,Arijit OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Developing next generation leaders in forest resource optimization and economics: Mass Timber Products
0212438 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sischo, W. M. Sischo, W. M. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Reducing the environmental load of food and waterborne pathogens on CAFOS
1032732 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sisk, W. E. Sisk,Wayne E FIREFLY VETERINARY SERVICES, PLLC OK OK243: Crescent Veterinary Hospital: Purchase of Equipment to Establish Large Animal Ambulatory Veterinary Service
1013309 NEW OTHER GRANTS Skellington, A. Skellington,Azure WAIMANALO MARKET CO-OP HI Healthy Food (Ka Mea`ai Pono) Initiative
1029602 NEW OTHER GRANTS Slick, J. Slick,Jodi ECOLIBRIUM3 MN LNPK 156: An Integrated Approach to Food Access for an EJ Neighborhood
1027500 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sliwoski, G. Sliwoski,Grace Regional Environmental Council, Inc. MA Centering Community Leadership, Urban Agriculture Education & Training, and Expanding Market Opportunities
1033142 NEW OTHER GRANTS Small, J. Small,Jessica VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE (VIMS) VA Building Better Broodstock: Assessing Correlation of Survival and Morphological Traits with Dermo and MSX Diseases in Eastern Oyster Broodstock
1027023 NEW OTHER GRANTS Smanski, M. Smanski,Michael UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Insect genetic biocontrol: Performance of molecular components in fluctuating environments
1031352 NEW OTHER GRANTS Smart, C. Smart,Christine N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Agroecology Indigenous Student Scholars Summer Internships at Cornell AgriTech
0220437 NEW OTHER GRANTS Smith, A. O. Smith, A. O. YENKIN-MAJESTIC PAINT CORPORATION OH Demonstration of the Dry Fermentation of Food and Yard Waste into Biogas and Bioproducts for Large-scale Industrial Applications
1032863 NEW OTHER GRANTS Smith, D. R. Smith,David R. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Developing a veterinary workforce to be successful in rural food animal practice
1030896 NEW OTHER GRANTS Smith, D. Smith,Dimitra Texas A&M University-Commerce TX Virtual Interactive Produce Safety (VIPS) Exploration Program for Underrepresented Beginning Farmers
1027120 NEW OTHER GRANTS Smith, E. W. Smith,Erin Williamson JACKSON MEDICAL MALL FOUNDATION MS COVID Relief 2019-70030-30401: Double-Up Mississippi`s Emergency Response Plan to COVID Induced Food Insecurity Matters Facing SNAP Consumers
0210774 NEW OTHER GRANTS Smith, M. O. Smith,Michael O. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN Enhancing Educational Quality and International Competitiveness: Recruiting Traditionally Underrepresented Students into Global Agriculture
1030873 NEW OTHER GRANTS Smith, S. Smith,Stephanie WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Food Safety Training For Cottage Food Processors
1029190 NEW OTHER GRANTS Snekvik, K. R. Snekvik,Kevin Roy WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA NAHLN: Maintain Level 1 status and increase NAHLN capabilities and capacity in addressing an adverse animal health event such as may occur with an emerging disease detection or foreign animal disease
1031265 NEW OTHER GRANTS Snekvik, K. R. Snekvik,Kevin Roy WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA NAHLN: Maintain Level 1 status and increase NAHLN capabilities and capacity in addressing an adverse animal health event such as may occur with an emerging disease detection or foreign animal disease.
1032903 NEW OTHER GRANTS Snekvik, K. R. Snekvik,Kevin Roy WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA WADDL NALHN Level 1 status: To increase NAHLN capabilities and capacity in addressing adverse animal health events such as emerging disease detection or foreign animal disease.
1032619 NEW OTHER GRANTS Snyder, A. R. Snyder,Abigail R CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Expanding food safety resources for small and mid-size processors of low moisture foods
1030423 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sobrepena, A. Sobrepena,Andie FARMING HOPE CA Farming Hope`s Community Food Hub and Apprenticeship Program