Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0200649 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT LITZ, R. E. Litz, R. E. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Genetic Control of Ripening of West Indian and West Indian x Guatemalan Avocado Fruit
0200647 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Watson, C. A. Watson, C. A. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Tropical Aquaculture Florida, 2004
0200567 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Roush, R. Berman, C. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Exotic Pests and Diseases (CA)
0200545 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Pryor, B. M. Pryor, B. M. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Biological Control of Lettuce Drop: An Essential Element in Developing an IPM Program for Desert-Grown Winter Lettuce
0200544 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Engle, C. R. Engle, C. R. UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Production Performance Enhancement in Aquaculture
0200541 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Shelton, A. M. Shelton, A. M. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Development and Implementation of a Reduced-Risk Mangement Program for Onion Thrips in Onions
0200534 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Lewis, C. E. Lewis, C. E. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Alaska Enthnobotany Project
0200522 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Miller, R. H. Miller, R. H. UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU TSTAR Invasive Species Research at the University of Guam for FY 2004
0200521 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Miller, R. H. Miller, R. H. UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU TSTAR Agricultural Research at the University of Guam for FY 2004
0200505 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Gut, L. J. Gut, L. J. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Improved Bait-and-Kill for Fruit Fly Control in FQPA-Targeted Fruit Crops
0200469 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Mirkov, T. E. Mirkov, T. E. TEXAS A&M UNIV TX Positional Cloning and Analysis of the Citrus Tristeza Virus Resistance Gene
0200464 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Auyong, J. Auyong, J. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR The Molluscan Broodstock Program
0200456 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Isaacs, R. Isaacs, R. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Integrating Alternative Approaches to Control Key Pests in Eastern U.S. Vineyards
0200408 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Teel, P. D. Teel, P. D. TEXAS A&M UNIV TX Gulf Coast Tick Pheromone: IPM Application Across Geographic Strains
0200407 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Stuth, J. W. Stuth, J. W. TEXAS A&M UNIV TX Application of NIRS Fecal Analysis for Tick Management on Range Cattle
0200393 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Wahl, T. I. Wahl, T. I. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Enhancing Competitiveness of Agricultural Products
0200382 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Scherm, H. Scherm, H. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Management Alternatives for Bacterial Spot of Peach
0200354 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kephart, K. D. Kephart, K. D. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Planning the Sun Grant Initiative
0200343 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Deng, Z. Deng, Z. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Identification, Inheritance, and Utilization of Host Plant Resistance in Caladiums to Fusarium and Pythium
0200318 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Warmann, G. W. Tidemann, L. J. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Consortium for Alternative Crops
0200313 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Calvin, D. D. Calvin, D. D. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Verification of Web-based Pest Real-Time High-Resolution Weed and Insect Predictive Models for Northeast IPM Programs
0200300 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Lewis, C. E. Lewis,, C. E. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Alaska Seed Grower's Assistance Program
0200272 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Fennimore, S. A. Fennimore, S. A. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Evaluation of Low-Rate Herbicides and Precision Cultivation for Weed Management in Vegetable Crops
0200258 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Leistritz, F. L. Leistritz, F. L. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Developing a Nanocomposite-based Biomaterials Industry in North Dakota
0200252 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kanwar, R. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Measurement and Mitigation of Odor and Air Emissions From Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
0200224 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Zhu-Salzman, K. Zhu-Salzman, K. TEXAS A&M UNIV TX Using DNA Diagnostics to Predict Potentially Damaging Isolates of Greenbug
0200219 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Solter, L. F. Solter, L. F. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL West Nile Virus-Illinois
0200197 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Otwell, W. S. Otwell,Walter Steven UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Implementing Post Harvest Treatments in Commerce of Florida Oysters
0200159 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Stiegert, K. W. Stiegert, K. W. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI The Organization, Regulation and Performance of the U.S. Food System
0200155 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Smiley, S. Smiley, S. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK CSREES Special Grant: Alternative Salmon Products Program FY2004