Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1025771 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Flores, A. Flores,Alejandro BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY ID SitS: Collaborative Research: Soils are signaling shifts in aggregate life-cycles: What does this mean for water, carbon and climate feedbacks in the Anthropocene?
1025786 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Van Pijkeren, J. Van Pijkeren,Jan Peter (JP) UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI TRI-PARTITE: Improved Pig Health through the Novel Application of SynBio in Phage Therapy. (Phage SUAS)
1025793 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ramamoorthy, S. Ramamoorthy,Sheela NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Integrating vaccine efficacy and safety by directed suicidal replication
1025877 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kim, Y. Kim,Yun Sang FOREST AND WILDLIFE RES CENTER MS Green Wood Composite with Natural Preservatives
1025880 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT HANDELSMAN, J. HANDELSMAN,JO UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Tiny Earth Summer Research Course: Human Diversity Discovering Chemical Diversity in Soil
1025881 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Abuelo Sebio, A. Abuelo Sebio,Angel MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Summer Food Systems Fellowship: Developing the Skills of the Future Veterinary Agricultural Workforce through Research and Extension Internships
1025891 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tidwell, J. Hager,Janelle KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Improving Phosphorus Recovery in Aquaponic Systems Through Environmental Manipulation of the Plant Rhizosphere Microbiota
1025894 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Roberts, E. L. Roberts,Elizabeth Lewis CONNECTICUT STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM CT REEU: Summer Undergraduate Fellows in Plant Health and Protection
1025903 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Moustaid-Moussa, N. Moustaid-Moussa,Naima TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Nutrition Bench-to-Community Engaged Scholars in Texas (Nutrition BEST) REEU Program
1025918 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bartell, P. A. Bartell,Paul Allen PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Photoperiodic Regulation of Reproduction in the Turkey Hen
1025926 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lewis, E. Lewis,Edwin UNIV OF IDAHO ID Undergraduate research and mentoring at the nexus of plant, animal and human
1025931 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, J. Chen,Jiajia UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Advancing Experiential Learning of Food Science for Engineering Students to Meet Processing Innovation Demands in the Food Industry
1025940 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cooper, E. Cooper,Evelyn UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Agriculture, the Environment, and Climate Change in the Chesapeake Bay: A University of Maryland REEU
1025941 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Perotto, H. L. Tanner,Evan TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY- KINGSVILLE TX The Drone WAVE FACTOR (Drone use for Women Advancement, Visibility & Experiences in Food & Agriculture Cyberinformatics & Tools Oriented to Research)
1025942 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Melgar Jimenez, J. Melgar Jimenez,Juan Carlos CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC FLORECE!: Future Leaders Obtaining Research & Extension Career Experiences
1025946 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jolly-Ballantine, J. Jolly-Ballantine,John Andrew UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Building a Sustainable Food Program Between Rural and Urban Communities as a Laboratory for Training Future Food System Professionals
1025950 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sinha, A. Sinha,Arijit OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Training the Next Generation in Digital Manufacturing and Mass Timber Buildings 2.0
1025954 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Merrill, M. Merrill,Melissa NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Animal Science Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (ASSURE)
1025959 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wickings, K. G. Wickings,Kyle G. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Cornell AgriTech FACT REEU: Enhancing the Digital Agriculture Workforce Pipeline
1025972 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dill, S. Dill,Shannon UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Creating Leadership and Professional Development Through Extension Internships
1025977 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lewins, S. A. Hoyler,Emily UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Training and High-Impact Research Internships through Vermont Extension
1025980 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dudley, E. Dudley,Edward PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Engaging Students from Undergraduate-Centric Institutions in Research, Informatics, and Experiential Opportunities in Food Microbiology
1025981 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ridout, M. E. Newcombe,George UNIV OF IDAHO ID Undergraduate training in applied plant microbiology for regenerative agriculture and habitat restoration in the Intermountain West
1025983 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jones, C. Jones,Clinton OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Maintenance of bovine herpesvirus 1 latency by viral and cellular factors
1025988 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Needle, D. Needle,David UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH PARTNERSHIP: Comparative microbial genomics of mastitis pathogens and the dairy environment
1026013 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bradford, C. Bradford,Chastity TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Discovering (FACTs) Food and AgriCultural Tools to Address Challenges of Today and Tomorrow through Research and Extension
1026024 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bonina Noseworthy, J. Bonina Noseworthy,Jennifer INDIANA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY (MARION COLLEGE) IN Indiana Wesleyan University Research Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (IWU-REEU).
1026028 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Luo, Y. Luo,Yangchao UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Bridging the Gap II: Summer Experiential Learning in Food and Nutrition
1026036 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ealy, A. D. Ealy,Alan Dale VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Evaluating Interleukin-6 as an Embryokine in Cattle