Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1032213 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jeon, B. Jeon,Byeonghwa UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MN Development of a divalent vaccine targeting Campylobacter in poultry production
1032214 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, D. Chen,Danhong SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY TX Bringing Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) into K-14 Classrooms through a Healthy Hydroponic Project (HHP)
1032215 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Li, L. Li,Li Agricultural Research Service PA A novel genetic strategy and mechanism to improve tomato fruit yield
1032216 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wijewardane, N. K. Wijewardane,Nuwan Kumara MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS POTENTIALS (advancing sPectroscOpic TechniquEs for iN siTu soIl heALth assessmentS)
1032217 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Baldock, K. Baldock,Kalynn Eastern New Mexico University NM Agricultural Science Teachers Industry-Aligned Education and Development (AGRI-TED)
1032218 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lim, S. Lim,Siew Hoon NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND PARTNERSHIP: U.S. Soybean and Corn Supply Chain Resilience: Impacts of Extreme Droughts on Production, Shipping, Trade, and Global Food Security
1032219 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gerrard, S. D. Gerrard,Samuel David VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Defining Amino Acid Metabolism in Disease Challenged Pigs
1032220 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hennessey, N. Hennessey,Noel UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ ENGAGED in Agricultural Systems and Technology
1032221 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Davis, T. S. Davis,Thomas Seth COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Competition Between Managed Honeybees and Wild Bees in the Colorado Front Range
1032222 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Choudoir, M. Choudoir,Mallory NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Cultivating Resilience: Evaluating Organic Amendments for Optimizing Soil Microbiome Functions
1032223 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Blackwood, C. Blackwood,Christopher MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Towards Enhancing Climate Mitigation Potential Of Switchgrass Bioenergy Cropping Systems
1032224 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dell, T. W. Dell,Timothy Wayne PITTSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY KS Introductory Mobile Hydraulic Systems, Advanced Mobile Hydraulic Systems, and Power Train System Workshops for Agricultural K-14 Educators
1032225 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lee, S. Lee,Seonghee UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Integrated Genomics-Enabled Breeding for Accelerating Soil-Borne Disease Resistance in Strawberry (F. x ananassa)
1032226 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Soupir, M. L. Soupir,Michelle Lynn IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Forestry on Tap: Using local woodland resources to unlock the microbiome of bioreactors to improve water quality
1032227 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Brownback, A. Brownback,Andy UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Understanding nutrition through machine vision
1032228 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yost, M. A. Yost,Matt A UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Sabbatical to Advance Long-Term Agriculture Water Optimization Research, Training, and Outreach in Great Salt Lake and Colorado River Basins
1032229 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Castillo, M. Castillo,Miguel NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Science to Practice: Stockpiling and Frost-Seeding Clovers as Critical Components of Climate Smart Grasslands for the Tall Fescue Belt
1032230 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, H. Chen,Hao AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Debottlenecking Fiber Production: Field Evaluation of Low-Lignin Poplar Varieties for Pulp Industries
1032231 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Stamm, M. Stamm,Michael J KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Fueling Winter Canola Cultivar Availability to Meet New Demand for Oil
1032233 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wang, D. Wang,Dengjun AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Elucidating Nutrient Loads and Bioavailability to Cyanobacteria in Catfish Ponds for Sustainable Aquaculture
1032234 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Maity, A. Maity,Aniruddha AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Understanding the Influences of Endophytes and Abiotic Factors on Herbicide Resistance Development in Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum)
1032235 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Whitman, L. K. Whitman,Lydia Karine NATIONAL BISON ASSOCIATION CO 2024 International Bison Health Symposium
1032236 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Li, M. Li,Man UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Building Resilience: Incentivizing Agricultural Water Conservation in Utah Amid Climate Uncertainty and Prior Appropriation Water Rights
1032237 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cahoon, E. Cahoon,Edgar UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE 26th International Symposium On Plant Lipids And 1st International Camelina Conference
1032238 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ma, L. Ma,Leixin ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY AZ DSFAS: Physics-aware Digital Twins for Offshore Aquaculture Systems
1032239 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Woiwode, R. Woiwode,Ruth UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE A novel system for objective scoring of animal handling
1032240 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Niu, W. Niu,Wei UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Systems Valorization Of Lignin Aromatics Through Microbial Synthesis Of C6 Building Block Chemicals
1032241 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hopfer, H. Hopfer,Helene PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Training of Future Professionals along the Human-Food Interface through Research and Experiential Learning for Undergraduates
1032242 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ghane, E. Ghane,Ehsan MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Increasing The Adoption Of Controlled Drainage For Crop Production And Water-Quality Protection Using An Educational Decision-Support Tool
1032243 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ruegg, P. Ruegg,Pamela MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Understanding and Reducing Barriers to Antimicrobial Stewardship on Dairy Farms