Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1031465 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shelton, C. Higa,Alicia ELEPAIO SOCIAL SERVICES HI Mana Ku Produce Prescription Program
1030939 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shen, C. Shen,Cangliang WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Expand the Current Food Safety Modernization Act Training Program for West Virginia Very Small Local Produce Growers with the Content of Triple-Wash and Related Outreach Activities
1032646 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shen, C. Shen,Cangliang WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Young Farmer Food Safety Education Project: Developing and Implementing Food Safety Outreach Activities for WV High School Horticulture Instructors as Supplement to the Farm-to-School Program
1029506 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shenberger, D. Shenberger,Diane YMCA OF NORTHWEST NORTH CAROLINA NC Northeast Winston Fresh Food Prescription Program
0203346 NEW OTHER GRANTS SHEPARD, R. Benkowski, J. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Pilot Technology Transfer
1033147 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sher, M. Sher,Mazhar SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD RAISE Program: Robotics, AI, and Sensor Education in K-14 Agriculture & STEM
1032773 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shergill, L. S. Shergill,Lovreet Singh MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT From Microbes To Drones: Diversifying Agroecosystems To Manage Herbicide Resistance
1029258 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sherif, S. M. Sherif,Sherif Mohamed VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Investigating the Environmental Persistence and Target Specificity of Minicells-Encapsulated RNAi BioFungicides
1031343 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sherman, J. R. Sherman,Jeff Ryan OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR New Beginnings for Tribal Students in Oregon
1026371 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shetty, K. Shetty,Kateel FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FL Empowering students in the emerging big data field through multicultural scholar program
1030958 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shi, A. Shi,Ainong UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Managing Emerging Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus in Greenhouse Tomatoes Using Alternative Rootstock and Disinfection
1031548 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shi, A. Shi,Ainong UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Development of germplasm resources and molecular breeding tools to combat endemic and emerging diseases in US spinach production
1029331 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shi, Y. Shi,Yong Cheng KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Graduate training to link cereal science and human nutrition
1032763 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shikano, I. Shikano,Ikkei UNIV OF HAWAII HI Developing A Mass-Producible Bait Station Containing Entomopathogenic Fungi For The Control Of Invasive Tephritidae Fruit Flies
1028748 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shim, R. Shim,Rosalyn TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX New Breed: Training Work-Force Ready Plant Breeders By Integrating Core Knowledge With Applied Research And Experiential Learning
1028884 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shippy, M. Evans,Frances THE HEALTH & HOSPITAL CORP OF MARION COUNTY IN MCPHD Produce Rx expansion to introduce more clients to local, healthy produce and increase outlets with more efficient redemption and evaluation processes (Proposal Number 2021-06533)
1030991 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shrestha, G. Shrestha,Govinda OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR New problem with an old pest: mitigating risks of corn earworm outbreaks in hemp
1032766 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shumaker, E. Shumaker,Ellen NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC FSMA Traceability Requirements in Retail Food Establishments: Development of an Educational Training Program
1028523 NEW OTHER GRANTS Si, H. Si,Hongwei TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Combined food-derived chemicals inhibit breast cancer synergistically in African American women
1032799 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sial, A. Sial,Ashfaq Ahmad UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Implementation of Systems-based IPM Programs in Economically Significant Cropping Systems in Georgia
1031967 NEW OTHER GRANTS Siddiqui, R. A. Nartea,Theresa VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Nutritional profile of ginger grown under deficit irrigation for promoting its cultivation and consumption for preventing obesity.
1031383 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sierra-Cajas, K. Sierra-Cajas,Kimberly UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ The Come Back Home Summer Immersion Experience
1032536 NEW OTHER GRANTS Siliveru, K. Siliveru,Kaliramesh KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Cold Plasma Treatment – a Novel Approach as an Alternative to Methyl Bromide Treatment for Disinfestation and Disinfection of Pulses
1030251 NEW OTHER GRANTS Silva, R. C. Silva,Roberta C NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Strengthening the Food and Nutritional Sciences Program to Create a Pipeline for Graduate Study and a Diverse Workforce
1031899 NEW OTHER GRANTS Silva, R. C. Silva,Roberta C NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Strengthening the Food Sciences Program through a Chocolate Science Education
1029296 NEW OTHER GRANTS Simon, J. E. Simon,James E RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Investigating the genetic basis of downy mildew and bacterial leaf spot resistance in basil (Ocimum spp.) using advanced genomic techniques
1026624 NEW OTHER GRANTS Simon, P. Simon,Philipp AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Carrot Improvement for Organic Agriculture: Leveraging On-Farm and Below Ground Networks
1029239 NEW OTHER GRANTS Simon, P. Simon,Philipp AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Applying advanced phenotypic and genomic tools to improve flavor, nutrition, and production traits in carrot
1032376 NEW OTHER GRANTS Simonsen, J. Simonsen,Jon UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Strengthening Farm Financial Benchmarking for an agricultural industry in transition
1033501 NEW OTHER GRANTS Simpson, F. Simpson,Florence LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CA Reducing Campus Food Waste Through Cafeteria Based Composting Operations and Garden Based Science Education Pilot in the Los Angeles Unified School District.