Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1026930 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Klair, K. Klair,Kevin UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Enhancing the Value of Farm Financial Benchmarking
1026866 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Aller, D. Aller,Deborah CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION ASSOCIATION OF SUFFOLK COUNTY NY Edge of Field Permeable Reactive Barriers to Improve Long Island Water Quality
1026838 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bolling, B. W. BOLLING,BRADLEY UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Acquisition of UHPLC-MS/MS for Advancing Research on Food and Health.
1026834 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whitehill, J. Whitehill,Justin NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Unlimited -omics applications through high-resolution, sub-cellular precision sample isolation and imaging
1026826 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tharayil, N. Tharayil,Nishanth CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Acquisition of a versatile triple quadrupole mass spectrometer to facilitate agricultural and environmental research and training at Clemson University
1026824 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schulte, P. Schulte,Priscilla Univerisity of Alaska Southeast AK Alaska Native Knowledge: Experiences in Resources and Science
1026822 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Melendez, E. Melendez,Enrique RECINTO UNIVERSITARIO MAYAGUEZ PR Renovation of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility
1026821 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rathnayake, H. Rathnayake,Hemali P The University of North Carolina at Greensboro NC NIFA EGP: Acquisition of a Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope to Accelerate Nanotechnology Advances In Food, Energy, and Water Research
1026795 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McConnell, J. McConnell,James UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Distance Education Grants Program for Higher Education in the Insular Areas (DEG)
1026789 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yamamoto, J. YAMAMOTO,JANEL UNIV OF HAWAII HI GoFarm Hawaii (GFH): Training New Farmers and Growing Agribusiness in Hawaii
1026787 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mason, A. Schwarz,Jennifer Chicago Horticultural Society IL COVID Relief 2018-70025-28172: Windy City Harvest: Connecting Urban Farmers and Healthcare Providers to Improve Community Health
1026774 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hamilton, D. Hardy,Koy FRESH APPROACH CA COVID Relief 2020-70030-33189: Trauma-Informed VeggieRx Program: Prescribing Produce to Improve Health and Increase Food Security
1026766 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Beniston, I. J. Beniston,Ian J Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation OH COVID Relief 2017-70025-26687: Eating for Health: Expanding Fresh Food Access in the Mahoning Valley
1026764 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS VITERI, D. VITERI,DIEGO UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Establishment of pollen/seed preservation facilities for important crops in Puerto Rico
1026759 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Switaj, E. Switaj,Elizabeth COLLEGE OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS MH Planning for a Business Incubator Cafe at the College of the Marshall Islands
1026753 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Davis, T. S. Davis,Timothy Scott UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Preparing Extension Employees for Emergenices & Natural Disasters
1026726 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pliakoni, E. D. Pliakoni,Eleni D. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS A multi-state approach for assessing the needs of postharvest practices in order to improve quality and safety of organic produce
1026717 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morris, L. Morris,Lesley R. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV "Hidden Costs" of Fire: Working with Ranchers to Improve Rangeland Fire Preparedness
1026715 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tracy, W. F. Tracy,William F UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Creation of regional and local maize food systems (products integrating breeders, growers, supply chains and end users)
1026695 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cutulle, M. Cutulle,Matthew CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Optimization of Cover Crop Selection and Carbon Waste Stream Recycling to Facilitate Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation in Southeastern Diversified Organic Vegetable Farms: A Planning Grant
1026670 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS SILVA, E. M. SILVA,ERIN UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Finding Common Ground - Merging Tribal Life Ways with Modern Organic Agriculture Practices
1026662 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baur, P. Baur,Patrick UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Addressing Incongruities between Food Safety Management and National Organic Program Standards
1026618 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McCluskey, C. McCluskey,Cathleen ORGANIC SEED ALLIANCE WA Building a Lasting Seed Development Network Through an Online Organic Seed Growers Conference
1026616 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nelson, L. Nelson,Lori FORT BERTHOLD COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Trauma-Focused Equine-Assisted Learning (TF-EAL) Integration into Equine Studies Curricula
1026464 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Levine, I. A. Levine,Ira A ALGAE FOUNDATION MN Algae in Agriculture Education Alliance (AAEA)
1026454 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bobowski, K. Bobowski,Kathleen UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA - ANCHORAGE AK Rural Alaska Natural Resources Career Pathway
1026404 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hudson, T. D. Hudson,Tipton D. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Big landscapes meet big data: a decision support tool for grazing management in a variable and changing world
1026377 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cheyne, L. Ray,Timothy CHEMEKETA COMMUNITY COLLEGE OR Growing Career Pathways for Students in Agricultural Sciences and Technology: A Community College and Career Technology Secondary Education Center Partnership