Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1002994 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ayers, K. Ayers,Katherine PROTON ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. CT High Efficiency Low Cost Electrochemical Ammonia Production
1000357 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Axelson, P. W. Axelson,Peter W. BENEFICIAL DESIGNS INC. NV A Standardized Assessment Process Supporting Health, Environmental and Economic Benefits of Outdoor Recreation Facilities to Rural Americans
0199601 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Axelson, P. W. Axelson, Peter BENEFICIAL DESIGNS INC. NV High Efficiency Trail Assessment Process for Rural Trails
0203077 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Axelson, P. W. Axelson, P. W. BENEFICIAL DESIGNS INC. NV Recreation Trail Vehicle Barrier Providing Access to Personal Mobility Devices
0204117 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Axelson, P. W. Axelson, P. W. BENEFICIAL DESIGNS INC. NV Delivering the Health, Environmental and Economic Benefits of Trails to Rural Americans through a High Efficiency Trail Assessment Process
0207640 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Axelson, P. W. Axelson, P. W. BENEFICIAL DESIGNS INC. NV Recreation Trail Motor Vehicle Barrier - Protecting Rural Environments and Providing Access to People Using Mobility Devices
0213657 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Axelson, P. W. Axelson, P. W. BENEFICIAL DESIGNS INC. NV A Standardized Assessment Process Supporting Health, Environmental and Economic Benefits of Outdoor Recreation Facilities to Rural Americans
1009742 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tabanpour, M. E. Avila,Mauricio Nutrient Recovery and Upcycling LLC WI Optimizing the agricultural value of brushite upcycled from urban wastewater: a slow-release P fertilizer and high-grade phosphate ore.
1013448 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tabanpour, M. E. Avila,Mauricio Nutrient Recovery and Upcycling LLC WI Optimizing the agricultural value of brushite upcycled from urban wastewater: a slow-release P fertilizer and high-grade phosphate ore.
0228848 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Austin, D. Austin,Derek AMDX TN Metadata assisted Management of Diabetes in Rural Health Disparity Communities
0213563 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Atkinson, C. A. Atkinson, C. A. INFORMATION & SIMULATION SYSTEMS CA A Management Tool and Strategy for Aquaculture Development in Offshore United States Coastal Waters
0218616 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Atkinson, C. A. Atkinson, C. A. INFORMATION & SIMULATION SYSTEMS CA A Management Tool and Strategy for Agriculture Development in Offshore United States Coastal Waters
0217793 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ashe, E. Ashe,Gene MULTI-DUTI MANUFACTURING, INC. (MDM) CO High-Efficiency Axial Flow Pump Development for Use in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
0226223 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ashe, G. Ashe,Gene MULTI-DUTI MANUFACTURING, INC. (MDM) CO High efficiency axial flow pump
0233811 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Arvik, T. J. Arvik,Torey James Sonomaceuticals, LLC CA Grape Bran, A Novel Food Ingredient to Combat Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome Caused by a `Western Diet`
1002823 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Armiger, W. Armiger,William BIOCHEMINSIGHTS INC PA Enhanced Butanol Yields for Advcanced Biofuels Production Using an Electrochemical Bioreactor
0199512 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Valdez, A. Armando Valdez VALDEZ & ASSOCIATES CA An Interactive, Self-Paced Training Tool for Nutrition Education Paraprofessionals
0204157 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Valdez, A. Armando Valdez VALDEZ & ASSOCIATES CA An Interactive, Self-Paced Training Tool for Nutrition Education Paraprofessionals
1009447 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Arlinghaus, M. Arlinghaus,Mark GIRD SYSTEMS, INC. OH An Innovative Method For Drying Hay
1019400 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Arhancet, G. Arhancet,Graciela NANOSUR LLC WI Development of efficacious RNAi-based baits for RIFA control
1026248 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Arhancet, G. Arhancet,Grace NANOSUR LLC FL Development of efficacious ribonucleic acid-based formulations for the control of gypsy moth
1027234 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Arhancet, G. Arhancet,Grace NANOSUR LLC FL Development of efficacious RNAi-based baits for RIFA control
1019439 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Argun, A. Argun,Avni GINER, INC. MA Rapid and Low Cost Toxin Analysis for Shellfish Food Safety
1028483 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Argentar, D. Argentar,David SUN EDGE, LLC DE Novel inexpensive light-concentrating optics and new MJ PV cell geometry for high energy-efficiency and high cost-efficiency PV
1006189 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Archibald, J. P. Archibald,John P AMERICAN SOLAR INC VA Innovative Low Cost Solar Air Heating for Poultry House Ventilation
0213594 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Arbuckle, L. Arbuckle, Z. M. NATIVE SEEDSTERS, INC. MT Seedster Technology for more Seed Recovery, less impurities, and faster ground speed harvesting camelina and canola for biodiesel feedstock
0223027 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Arbuckle, L. Arbuckle, L. NATIVE SEEDSTERS, INC. MT Seedster Technology for More Seed Recovery, Less Impurities and Faster Ground Speed Harvesting Camelina for Biodiesel Feedstock
0200766 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Arbuckle, L. Arbuckle Ranch, Inc. ARBUCKLE RANCH, INC. MT Performance of Innovative Native Seed Harvester
0225224 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Applewhite, L. Applewhite,LeeAnn APPLIED FOOD TECHNOLOGIES LLC FL Definitive Molecular Markers for Speciation of Tuna: Genus Thunnus