Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0222240 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Wessel-Beaver, L. Roman-Paoli, E. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Potyviridae in Puerto Rico Cucurbit Crops: Distribution, Variation and Genetic Control
0221621 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Johnson, L. A. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Protein Utilization, IA: Advanced Soybean Biorefineries - Year 3
0188637 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Brlansky, R. H. Brlansky, R. H. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Separation and Characterization of Components of CTV Complexes
0196735 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Bailey, D. Bailey, D. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Center for Food Quality-Utah
0204085 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Glatz, C. E. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Biotechnology Test Production, IA: Recovery and Purification of Recombinant Proteins from Plants for Therapeutics and Industrial Enzymes
0188152 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kaiser, H. M. Coffman, W. R. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Generic Commodity Promotion, Research, and Evaluation
0203470 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Roush, R. T. Berman, C. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Exotic Pests and Diseases (CA)
0213826 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Burand, J. P. Burand, J. P. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Development and Implementation of Diagnostic Tools to Assess Bee Colony Health
0208276 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Gorman, T. M. Gorman, T. M. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Inland Northwest Forest Products Research Consortium
0201459 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Fallon, D. J. Fallon, D. J. UNIV OF HAWAII HI Rhabditid Nematodes and Antagonists in Suppression of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes
0207576 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Stockwell, V. O. Stockwell, V. O. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Integration of a Modified Strain of BlightBan A506 with Conventional Fire Blight Management
0200807 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Stansly, P. A. Stansly, P. A. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Biological Control of Asian Citrus Psyllid in Puerto Rico
0206878 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Watson, C. A. Watson, C. A. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Tropical Aquaculture Florida 2006
0218892 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Glatz, C. E. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Biotechnology Test Production - Advanced Corn Biorefineries
0199943 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Brewer, M. J. Brewer, M. J. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Integrating New Natural Enemies into Soybean Aphid Biological Control
0205234 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Byrne, P. F. Byrne, P. F. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Russian Wheat Aphid Resistance, Stress Tolerance, and Quality Enhancement of Wheat
0218466 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Vickroy, T. Alistair Webb UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Minor Use Animal Drugs [NRSP-7]
0203967 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Mather, T. N. Mather, T. N. UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Tick-Borne Disease Prevention, RI
0203312 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Grant, J. A. Decker, D. J. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Long-Term Evaluation and Improvement of Golf Turf Management Systems With Reduced Chemcial Pesticide Inputs
0210880 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Soderlund, D. M. Burr, T. J. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY IR-4 Minor Crop Pest Management
0208157 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Goodrich, R. M. Goodrich, R. M. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Tropical/Subtropical Juice Spoilage by Spore-Forming Bacteria
0207160 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Saif, Y. M. Saif, Y. M. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Emergency Detection and Response Research Program on Emerging Animal and Plant Diseases at OARDC
0201266 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Granatstein, D. Granatstein, D. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Organic Cropping Research for the Northwest
0207417 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hill, C. HILL, C. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Advanced Spatial Technologies for Agriculture
0200705 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Damicone, J. John Damicone OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Cultural Practices for Management of Pod Decay Diseases of Snap Bean
0206800 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Rasmussen, K. M. Hoffmann, M. P. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Rural Obesity, New York
0218766 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hayes, M. J. Hayes,Michael Joseph UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Reducing the Nation`s Drought Risk: Drought Mitigation, Nebraska
0199820 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Wang, C. Y. Wang, C. Y. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Four-State Ruminant Consortium
0204975 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT McSorley, R. McSorley, R. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Soil Ecosystem Management Practices for Tropical and Subtropical Crop Production