Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1024352 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yang, C. Yang,Ching-Hong UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI Virulence Inhibitors As Antibiotic Alternatives In Fire Blight Management
1000366 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yang, B. Yang,Bing IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Genome-wide assessment of off-target effect and removal of transgenes associated with TALEN-based gene editing in plant
0205114 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yang, W. Yang, W. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Ultrasound Enhanced Separation and Extraction of Corn Fiber for Colon Carcinogenisis
0215149 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yang, J. Yang, J. LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Reducing Arsenic Uptake by Domestic Rice Plants
1020704 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Aguilar, K. Yanez,Marlene La Semilla Food Center NM Cocina Intercambios: Community resiliency through micro-enterprise and food access connections in the Paso del Norte border region
0230013 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yanez, M. M. Yanez,Mario M Earth Learning FL Community FoodWorks at Verde Gardens
0223528 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yanez, M. M. Yanez, M. M. Earth Learning FL Generating Permanent Farmers through Permanent Agriculture
1013389 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chiang, S. Yamamoto,Janel UNIV OF HAWAII HI University of Hawaii`s GoFarm Hawaii: A statewide beginning farmer initiative
1020816 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yamamoto, J. YAMAMOTO,JANEL UNIV OF HAWAII HI GoFarm Hawaii (GFH): Growing Successful Farmers in Hawaii
1023735 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS YAMAMOTO, J. YAMAMOTO,JANEL UNIV OF HAWAII HI GoFarm Hawaii: Building Sustainable Farms for Hawaii
1026789 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yamamoto, J. YAMAMOTO,JANEL UNIV OF HAWAII HI GoFarm Hawaii (GFH): Training New Farmers and Growing Agribusiness in Hawaii
0230054 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yakes, E. Yakes,Elizabeth UNIV OF NEW MEXICO NM Interactive Learning Assessment System (ILAS)
0215139 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Qi, Y. Yadong Qi SOUTHERN UNIV & A&M COLLEGE LA Application of Nanotechnology in Forest Health Management
0183006 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yadav, A. K. Yadav, A. K. FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Developing Biotechnological Approaches Towards Improving Peach Tree Longevity
0186348 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yadav, A. K. Yadav, A. K. FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Application of Genetic Approaches to Enhance Cold Hardiness of Guava
0193309 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yadav, A. K. Yadav, A. K. FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Harnessing Agri-Biotechnology to Establish Scutellaria as a Medicinal Crop
0201334 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yadav, A. K. Yadav, A. K. FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Application on In Vitro Plant Regeneration and Agrobacterium-Mediated Genetic Transformation to Enhance Cold Hardiness of Guava
1000872 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Xu, Y. Xu,Yixiang VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Fabrication and Characterization of Antimicrobial Biodegradable Nanocomposite Films for Food Packaging Application
1012073 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Xu, Y. Xu,Yixiang VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Reducing Salt in Processed Meats Using High Pressure Processing and Grape Pomace: Building Capacity in Non-thermal Technologies at VSU
0223195 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Xu, X. Xu,Xia FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Towards understanding mechanisms of host resistance to downy mildew disease of grapevine (Vitis L.)
0225811 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Xu, M. Xu,Ming RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture: Experience and Lessons from China
1017104 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Phillips, G. C. Xu,Jianfeng ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY AR Isolated Microspore Culture of Soybean: A Pathway to Doubled Haploids
1014224 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Xiong, X. Xiong,Xi UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Developing Innovative IPM Tactics for Billbug Control in Urban Environments through Early Detection and Non-Chemical Approaches
0219172 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Xiao, H. Xiao,Hang UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Food Science Graduate Training in Food and Health with Emphasis on Ingredient Delivery Systems and Food Policy
0232324 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Xiao, H. Xiao,Hang UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Development of Naturally-Derived Antioxidant Esters to Minimize Lipid Oxidation in Low-Moisture Foods
0226253 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wyse, D. Wyse,Donald UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Developing Native and Native-European Hybrid Hazelnut Germplasm and Agronomics for the Upper Midwest
0190631 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wyman, J. A. Wyman, J. A. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Novel Tactics for Risk Reduction, Resistance Management, and Profit Through Pest Suppression
1016907 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wuertz, N. Wuertz,Nicholas LUTHERAN SERVICES IN IOWA, INC. IA Training and Empowering Central Iowa Refugee Farmers for Success
1016544 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wu-Smart, J. Wu-Smart,Judy UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Great Plains Regional Training for Beginning Beekeeping Farmers
0214221 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wu, Z. WU,ZHIGUO COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE PA Enhanc. veterinary schl faculty & student competence in a global econo. thru curricu. bldg & strgthing collabor. w/Chinese dairy industry