Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029031 NEW OTHER GRANTS Aryee, A. N. Aryee,Alberta Naa Ayeley DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Multi-institutional Data Science Training of Students in Food and Agricultural Sciences
1028963 NEW OTHER GRANTS Winstead, C. Winstead,Cherese DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE 1890 Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students in Food and Agriculture Sciences and Related Fields
1028962 NEW OTHER GRANTS Winstead, C. Winstead,Cherese DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE 1890 Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students in Food and Agriculture Sciences and Related Fields
1028550 NEW OTHER GRANTS Taylor, B. C. Taylor,Bettina C DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Develop an MS in Dietetics including Experiential Learning to Graduate Nutrition Leaders with Expertise in Addressing Health Disparities
1028541 NEW OTHER GRANTS Elavarthi, S. Elavarthi,Sathya DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Evaluate and understand high-temperature stress responses in hemp using functional genomics approaches
1028538 NEW OTHER GRANTS Melmaiee, K. Melmaiee,Kalpalatha DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Development and validation of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism-based markers (KASP and CAPS) for high-temperature stress tolerance in blueberries
1028527 NEW OTHER GRANTS McIntosh, D. McIntosh,Dennis DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE DE Shellfish Aquaculture: Training to Support an Emerging Industry
1028526 NEW OTHER GRANTS Besong, S. Besong,Samuel DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Estimation of nutrient composition and serving sizes of African foods consumed in the U.S. to assess diet quality and to promote healthful food choices
1027287 NEW OTHER GRANTS Marsh, D. B. Winstead,Cherese DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE 1890 Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students in Food and Agriculture Sciences and Related Fields
1027286 NEW OTHER GRANTS Marsh, D. B. Winstead,Cherese DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE 1890 Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students in Food and Agriculture Sciences and Related Fields
0201354 NEW OTHER GRANTS Graham, J. L. Graham, J. L. DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Enhancing Students' Educational Experiences: A Study Abroad Program
1033157 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sanchez, A. Sanchez,Amelia NATIONAL IMMIGRANT FARMING INITIATIVE, INC. DC Capacity Building and Resources for Immigrant Farmworkers and Military Veterans, Beginning in Agricultural Enterprises
1032836 NEW OTHER GRANTS Talhami, A. Talhami,Andrea DC GREENS DC DC Greens` Produce Rx initiative is a proven "Food Is Medicine" intervention empowering healthcare providers to prescribe fruit and vegetables to patients with diet-related chronic conditions.
1032533 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rominiyi, C. Rominiyi,Charles DC GREENS DC The Well at Oxon Run Community Expansion Initiative. The Well is a one-acre educational farm, food hub and gathering space managed and operated by DC Greens.
1031488 NEW OTHER GRANTS Reiss, K. Reiss,Kinzie AMERICAN FARMLAND TRUST, INC DC Regenerative Agriculture Curriculum for the High School Classroom
1031413 NEW OTHER GRANTS Brown, J. Brown,Ja'Sent D.C. CENTRAL KITCHEN, INC. (THE) DC Farm to Corner Store: Growing Healthy, Local Fruit and Vegetable Sales at Small Retailers
1031098 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mampara, J. Mampara,Jennifer FRESHFARM MARKETS, INC. DC FRESHFARM FoodPrints: Creating School-based Hubs for Food & Agricultural Education
1029781 NEW OTHER GRANTS Coffin, C. Coffin,Cris AMERICAN FARMLAND TRUST, INC DC Growing Equity
1029617 NEW OTHER GRANTS Essel, K. D. Fischer,Laura CHILDREN'S NATIONAL MEDICAL CENTER DC FLiPRx: a home-delivery produce prescription program for families with children
1029383 NEW OTHER GRANTS McCarron, K. McCarron,Kristy YMCA METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON DC YMCA Produce Prescription Project (YPRx)
1028732 NEW OTHER GRANTS Delgado, R. P. Sanchez,Amelia NATIONAL IMMIGRANT FARMING INITIATIVE, INC. DC American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program - National Immigrant Farming Initiative
1028722 NEW OTHER GRANTS McEntire, J. McEntire,Jennifer UNITED FRESH PRODUCE ASSOCIATION DC Increasing Peer-to-Peer Training and Technical Capacity through a Listeria Environmental Monitoring Certificate Program for Spanish-speaking produce safety staff
1028638 NEW OTHER GRANTS PICCIANO, L. PICCIANO,Lorette RURAL COALITION DC American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program - Rural Coalition
1028517 NEW OTHER GRANTS Reed, H. Washington,Elzadia NATIONAL BLACK GROWERS COUNCIL DC American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program - National Black Growers Council
1028510 NEW OTHER GRANTS Arredondo, R. N. Arredondo,Rudy NMI NATIONAL LATINO FARMERS AND RANCHERS, THE DC American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program - NLFRTA
1028504 NEW OTHER GRANTS O`Brien, D. Buzby,Matthew COOPERATIVE LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DC American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program - National Cooperative Business Association
1027420 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stavely, N. Stavely,Nick FRESHFARM MARKETS, INC. DC Establishing a Metro Washington Region Incentive Program Coalition: Improving stewardship of SNAP and SNAP incentives for farmers markets/CSAs
0219939 NEW OTHER GRANTS Callahan, R. Callahan,Rachael COMMON GOOD CITY FARM DC Common Good City Farm: Fresh Food for the Nation's Capital
0212009 NEW OTHER GRANTS Solis, P. Patricia Solis ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN GEOGRAPHERS DC My Community, Our Earth Partnership Strategic Planning Activities