Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1032591 NEW OTHER GRANTS Qi, Y. Qi,Yiping UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Investigating genome-wide off-target effects of Cas9 and Cas12a cytosine base editors for highly multiplexed genome editing in rice
1032601 NEW OTHER GRANTS Etienne, X. Etienne,Xiaoli UNIV OF IDAHO ID PEARS: Providing Educational Agriculture to Rural Schools
1032603 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gleason, C. Gleason,Cynthia WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Developing a Solanum sisymbriifolium based biospesticide for plant parasitic nematode control
1032605 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schilling, M. W. Schilling,Mark Wesley MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Pest Management in Dry-Cured Pork
1032607 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jordan, J. L. Jordan,Jeffrey L UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program 2024
1032608 NEW OTHER GRANTS Villanassery Joseph, S. Villanassery Joseph,Shimat UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Development of Integrated Pest Management Tactics for the Invasive Thrips parvispinus in Ornamentals and Pepper
1032614 NEW OTHER GRANTS Nelson, B. Nelson,Beth UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Cooperative Agreement Proposal between NIFA and University of Minnesota.
1032617 NEW OTHER GRANTS Quintanilla Tornel, M. Quintanilla Tornel,Marisol MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Towards The Sustainable Management Of Two Economically Important Dipteran Insect Pests Using Entomopathogenic Nematodes And Fungi
1032619 NEW OTHER GRANTS Snyder, A. R. Snyder,Abigail R CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Expanding food safety resources for small and mid-size processors of low moisture foods
1032620 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zebelo, S. Zebelo,Simon University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Evaluating and delivering trap cropping and companion planting strategies to manage the cucumber beetle, squash bug and squash vine borer in Delmarva cucurbit fields
1032622 NEW OTHER GRANTS McGowan, B. W. McGowan,Bruce W UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR 1890 Scholarships at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
1032626 NEW OTHER GRANTS Del Castillo Munera, J. Del Castillo Munera,Johanna UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA IInnovative Approaches for Management of Botrytis Fungicide Resistance in Specialty Crops
1032629 NEW OTHER GRANTS Martin, M. Martin,Melissa WEST VIRGINIA FOOD AND FARM COALITION, INC. WV Mingo County Food Forward Foursome: Sow to Store
1032636 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pinero Ramirez, J. Pinero Ramirez,Jaime UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Impacting Change: Fostering the adoption of grower-friendly apple IPM strategies in New England
1032639 NEW OTHER GRANTS Adhikari, A. Adhikari,Achyut LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA On-farm food safety training for farm workers and underserved farmers covering FSMA PSR and GAPs requirement
1032640 NEW OTHER GRANTS Yang, X. Yang,Xu CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIV CA Bridging Gaps, Building Futures: Empowering Students As Food Safety Ambassadors For Farmers And Small Processors In Southern California
1032641 NEW OTHER GRANTS Chopra, S. Chopra,Surinder PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Harnessing Sorghum and Maize-Derived Natural Compounds for Effective Direct and Indirect Defense Strategies Against Fall Armyworm
1032646 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shen, C. Shen,Cangliang WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Young Farmer Food Safety Education Project: Developing and Implementing Food Safety Outreach Activities for WV High School Horticulture Instructors as Supplement to the Farm-to-School Program
1032647 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fritz, M. Fritz,Megan UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Seeing double: Evidence for copy number variants in transgenic crop resistance and methods for their early detection
1032648 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sands, B. O. Sands,Bryony O`Hara UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Developing an ecosystem level Grazed Pasture IPM assessment tool
1032649 NEW OTHER GRANTS Leslie, T. E. Leslie,Teresa Elizabeth UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT SARE Regional Host
1032650 NEW OTHER GRANTS DuPont, S. T. DuPont,Sara Tianna WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Implementing New Tools for Pear Integrated Pest Management
1032653 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tocco, P. Tocco,Phillip MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Crowdsourcing an Image Library: Creating a user generated image library for education and outreach
1032659 NEW OTHER GRANTS Balasuriya, U. Balasuriya,Udeni LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA USDA - NIFA - NAHLN - Level 1 Support FY 2024
1032661 NEW OTHER GRANTS Marlow, C. Marlow,Clayton MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT FY 2024 Western SARE Non-Competitive Renewal
1032662 NEW OTHER GRANTS Newbold, E. J. Newbold,Elizabeth Jane UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Northeast Center to Advance Food Safety
1032663 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zhang, S. Zhang,Shuping UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO NAHLN Level 1 Lab - Maintaining and Further Improving Capacity and Capabilities of the University of Missouri Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory
1032665 NEW OTHER GRANTS Borrelli, K. Borrelli,Kristy UNIV OF MARYLAND MD National Reporting Coordination and Communication Office
1032671 NEW OTHER GRANTS Velayudhan, B. T. Velayudhan,Binu T UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA NAHLN: National Animal Health Laboratory Network Level 1 for the Food and Agriculture Defense Initiative