Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0222627 REVISED HATCH Wanner, K. Wanner, KE. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Application of molecular tools for IPM of insect pests
0222738 REVISED HATCH Ballington, J. Schaber, MA, A. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Blueberry and Muscadine Grape Breeding
0222929 REVISED HATCH Gallo, M. Comerford, NI, . UNIV OF HAWAII HI Administration of Hatch Research, Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station
0223805 REVISED HATCH Poole, G. C. Poole, GE. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Linking Floodplain Geomorphology, Hyporheic Exchange, and Stream Temperature
0224031 REVISED HATCH Mangiafico, S. Mangiafico, SA. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Water Management and Quality for Ornamental Crop Production and Health
0224109 REVISED HATCH Toensmeyer, UL. Toensmeyer, UL. UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Assessing the Consumer Behavior, Market Coordination and Performance of the Consumer-Oriented Fruit and Vegetable Sector
0224186 REVISED HATCH Klingeman, WI. Klingeman, WI. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Alternative Management Strategies for Urban Landscapes and Ornamental Plant Production
0224205 REVISED HATCH Hoffmann, M. P. Smith, MA, . CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Administrative Support for Adoption of a Culture of Sustainability Emphasizing Distributed Bioenergy Production and Energy Conservation to Reduce Cornell's Carbon Footprint
0224466 REVISED HATCH Fulton, J. P. McDonald, TI, . AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Innovative Cropping Systems and Machine Automation in Support of Specialty Crops and Bioenergy Production in Alabama
0225492 REVISED HATCH Leclerc, M. Y. Leclerc, M. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Assessing Carbon Balance of Farming Systems Constituting Agricultural Crops and Forest Ecosystems
0226156 REVISED HATCH Peleg, M. Peleg, MI, . UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Mathematical Modeling and testing of foods and food systems
0226445 REVISED HATCH Perez, D. R. Pal, UT, . UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Transmission and Pathogenesis of Influenza Viruses
0226984 REVISED HATCH Ortiz, B. V. Ortiz, BR, V. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Precision Agriculture Technologies for Food, Fiber, and Energy Production
0227357 REVISED HATCH Sullivan, C. V. Sullivan, CR, VI. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Selective Breeding of Striped Bass: Molecular Bases of Egg Quality
0227917 REVISED HATCH Sparrow, S. D. Shipka, MI, P.. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Hatch Research Coordination
0228333 REVISED HATCH Scott, J. W. Hutton, SA, F. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Breeding and Genetics of Fresh Market Tomatoes
0228596 REVISED HATCH Stafford, K. Stafford, K. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Family Firms and Policy in Times of Disruption (NC1030)
0228664 REVISED HATCH Mccurdy, S. Mccurdy, SA. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Analysis and Interpretation of Impact Data of Teaching a Curriculum for Food Service Food Safety Education to High School Students
0228937 REVISED HATCH Kim, J. Kim, JA. NORTHERN MARIANAS COLLEGE MP Optimal processing conditions for healthy vinegar drink using sour sop (Annona muricata L.)
0228973 REVISED HATCH Davis, T. Davis, T, . UNIV OF IDAHO ID Reproductive Performance in Domestic Ruminants
0229750 REVISED HATCH Makus, L. D. Makus, LA, D.. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Assessing PNW Price Behavior to Enhance Price Risk Management for Agricultural Producers and Handlers of Grain
0229909 REVISED HATCH Hoffmann, M. P. Smith, MA. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Administrative Support for Institute for Climate Change and Agriculture Benefiting New York Agriculture Today and Positioning it for the Future
0230825 REVISED HATCH Weber, E.. Weber, E.. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Identification of temporal and spatial factors associated to the spread of aquatic disease
0231444 REVISED HATCH Silvertooth, J. C. Silvertooth, JE, C.. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Improving Fertilizer Efficiencies in Irrigated Crop Production Systems
0231457 REVISED HATCH Harper, J. Harper, J. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Regulation of Photosynthetic Processes
0231659 REVISED HATCH Lewis, DA, . Lewis, DA, JA. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Benefits and Costs of Natural Resources Policies Affecting Ecosystem Services on Public and Private Lands
0232573 REVISED HATCH DelCurto, TI. DelCurto, TI. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Improving ruminant use of forages in sustainable production systems for the western U.S.
0232574 REVISED HATCH Bermudez, L. Bermudez, LU, E. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Diseases of animals as important inhibitors of food security
0232660 REVISED HATCH Murthy, G. Murthy, GA. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Water-Energy Nexus: Emerging Regional and Global Challenges
0232680 REVISED HATCH Morrissey, M. Morrissey, MI, T. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Overcoming Implementation Barriers to Food Traceability for the benefit of Small Scale Producers and Processors