Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027367 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kinkade, L. Schafer,Joseph WINROCK INTERNATIONAL INST. FOR AGRIC. DEVELOPMENT VA Advancing Organic Agriculture in the Mid-South: Evaluating Systems and Reducing Barriers to Entry
1032760 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schafer, J. Schafer,Joseph WINROCK INTERNATIONAL INST. FOR AGRIC. DEVELOPMENT VA Advancing Organic Agriculture in the Mid-South II: Refining Solutions for Essential Challenges
1028832 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schaffer, A. Schaffer,Aaron APOGEE ANIMAL HEALTH INC KS KS222_Apogee Animal Health, Inc: Serving Food Animal Producers
1032904 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schell, S. Schell,Scott UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY University of Wyoming Extension Implementation Program Team
1033016 NEW OTHER GRANTS Scheufele, S. B. Scheufele,Susan B UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Partnering to foster development and adoption of IPM strategies for Specialty Crop Producers in Massachusetts
1032605 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schilling, M. W. Schilling,Mark Wesley MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Pest Management in Dry-Cured Pork
0219987 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schlaefli, C. Schlaefli,Cie`na COMMUNITY FOOD BANK, INC. AZ Marana Heritage Farm Youth Program
1033227 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schlautman, B. Schlautman,Brandon LAND INSTITUTE, THE KS Impact and spread of the glyphosate resistance gene in feral alfalfa populations
1031452 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schnable, P. S. Schnable,Patrick S IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA NIFA AG2PI Collaborative: Improving Causal Gene Detection across Crop and Livestock Species
1032692 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schneider, K. R. Schneider,Keith R UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Southern Regional and Lead Coordination Centers for FSMA Food Safety Training and Outreach
1032798 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schneider, S. Schneider,Sue COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Strengthening capacity to promote healthy behaviors and improve quality of life for older adults in rural Colorado
1032822 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schroeder-Moreno, M. Schroeder-Moreno,Michelle NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Southeast Organic Agriculture Research Symposium- Identifying Regional Research Priorities
1032525 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schultz, M. G. Schultz,Michele Gail The Society for In Vitro Biology NC Biotechnology approaches for animal and crop improvement and environmental risk assessment of genetically engineered organisms
1030909 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schwan, C. L. Schwan,Carla Luisa UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA An integrated approach to developing Extension outreach curricula for home food preservation, retail food safety, and cottage foods: A Food Safety Extension Network Effort
1025999 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schwertner, T. Schwertner,Thomas TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY - TIAER TX Understanding and Supporting Human-Wildlife Coexistence in Agricultural Systems: Collaboration Across Continents and Cultures
1032800 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sciligo, A. Sciligo,Amber ORGANIC CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND PROMOTION VT Culturally Relevant Organic Curriculum, Professional Development, and Experiential Learning: Increasing Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the Organic Sector
0206678 NEW OTHER GRANTS Williamson, S. J. Scot James Williamson WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE DC 71st North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
1029595 NEW OTHER GRANTS Scott, J. Scott,James LINWOOD PROPERTY INC MO Kansas City Community-driven Local Food Access and Education Project
1027010 NEW OTHER GRANTS Scott, M. Scott,Marci MICHIGAN PHYSICAL FITNESS, HEALTH AND SPORTS FOUNDATION, INC. MI COVID Relief 2020-70030-33178 -- Michigan Farm to Family: Covid Response CSA
1032509 NEW OTHER GRANTS Scott, M. Scott,Maxwell NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Development, evaluation and modeling of homing gene drives for suppression of Drosophila and screwworm populations
1033126 NEW OTHER GRANTS Scott, Q. Scott,Quatez COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Colorado State University New Beginning for Tribal Students
1029259 NEW OTHER GRANTS Scott, S. Scott,Samuel NORTH-SOUTH INSTITUTE FL Developing Beginning Veteran and Small Farmer Agricultural Groups Using a Veteran and Small Farmer Village Model
1031686 NEW OTHER GRANTS Scott, S. Scott,Samuel NORTH-SOUTH INSTITUTE FL Strengthening of Veterans Employment and Business Development through Veteran Business Incubator Clusters and Compensatory Work Therapy Networks
1033251 NEW OTHER GRANTS Seely, C. Seely,Claira UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Precision dairy management system for the University of New Hampshire (UNH) dairy herds
1031033 NEW OTHER GRANTS Seidner, J. Seidner,Joel EASTIE FARM, INC. MA Produce for the People: Eastie Farm Integrated Community Supported Agriculture
1032908 NEW OTHER GRANTS Seipel, T. Seipel,Timothy MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Montana State University's Extension Implementation Plan For Integrated Pest Management
1033260 NEW OTHER GRANTS Seltmann, K. Seltmann,Katja UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Micro-CT visualization of bees and their nests to investigate drivers of pollinator declines
1028571 NEW OTHER GRANTS Semmens, K. J. Semmens,Kenneth J KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Enhancing Design, Management, and Transfer of Floating Raceway Technology for the Small Farm
1029951 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sen, S. Sen,Sudipta CIRRUS360 LLC TX Edge Computing driven AUTOMATION for small and medium Poultry and Meat Processors