Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1028429 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Busov, V. Busov,Victor MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIV MI Role of a RED NAC (RN) transcription factor in low nitrogen response in poplar
1028354 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Meydani, S. Greenberg,Andrew TUFTS UNIVERSITY MA Role of ceramide and gut microbiota in fruits and vegetable induced prevention of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
1030190 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Schaller, G. E. Schaller,George E DARTMOUTH COLLEGE NH Role of cytokinin in regulating abiotic stress resistance in rice
1028085 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ott, L. C. Ott,Logan C IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Role of Dietary Short Chain Fatty Acids On Inhibition of Antimicrobial Resistance Transfer In The Gut of Poultry
1032301 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Markworth, J. Markworth,James PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Role of essential fatty acid metabolites in preventing human metabolic disease via the gut-muscle axis
1030812 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Walnut, J. Walnut,Jessica PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Role of Heterotrimeric Ga subunit RGA1 in Rice Drought Stress
1032077 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hughes, C. H. Hughes,Camilla Helen Kroehler PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Role of immune cells in the establishment and activation of the ovarian reserve
1030217 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Starkey, J. Starkey,Jessica AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Role of incubation conditions in the broiler chicken Wooden Breast myopathy
0225925 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Frame, K. Frame,Kenneth STANFORD UNIV CA Role Of Lipid Signaling In Plant Resistance To Bacterial Pathogens Expressing Avrbst
1027955 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Govoni, K. Govoni,Kristen UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Role of maternal nutrient restriction and betaine supplementation in offspring growth and epigenetic regulation in the liver
1028300 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hileman, S. M. Hileman,Stanley Michael WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Role of Neurokinin B and Kisspeptin in Ovine Puberty
1030170 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Moorey, S. E. Moorey,Sarah Elizabeth UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Role Of Preovulatory Follicle Developmental Status In Cattle Fertility Via Follicular Fluid Mediated Impacts On The Cumulus-Oocyte Complex
1028204 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lee, K. Lee,Kichoon OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Role of retinol and retinol-binding protein 7 gene in regulation of avian adipogenesis
1030329 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Regmi, P. Regmi,Prafulla UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Role of stress-induced changes in gut microbiota and immune function on welfare (behavior and cognition) of laying hens
1030790 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kern, C. Kern,Chandlar PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Role of the bovine PRAMEY protein in early embryonic development through epigenetic reprogramming
1025387 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Obanda, D. Obanda,Diana UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Role of the gut microbiota on the beneficial effects of the vegetable Urtica dioica as a functional food
1030821 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Griffin, B. D. Griffin,Brianna D IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Roles of REL2 Mediated Transcriptional Co-repression in Maize Immunity
1032097 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Relling, A. Relling,Alejandro OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Rumen-native bacteria as an alternative to translate lower methane emissions to feed efficiency improvements
1028245 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Arbogast, D. Arbogast,Doug WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE WV Rural Community Well-Being: Using Tourism Indicators to Identify, Understand and Address COVID Pandemic Impacts and Strategies for Resilency
1027985 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Niles, M. T. Niles,Meredith Theresa UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Rural experiences with food insecurity and health during COVID-19 and strategies for future resilience
1027656 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wornell Seregow, E. J. Wornell Seregow,Emily Joy BALL STATE UNIVERSITY IN Rural Informal Work in Economically, Socially, Culturally, and Technologically Changing Contexts
1029896 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Martins, V. S. Martins,Vitor Souza MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS S3DTool: A novel Satellite-based Soil Sampling Design Tool for site-specific management using historical crop spectral variability
1032228 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yost, M. A. Yost,Matt A UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Sabbatical to Advance Long-Term Agriculture Water Optimization Research, Training, and Outreach in Great Salt Lake and Colorado River Basins
1032611 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wulster-Radcliffe, M. C. Wulster-Radcliffe,Meghan Carole UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Saddle to STEM: Community-distributed, youth-targeted, equine-based educational opportunities for application in animal agriculture
1032101 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ma, W. Ma,Wenjun UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Safe And Effective Newcastle Disease Virus Vectored Live Attenuated Swine Influenza Vaccines
1033024 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT SHI, G. SHI,GUANMING UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Safeguarding Agricultural Leadership: Policy Responses to Sustain Competitiveness, Innovation, and Resilience in the Biotech Crop Era
1033371 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Issa, S. Issa,Salah UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL SAFER AG 2.0:SAfety for Emerging Robotics and Autonomous Agriculture Workshop
1029869 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ganda, E. Ganda,Erika PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Salmonella Dublin: Data-Driven Mitigation of an Emerging Pathogen in North-Eastern US Dairy Farms
1027828 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Shariat, N. Shariat,Nikki UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Salmonella population dynamics in surface water
1030062 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ristroph, K. Ristroph,Kurt PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Scalable nanocarriers for efficient foliar delivery of agrochemicals to plants