Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

For updates, please refer to the NIFA Reporting System or email

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1021855 NEW HATCH Verma, VI, M.. Verma, VI, M.. NORTHERN MARIANAS COLLEGE MP Tissue Culture Multiplication for Sustainable, Climate-Resilient, Commercial Pineapple Farming Systems in the United States Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
1021854 TERMINATED HATCH Hanks, DR, . Hanks, DR. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Food systems, health, and well-being: understanding complex relationships and dynamics of change
1021848 NEW HATCH Belury, MA, A. Belury, MA, A. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Improving the health span of aging adults through diet and physical activity.
1021846 NEW HATCH Brown, SU, K. Brown, SU, K. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources
1021845 NEW HATCH Kenimar, RI, C.. Kenimar, RI, C.. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Evaluation of corn hybrids for use in Kentucky
1021844 NEW HATCH Obata, TO, . Obata, TO. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Identification of health beneficial bioactive compounds in maize and discovery of the genes underlying their variation
1021840 NEW HATCH Yang, XU. Yang, XU. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Future Challenges in Animal Production Systems: Seeking Solutions through Focused Facilitation
1021839 NEW HATCH Knowlton, KA, F. Knowlton, KA, F. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Reducing the negative impact of antibiotic use in the dairy herd system
1021837 NEW HATCH Molaei, GO, . Armstrong, PH, MO. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CT Biology, Ecology & Management of Emerging Disease Vectors
1021836 NEW HATCH Knipe, C., LY. Knipe, C., LY. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Optimization of Processing Methods for Producing Ready-to-Eat Meat Products
1021832 NEW HATCH Zhu, JI. Zhu, JI. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Sterilizing effect of pyriproxyfen on adult female mosquitoes
1021831 NEW HATCH Dubeux, JO, CA. Dubeux, JO, CA. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Developing Sustainable Livestock Systems for SE USA
1021830 TERMINATED HATCH Guarnizo, L. Guarnizo, L. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Gender, Migration and Domestic Work in the Sacramento Region
1021829 NEW HATCH Bailey, DE, W.. Bailey, DE, W.. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Precision Livestock Management to Improve Livestock Welfare, Productivity and Grazing Sustainability
1021828 TERMINATED HATCH Pietrantonio, PA, . Pietrantonio, PA, V.. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Facilitating Registration of Pest Management Technology for Specialty Crops and Specialty Uses
1021826 NEW HATCH Ely, D. Ely, D. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Potential of red clover phenolic compounds to increase nitrogen utilization and weight gain by growing lambs
1021825 NEW HATCH Guilfoos, TO, . Guilfoos, TO. UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Management and Policy Challenges in a Water-Scarce World
1021824 NEW HATCH Richards, JO, KE. Richards, JO, KE. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Functional genomics and molecular biology of fungal pathogen-plant interactions
1021823 NEW HATCH Ottea, J, . Ottea, J. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Effects of Insecticide Application on Target and Non-Target Species
1021822 NEW HATCH Lamm, KE, . Lamm, KE, . UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Developing and Testing Leadership Capacity Building Models to Address Critical Issues Facing the Agricultural and Natural Resource Industry
1021816 TERMINATED HATCH Bolasina, SE, . Bolasina, SE. COLLEGE OF MICRONESIA FM Species and System Selection for Sustainable Aquaculture in Micronesia. Evaluation of two species of groupers (Family Serranidae) aquaculture potential.
1021815 NEW HATCH Gray, SU, M. Gray, SU, M. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Multiple stressors in aquatic ecosystems of Ohio
1021814 NEW HATCH Hooks, CE, . Hooks, CE, RR. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Using cover crops as a biculture intercrop to manage weeds in vegetables
1021813 NEW HATCH Harrison, S. Harrison, S. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Investigating the role of phenotypic variability in local adaptation of a native agricultural weed, Ambrosia trifida (giant ragweed)
1021812 NEW HATCH Stahl, CH, . Stahl, CH, . UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Novel strategies for improving feed efficiency
1021811 NEW HATCH Warmund, MI. Warmund, MI. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Improving Production Efficiency and Reliability of Cropping Horticultural Crops
1021800 NEW HATCH Murray, JA, D. Murray, JA, D. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Germ Cell and Embryo Development and Manipulation for the Improvement of Livestock
1021793 NEW HATCH Scott, DU. Scott, DU. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Soil, Water, and Environmental Physics to Sustain Agriculture and Natural Resources
1021786 NEW HATCH Hulbert, SC, . Hulbert, SC, . WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Administration of Agricultural Research - Washington State