Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1021730 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Tilahun, Y. Tilahun,Yonathan LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Aquaponics education: The solution for food deserts in America`s Heartland
1027174 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Downey, J. Downey,Jayne MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Rural Resiliency: Expanding Access to Youth Aware of Mental Health
1026972 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Miller, S. A. Rotondo,Francesca OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Enhancing Regional Adoption of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Soilborne Disease Management in High Tunnel Vegetable Production Systems
1013353 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS COLLIER, S. M. Spear,Melissa Seattle Tilth Association WA The Beginning Farmer Support Collective is an effort to enhance the services provided to beginning farmers in King County by joining resources of three farmer training organizations and the County.
1026351 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Burge, C. A. Burge,Colleen Amy UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Impact of OsHV-1 Microvariants on Cassostrea virginica family lines
1029633 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Antonio, T. Antonio,Thomas INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN INDIAN ARTS NM Southwest Plants for Dyes, Oils, and Classroom Use
1001352 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Vineyard, C. Maddirala,James UNIVERSITY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Phase IV - CariPac Consortium Distance Education Grant for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas
1029272 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bilen-Green, C. Bilen-Green,Canan NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Circling Back, Affording Tribal Students Opportunities to Flourish
0219257 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Vosper, J. Vosper,Jon INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE, INC. NY Accessing the American Farm Dream
1028922 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Driscoll, E. A. Driscoll,Elizabeth Ann NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC North Carolina Farm to School Institute: Growing Local Food Systems, Connecting Community Leaders, and Supporting School Resiliency
1027136 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Adams Wiley, L. Adams Wiley,Lillie AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY, LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF LA Louisiana Farmer Stress Assistance Program
1026883 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kwon, J. Ibendahl,Gregory A. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Maximizing and Benchmarking Profitability of Small to Medium-sized B2C (Business to Consumer) Beef Producers in Kansas
1010343 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Fellman, D. Caldwell,Christopher COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Plant Phenology as an Indicator of Forest Community Resilience and Adaptive Capacity
1031522 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Muskett, M. Muskett,Milford SOUTHWESTERN INDIAN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE NM Strengthening Community Sustainability thru STEM Programming, Projects & Extension
1026175 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yuan, Q. Yuan,Qunying ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Investigating the Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Selenium Nanoparticles and Their Potential Application to Increase Food Safety and Protect Food Quality
1029448 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Brunner, L. Bellanger,Tammy WHITE EARTH TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Creating Sustainable Food Security in White Earth Tribal Communities
0230468 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kelly, J. Williams-Wheeler,Meeshay NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Using Technology to Deliver Parent Education and Information
1029203 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ribeiro De Resende J, M. F. Ribeiro De Resende J,Marcio Fernando UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SweetCAP: Integrated technologies to improve sweet corn breeding, production and marketability
0216260 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Winsten, J. R. Winsten, J. R. UNIV OF VERMONT & STATE AGRI COLLEGE VT Improving Agricultural Pollution Control Through Performance-based Incentives in the Choptank River Watershed of the Chesapeake Bay
1028836 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mcghee, M. Mcghee,Morgan FOODCORPS, INC. OR FoodCorps FASLP: Developing the Next Generation of School Nutrition Leaders
1023514 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jeliazkov, V. Jeliazkov,Valtcho OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Hemp Education Initiative: Development of Online Undergraduate and Graduate Certificates
1021893 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Miller-Cebert, R. L. Miller-Cebert,Rhona Lee ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Bridging the Disparity Gap in Education (BRIDGE) Dietetics Scholars Program
1020475 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Pethybridge, S. J. Pethybridge,Sarah N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Building Resilient Foliar Disease Management Strategies for the Organic Table Beet Industry
1027055 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rashed, A. Wenninger,Erik J UNIV OF IDAHO ID Extension Implementation Plan for IPM in Idaho 2021-2024
1017199 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bartley, B. Bartley,Benjamin LA MONTANITA FOOD COOPERATIVE, INC NM Achieving FSMA Compliance through USDA Harmonized GAP - Preparing the Four Corners Region's Diverse Farmers for Food Safety Certification
1026756 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bayman, P. Bayman,Paul UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO PR AGFEI: Strengthening research capability in plant pathology and plant-microbe interactions at UPR Río Piedras
1005170 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Studebaker, G. Studebaker,Glenn ARKANSAS AGRIC EXTENSION SERVICE AR 2014 Arkansas Extension Implementation Program
1026025 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Novelo, N. Novelo,Noel KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Expanding Aquaculture and Healthy Food Choices to Reduce Economic and Health Disparities Affecting Minority and Limited-Resource Stakeholders
1029352 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bisbee, Y. J. Bisbee,Yolanda J. UNIV OF IDAHO ID New Beginning for Tribal Students III: UI NBTS CRIRLE