Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0196393 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Callahan, H. A. Callahan, H. A. Norcarex Bio Corporation NC Feasibility of an Innate Immunity-Based Test to Monitor the Health of Channel Catfish
0196392 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Drennan II, D. G. Drennan II, D. G. AQUACULTURE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGIES, LLC LA Improving Single Pass Solids Removal in Bead Bioclarifiers by Optimizing Media Size and Shape
0196375 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sigstedt, S. Sigstedt, S. HEALING PLANET HERBS, INC. CO Compatible Economic Development in the Rocky Mountain Region: Diversifying Agricultural Income with Cultivation Techniques for Osha
0196316 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Beavers, R. L. Beavers, R. L. SLEEPY HOLLOW FARM GA Goldenseal, Processing and Value-Added Product Development
0196313 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ho, W. Z. Ho, W. Z. Maxwell Sensors, Inc. CA Novel Biochip Device for Rural Community Preparedness of Bioterrorism-Related Disasters
0196312 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kimble, M. C. Kimble, M. C. Westford MicroCells MA Deployment of Fuel Cell and Electrolyzer Energy Storage Systems in Rural Areas
0196302 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jayaraman, V. Jayaraman, V. PRAEVIUM RESEARCH, INC. CA Dense Multi-Wavelength Laser Clusters for Near Infrared Agricultural Spectroscopy
0196298 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Newell, C. R. Newell, C. R. GREAT EASTERN MUSSEL FARMS, INC. ME Use of Lactic Acid Bacteria to Inhibit the Growth of Clostridium Botulinum in a Novel Mussel Pack
0196295 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lally, M. F. Lally, M. F. Tire Recycling Centers USA. Inc. NE A New Application for Finely Ground Rubber in the Control and Abatement of Odors Emitted from Livestock Manure Storage Structures
0196294 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Watson, D. Watson, D. Development of a Fox Engineering Associates, Inc. IA Development of a Sequencing Batch Biofilm Reactor for Treatment of Pesticide Rinsewater
0196255 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Simonson, R. R. Simonson, R. R. Newport Laboratories, Inc. MN Antimicrobial Properties of Herbs and Spices and Their Potential Use in Diets for Pigs
0196254 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wagner, R. E. Wagner, R. E. Phycotransgenics, L.L.C. IN Development of a Microalgal-Based Oral Vaccine Delivery System for Poultry
0196220 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Schoenberger, R. Schoenberger, R. AGRIS-SCHOEN VISION SYSTEMS, INC. VA An Automated Fish Migration Pattern Monitoring System Using Shape Descriptors for Pattern Recognition
0196185 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT West, G. West, G. Santa Clara Woodworks NM Innovative Wood and Ceramicrete Composite Building Material
0196181 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Canning, J. R. Canning, J. R. FOREST ROBOTS, LLC ID A Wireless, Local Area Network for Remote Control of a Small, Autonomous Forest Equipment
0196178 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Reistroffer, J. P. Reistroffer, J. P. ARCTOS RESEARCH MT Ground-Based, Line-Source Ignition Material for Prescribed Fires
0193224 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Marrone, P. G. Marrone, P. G. AGRAQUEST, INC. CA Development of a Novel Microbial Biopesticide for the Control of Insect Pests
0193222 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Johnson, D. A. Johnson, D. A. AGRO-PLASTICS, INC. KS Plastics Recycling: Using Agricultural Residues to Improve Performance II
0193193 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Weiland, P. L. Weiland, P. L. RADIANCE TECHNOLOGIES AL Vibration Assisted Clam Harvesting
0193189 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Weidenbach, R. P. Weidenbach,Ronald P. HAWAII FISH COMPANY HI Commercial Culture of Asian Sea Bass (Lates Calcarifer)
0193186 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT James, G. A. Hiebert, R. MSE TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS, INC. MT Biofilm Barrier for In Situ Groundwater Denitrification
0193086 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cox, H. H. Cox, H. H. ENERGY RESOURCE INSTITUTE CA Treatment of Methyl Bromide Off-Gases (Phase II)
0193043 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tang, I. C. Tang, I. C. BIOPROCESSING INNOVATIVE CO. OH Production of Galacto-oligosaccharides From Whey Lactose by -Galactosidase Immobilized on Cotton Cloth
0193011 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Karr, G. S. Karr, G. S. AGRENEW, INC. KS Non-Corrosive Propionate Based Road Deicer
0193005 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Bley, R. A. Sammells, E. E. ELTRON RESEARCH, INC. CO A Novel Electrochemically Regenerable Ion-Exchange System for Nitrate Removal
0192981 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Thompson, S. R. Thompson, S. R. REALTRONICS, INC SD Hybrid Modem for Power Line Communications
0192979 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Mafra-Neto, A. Mafra-Neto, A. ISCA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CA A New, Non-Toxic Method to Control the Key Pest in Pecans
0192978 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wright, D. W. Wright, D. W. MICROANALYTICS, INC. TX Applications of GC-O and MS-Nose Technologies for Quality Control in Brewery Operations
0192953 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Gove, N. C. Gove, N. C. HAWAII KAI SALTS HI Hawaii-Molokai Solar Sea Salt
0192925 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Nemser, S. Lester, N. COMPACT MEMBRANE SYSTEMS, INC. DE Enhanced Disinfection & Pesticide Removal From Fruits & Vegetables