Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0197928 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Bezdicek, D. F. Bezdicek, D. F. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA STEEP: Water Quality in the Pacific Northwest
0197927 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Ristow, S. S. Ristow, S. S. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Aquaculture, Idaho and Washington
0197926 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Ristow, S. S. Ristow, S. S. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Jointed Goatgrass: A Threat to U.S. Wheat Production
0197340 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Granatstein, D. David Granatstein, D. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Organic Cropping Research and Education for the Northwest
0197303 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Walsh, D. B. Walsh, D. B. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Integrating Biological Control in the Management of Solanaceous Weeds
0196051 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Boardman, P. M. Boardman, P. M. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Competitiveness in International Forest Products
0195966 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Wahl, T. I. Wahl, T. I. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Enhancing Competitiveness of Agricultural Products
0195837 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Pan, W. L. Pan, W. L. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA International Cooperation for Agricultural Research in Central Asia and the Caucasus
0195305 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Zack,R Zack,Richard WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Population Control of Alfalfa Looper and Corn Earworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Through Female Annihilation Technique
0195285 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Folwell, R. J. Folwell, R. J. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Improving the International Competitiveness of the Washington/Oregon and Michigan Asparagus Industries
0193360 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Ristow, S. S. Ristow, S. S. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Jointed Goatgrass: A Threat to U.S. Wheat Production
0193330 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Cavalieri, R. P. Cavalieri, R. P. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Grass Seed Cropping Systems for a Sustainable Agriculture
0193329 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Ristow, S. S. Ristow, S. S. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Aquaculture, Idaho and Washington
0192895 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT BEZDICEK, D. F. Bezdicek, D. F. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA STEEP: Solutions to Environmental and Economic Problems
0192145 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Folwell, R. J. Folwell, R. J. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Improving the International Competitiveness of the Washington/Oregon and Michigan Asparagus Industries
0191919 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Lumpkin, T. Lumpkin, T. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA International Cooperation for Agricultural Research in Central Asia and the Caucasus
0191662 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Wahl, T. I. Wahl, T. I. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Enhancing Competitiveness of Agricultural Products
0190132 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Boardman, P. Boardman, P. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Competitiveness in International Forest Products
0190022 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Cavalieri, R. P. Cavalieri, R. P. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Grass Seed Cropping Systems for a Sustainable Agriculture
0189892 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Ristow, S. S. Ristow, S. S. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Jointed Goatgrass: A Threat to U.S. Wheat Production
0188816 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Bezdicek, D. F. Bezdicek, D. F. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA STEEP: Solutions to Environmental and Economic Problems
0188066 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Ristow, S. S. Ristow, S. S. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Aquaculture, Washington
0188065 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Folwell, R. J. Folwell, R. J. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Improving the International Competitiveness of the Washington/Oregon and Michigan Asparagus Industries
0187943 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Wahl, T. I. Wahl, T. I. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Enhancing Competitiveness of Agricultural Products
1001238 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Chen, Y. Chen,Yolanda H. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Developing a sustainable pest management program for the invasive swede midge in Brassica crops
0221916 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Harvey-Berino, J. Harvey-Berino, J. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT MAPLES: More Active Play in Early Childhood Settings
0221649 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kolodinsky,J Kolodinsky,Jane UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Food System Research and Community Development Outreach in Vermont
0221589 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Perkins, T. D. Perkins, T. D. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Effects of sap preconcentration by reverse osmosis on maple syrup chemical composition and flavor
0221575 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Vogelmann,T,C Vogelmann,Thomas C. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Environmentally Safe Products, VT
0218737 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Harvey-Berino, J. R. Harvey-Berino, J. R. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT MAPLES: More Active Play in Early Childhood Settings