Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

For updates, please refer to the NIFA Reporting System or email

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0201779 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Buckley, D. S. Cashion, L. C. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Silviculture and Disturbance Ecology of Tennessee Hardwood Forests
0201762 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Troy, A. Austin Troy UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Development of an object-oriented framework for classifying and inventorying human-dominated forest ecosystems
0201761 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Donovan, T. M. Donovan, T. M. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT How much forest is enough? Effects of forest amount and arrangement on forest bird population viability
0201758 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Williard, K. W. Zaczek, J. J. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV IL Riparian Nutrient Cycling in Headwater WAtersheds in Southern Illinois
0201736 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Werner, L. P. Werner, L. P. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Urban Tree Throughfall, Stem Flow and Litter Leachate Contributions to Phosphorus Loading in Urban Landscapes
0201734 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Rickenbach, M. G. Rickenbach, M. G. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Assessing Opportunities for Cross-Boundary Forest Management Among NIPF Owners
0201703 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS O'Hara, K. O'Hara, K. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Forest Stand Dynamics and Management in Even-Aged and Multiaged Stands in California
0201702 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS McBride, J. R. McBride, J. R. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Diversity and Stability in Urban Forests
0201701 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Huntsinger, L. Huntsinger, L. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Working woodlands: Defining the social and ecological framework for Mediterranean oak woodland conservation through ranching
0201699 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Beall, F. C. Beall, F. C. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Development of fire mitigation methods for vegetation and structures in the urban-wildland interface
0201698 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Baldocchi, D. Baldocchi, D. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Measuring and Modeling the Exchange of Mass and Energy between Terrestrial Ecosystems and the Atmosphere
0201687 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Daigle, J. J. Daigle, J. J. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Public use of private lands for recreation: assessing attitudes, values, and perceptions of the visitor and the private landowner
0201672 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Smart, L. B. Smart, L. B. STATE UNIV OF NEW YORK NY Breeding of Willow and Characterization of Microbial Associations for the Remediation of Contaminated Soils
0201662 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Radeloff, V. C. Radeloff, V. C. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Sprawl in Wisconsin's Forested Regions and its Effects on Forest Bird Population
0201660 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Farrish, K. W. Farrish, K. W. STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY TX Forest Soil Quality and Ecology in East Texas
0201623 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Buongiorno, J. Buongiorno, J. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Dynamic Feedbacks Between Exports and Growth in Forest Product Industries
0201618 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Weisberg, P. Peter Weisberg UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Spatial Analysis of Pinyon-Juniper Expansion in the Nevada Great Basin
0201610 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Germain, R. H. Germain, R. H. STATE UNIV OF NEW YORK NY Evaluating the Impact of Parcelization on Non-Industrial Private Forestlands in the New York City Watershed
0201593 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Cox, J. Cox, JO. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY The Ecological Role of Large Mammals in the Forests of Kentucky and the Eastern United States: Implications for Conservation
0201577 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Goodell, B. Goodell, B. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Wood Degradation Mechanisms and Pressure Infusion Wood Composites Fabrication
0201504 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Yeiser, J. L. Yeiser, J. L. STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY TX Loblolly Pine Midrotation Growth Response to Fertilization and Yaupon Control on Four Sites in E Texas
0201495 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Barker, A. V. Patricia Cromack UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Studies of Growth and Nutrition of Forest and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs in Hydroponics
0201489 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Piatek, K. B. Kathryn Piatek WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Ecological Basis for Nutrient Management for Sustainable Forest Productivity.
0201466 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Hendrick, R. L. Hendrick, R. L. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Southern Appalachian Forests: Below Ground Processes in a Diverse and Changing Landscape
0201448 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Miura, T. Miura, T. UNIV OF HAWAII HI Large-Scale Assessment of Hawaiian Dry Forest Decline and Restoration Potential with Remote Sensing and GIS
0201380 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Kainer, K. A. Kainer, K. A. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Ecology and Community-based Management of Neotropical Forests
0201375 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Xing, B. Patricia Cromack UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Development and Use of Wood Waste Based Materials for Cleanup of Contaminated Water
0201370 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Mladenoff, D. J. Mladenoff, D. J. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI The Functional Role of Large Woody Debris and Canopy Gaps in Northern Hardwood Forests