Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1030254 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Peterson, J. Peterson,Julie UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Comparison of aerial and Chemigation application for western bean cutworm management in intensive corn production
1032123 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Neilson, A. Neilson,Andrew NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Comparing The Impact Of Blueberry Cultivars With Different Levels Of Chlorogenic Acid On Trimethylamine-N Oxide Production And Its Associated Metabolic Complications
1030827 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dickey, M. Dickey,Myra TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Comparative analysis of genetic diversity and gene-specific responses to temperature stress in wild and managed honey bees
1030586 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Neher, D. Neher,Deborah UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Companion cropping Stropharia mushrooms with hemp for nutrient recovery and economic return
1032434 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wong, K. Wong,Kong DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER MO Combining protein simulations and gene-editing for fine-tune modulation of Pennycress growth and development
1028258 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cummings, H. Cummings,Hennen TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY - TIAER TX Combing Replicated Large-Scale Aquaponic Media Bed Research and Producer Based Extension to Address Critical Issues of Aquaponic Producers
1030806 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, S. Zhang,Shuxiao UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Combinatorial effects of salinity and drought stress on root apoplastic barrier development in Pistacia vera
1031631 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Pallipparambil, G. Pallipparambil,Godshen NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Combating Vascular Streak Dieback of Redbud: A Collaborative Conference for Diagnosis, Management, and Mitigation Strategies
1027859 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Casey, T. Casey,Theresa PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Colostrum induction of peroxisomes: Making the link between perinatal nutrition and fertility in swine
1033246 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT TROWBRIDGE, A. TROWBRIDGE,AMY UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Collaborative Research: Unraveling secrets of Rapid Ohi`a Death resistance: assessing carbohydrates and chemical defenses in the response of Hawaiian forests to a fungal pathogen
1027647 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hu, B. Hu,Boyi UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Collaborative Research: NRI: StickBug- An Effective Co-Robot for Precision Pollination
1027440 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gu, Y. Gu,Yu WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Collaborative Research: NRI: StickBug - an Effective Co-Robot for Precision Pollination
1031258 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, Y. Chen,Yue GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GA Collaborative Research: NRI: Perception-aware Soft Robot Manipulation and Bipedal Locomotion for Fresh Market Caneberry Harvesting
1031338 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, X. Zhang,Xin MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Collaborative Research: NRI: Perception-Aware Soft Robot Manipulation and Bipedal Locomotion for Fresh Market Caneberry Harvesting
1027386 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Englot, B. Englot,Brendan STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (INC) NJ Collaborative Research: NRI: Ocean-Powered Robots for Autonomous Offshore Aquaculture
1029657 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT She, Y. She,Yu PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Collaborative Research: NRI: Multimodal sensors guided robotic chicken grasping and rehanging for integrated and autonomous poultry processing
1029662 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Shou, W. Shou,Wan UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Collaborative Research: NRI: Multimodal sensors guided robotic chicken grasping and rehanging for integrated and autonomous poultry processing
1029663 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wang, D. Wang,Dongyi UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Collaborative Research: NRI: Multimodal sensors guided robotic chicken grasping and rehanging for integrated and autonomous poultry processing
1027626 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kantor, G. Kantor,George Carnegie Mellon University PA Collaborative Research: NRI: Balance Pruning of Dormant Grapevines with Autonomous Robots
1028260 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dean, R. Dean,Ralph NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Investigation of the Molecular and Cellular Bases of the Maize/Puccinia sorghi Interaction
1031306 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Egan, S. P. Egan,Scott P. RICE UNIVERSITY TX Collaborative Research: How to manipulate a plant? Testing for conserved effectors and plant responses in gall induction and growth using a multi-species comparative approach
1031309 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Martinson, E. Martinson,Ellen UNIV OF NEW MEXICO NM Collaborative Research: How to manipulate a plant? Testing for conserved effectors and plant responses in gall induction and growth using a multi-species comparative approach
1031627 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lee, C. Lee,Cheol REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MI Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: On-Line Control and Soft-Sensing for Thermal Food Processing Based on a Reduced-Order Modeling Approach
1031668 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jeong, S. Jeong,Sanghyup MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: On-Line Control and Soft-Sensing for Thermal Food Processing Based on a Reduced-Order Modeling Approach
1033080 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Faloutsos, C. Faloutsos,Christos Carnegie Mellon University PA Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: EbeeVet: An Electronic Bee-Veterinarian Framework to Secure Honey Bees
1033084 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kim, H. Kim,Hyoseung The Regents of University of California CA Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: EbeeVet: An Electronic Bee-Veterinarian Framework to Secure Honey Bees
1033201 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Parasuraman, R. N. Parasuraman,Ramviyas Nattanmai UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: AI-driven Cyber-Physical Heterogeneous Systems for Precision Poultry Farming
1028781 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Losey, D. Losey,Dylan VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Collaborative cutting: Agile robot learners for multipurpose meat industry automation
1029870 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Atucha, A. Atucha,Amaya UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI ColdSnap: An online bud cold hardiness prediction tool to assist grapevine management decisions
1027577 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Price, N. N. Price,Nichole N. PRESIDENT AND TRUSTEES OF COLBY COLLEGE, THE ME Coast to Cow to Consumer: Marine algae use to enhance milk production, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and recover nutrients