Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0199556 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pozzo, W. M. Pozzo, W. M. HARRIS ACOUSTIC PRODUCTS CORPORATION MA Milk Pasteurization and Homogenization by Acoustic Cavitation at Small Rural Dairy Farms
0221783 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Harris, H. W. Harris,H. William Aqua Green L.L.C. MS Marine Aquaculture Water Reuse and Effluent Treatment Systems: An Integrated Sustainable Approach for Commercial Producers
0206584 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cheetham, R. M. Cheetham, R. M. AVENCIA INCORPORATED PA DecisionTree: A Framework for Location-Based Business Sitting Decision in Rural America
0196431 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Mahaffy, K. E. Mahaffy, K. E. agentAI, Inc. CA Distributed Human Augmentation of Artificial Intelligence
1031708 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Simmons, K. Simmons,Kirsten GOOD AGRICULTURE INC GA Artificial intelligence (AI) assisted farm data collection and management tool for small and mid-sized farmers
1025899 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Webb, B. A. Webb,Bruce Allen LEPIDEXT L.L.C KY A Method to Suppress Bt Resistance in the Corn Earworm
0202941 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Brown, K. G. Brown, K. G. Environment Services and Products, Inc TX Time-Release Termite Control Coatings for Concrete Foundations
1028924 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sinha, A. Sinha,Anshu HANGAR ALPHA LLC NY Wildland fire predictive analytics and risk mitigation software for resource planning, assessment, and response.
1017277 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Michaels, T. Durand,Leilani Z. MIDWESTERN BIOAG, INC. WI Recycling Nutrients from Dairy Effluent into NOP-Compliant Agricultural Inputs
0218609 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Stanton, B. J. Stanton,Brian John GREENWOOD RESOURCES, INC. OR Developing a Molecular-Assisted Hybridization Strategy for the Improvement of the Quality of Poplar Biomass for The United States` Bio-Fuels
1027623 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jayaraman, A. Jayaraman,Ambalavan TDA RESEARCH, INC. CO Novel System to Reduce Air Pollution from Poultry Production Systems
0233756 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Radl, B. J. Radl,Brad J Taber International, LLC OH Renewable Energy and Energy System Automation for Energy Plus Farm
0213626 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Delafontaine, M. J. Delafontaine, M. J. ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS, LLC NY Evaluation of Jatropha curcas by-products
0199767 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hankins, A. G. Hankins, A. G. Newman Machine Company, Inc. NC Recycling of Surface Contaminated Wood via Waste Stream Remediation
0203125 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT luo, H. Hong Luo HYBRIGENE, INC. RI Development of Environmentally Safe Transgenic Turfgrass with Improved Traits
0192907 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Quiroga, G. S. Quiroga, G. S. NATIVE AMERICAN BOTANICS CORPORATION AZ Traditional Herbal Products: New Suppliers From Indian Country
1029931 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Geryak, R. Geryak,Ren COMPASS TECHNOLOGY GROUP, LLC GA Field Tool to Measure Defects in Chicken Breast via Microwave Dielectric Properties
1022710 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Boatright, W. Boatright,William VERRAGLO, LLC KY Commercial Assay Kit Using Novel Compound Semiconductor Materials for Measuring Peroxide Value in Edible Fats & Oils
0221784 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wimberly, M. Wimberley,Michael Joseph Pharaoh Industries MI Developing Innovative Marketing Strategies and Distribution Networks for Hope Goods
1028505 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wagner, R. Duncan,Katherine SCIENSS BIOTECHNOLOGY LLC WI Designing recombinant proteins to improve appetite and gastrointestinal health in periparturient dairy cows.
1009512 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Panchal, C. B. Panchal,Chandrakant B E3TECSERVICE, LLC MD Heat Integrated Reactive Distillation for Synthesis of Bio-based Plasticizers, Solvents and Coatings
0214616 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT King, S. M. King, S. M. SMK PLANTS MT Novel Use of Plant Tissue Culture for Site-adapted, Acid Soil, Heavy Metal Tolerant, Native Plants Useful for Mine Land Reclamation
0202952 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zondlo, M. A. Dr. Mark A. Zondlo SOUTHWEST SCIENCES, INC. NM Nitrous Oxide Flux Monitor to Help Quantify Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions
0222877 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Schutte,E,J Schutte,Erick J ELTRON RESEARCH INCORPORATED CO Regenerable Ethylene Removal
0210059 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lew-Smith, J. E. Jodi Lew-Smith HIGH MOWING ORGANIC SEEDS, INC. VT Hybrid Seed Production Techniques for Cucurbita pepo in Organic Agricultural Systems
0197546 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ryan, D. B. Dale Ryan POLYMER BRIDGE SYSTEMS INC. SD A Kenaf Fiber Based End-Grain Sandwich Core Material for Composites
1031820 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hindi, D. Hindi,Daniel MADAIN CORP. CA Revolutionizing Crop Management: Harnessing AI and Edge Computing for Enhanced Plant Health
1028368 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lewis, G. Lewis,Greg MBIO DIAGNOSTICS, INC. CO Detection of Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances
0206506 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Elliott, B. J. Elliott, B. J. TDA RESEARCH, INC. CO Low-cost Conversion of High Free Fatty Acid Oils and Fats into Methyl Esters (Biodiesel)
0196256 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McClellan, P. McClellan, P. MAPTECH, INC. VA Nutrient Utilization Patterns (NUP) for Determining Sources of E. coli and Enterococci in Water