Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1031587 NEW OTHER GRANTS Chater, J. M. Chater,John M UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Multiomic dissection of HLB tolerance in B9-65 Valencia, N13-32 Hamlin, OLL-8 sweet orange and other cultivars
1031586 NEW OTHER GRANTS Chaparro, J. X. Chaparro,Jose Xavier UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Rapid Generation and Evaluation of Eremocitrus-Derived Populations for HLB Tolerance and Fruit Quality
1033380 NEW OTHER GRANTS Loria, R. Loria,Rosemary UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Rapid Selection of HLB Resistance Genes to Fast Track Citrus Variety Development
1033334 NEW OTHER GRANTS El Mohtar, C. A. El Mohtar,Choaa Amine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Understand and identify HLB tolerance in citrus and its relatives
1031945 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hankins, G. Hankins,Gerald WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Spatial Transcriptomic Sequencing and Trip-CRISPR Knockout Technologies for Teaching and Exploring the Health Effects of Capsaicin, Turmeric, Blueberries, and Bitter melon using Drosophila
1033293 NEW OTHER GRANTS Parks, C. Parks,Courtney CHN NEBRASKA NE Special Supplemental Nutrition Program For Women, Infants, And Children Workforce - Evaluation And Technical Assistance Center
0208110 NEW OTHER GRANTS Miller, G. W. Miller, G. W. WATEREUSE ASSOCIATION VA Specialty Conference on Agricultural Reuse
1033242 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gallagher, D. Gallagher,Dusti INFINITE EVERSOLE-SPECIALTY CROP SERVICES, LLC AR Specialty Crop Regulatory Assistance Workshop: Nuts and Bolts of U.S. Regulatory Dossiers for Genetically Engineered Crops
0200245 NEW OTHER GRANTS Guy, E. Guy, E. CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Spirit Lake Volunteerism and Leadership Development Project
0197419 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tatsey, T. Tatsey, T. BLACKFEET COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Spirit of The Land on Triple Divide
1029297 NEW OTHER GRANTS Auterson, M. Auterson,Maile SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY GARDENS MO Springfield Community Gardens Hospital Farm Pilot
1029496 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rose, F. Rose,Fred WELLSPRING COOPERATIVE CORPORATION MA Springfield Prescription Produce Collaborative
1031510 NEW OTHER GRANTS Green, J. J. Green,John J. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS SRDC Base Funding FY23
1031834 NEW OTHER GRANTS Quinlan, D. Quinlan,Debra SOUHEGAN REGIONAL LANDFILL DISTRICT NH SRLD Food Waste Diversion Project
1032867 NEW OTHER GRANTS Aburto Guerrero, F. Aburto Guerrero,Felipe Andres TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX SSOIL-COP:Soil Science Integrated Learning and Career Opportunity Partnership
1030977 NEW OTHER GRANTS Singh, V. Singh,Vijay VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Standardization of Unmanned Aerial Systems-Based Herbicide Spray Applications in Watermelon
1032817 NEW OTHER GRANTS Held, D. Held,David AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Statewide Extension IPM Coordination Program for Auburn University and Alabama Cooperative Extension System for 2024-2027
0197415 NEW OTHER GRANTS McKeon-Hanson, E. McKeon-Hanson, E. STONE CHILD COLLEGE MT Stone Child College - Equity in Education
0201146 NEW OTHER GRANTS McKeon-Hanson, E. M. McKeon-Hanson, E. M. STONE CHILD COLLEGE MT Stone Child College Equity in Education
1031381 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gross, D. Gross,Dean NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Stop the Bleed: Empowering North Dakota Rural Communities Project
1032706 NEW OTHER GRANTS Audoin, F. Audoin,Flavie UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Stories of American Rangelands: Meeting the Challenges of a Changing Climate & Culture
1030912 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mansfeldt, C. Mansfeldt,Cresten UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO CO STRATAGEM: Standardizing Techniques to Reinforce Agricultural-runoff Threat Assessments for Genetically Engineered Microorganisms
1033146 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pinnamaneni, S. Pinnamaneni,Srinivas COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Strategies for sustaining the productivity of alfalfa under water limited environments of the Intermountain West
1032714 NEW OTHER GRANTS Brady, E. Brady,Earl DANIELLE AND EARL BRADY LLC VT Strategies to increase efficiency and feasibility of a large animal veterinary service for Danielle and EARL BRADY LLC (dba Cold Hollow Veterinary Services) to the JVTNH241 veterinary shortage area.
0229554 NEW OTHER GRANTS Brockington, D. C. Brockington,Deneene C. Resources for Human Development PA Strawberry Mansion Community Food Planning Project to Address The Food Insecurity Needs of Low-Income Households
0197603 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sweet, D. Sweet, D. COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Strengthen Student Recruitment in Nutrition and Food Science Program
1030328 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jiang, G. Jiang,Guo-Liang VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Strengthening 1890 Capacity in Plant Breeding and Promotion of Edamame and Dual-Purpose Soybeans for the South Atlantic States
1033213 NEW OTHER GRANTS Joseph, H. Joseph,Hugh THIRD SECTOR NEW ENGLAND, INC. MA Strengthening Capacities to Provide More Effective Training and Technical Assistance.
1032798 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schneider, S. Schneider,Sue COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Strengthening capacity to promote healthy behaviors and improve quality of life for older adults in rural Colorado
1031385 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bowie, M. Bowie,Maria UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Strengthening Cooperative Extension Capacity for Emergency Response