Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1002858 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pitchimani, R. Pitchimani,Rajasekar XPLOSAFE, LLC OK Technology for Removal of Heavy Metals and Arsenic from Juice
0233704 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Bao, L. Bao,Lin Vestaron Corporation MI Technology to Enhance Insecticidal Peptides
0223620 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Vail, S. I. Jim Vail MAINSTAY, INC. IL Technology-based Interventions to Improve the Nutrition and Health of Intellectually/Developmentally Disabled Persons
1019425 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cheetham, R. Cheetham,Robert AZAVEA, INC. PA Temperate: Advancing Greater Resilience to Climate Variability in Rural Communities
1012946 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Seligmann, B. Seligmann,Bruce BIOSPYDER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CA TempO-STAT Citrus Greening Infection Test
1012721 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pollock, L. Pollock,Leo COMPOST PLANT, L3C, THE RI Testing feasibility and scalability of a new engineered design of an aerated static pile composting system.
0204238 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Nelson, B. Bill Nelson BOU-MATIC WI Testing the Efficacy of a Novel Lameness Detection System in Commercial Dairy Herds
1022686 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rischling, E. Morris,Spencer AGCREDIT CONSULTING, LLC NE Testing the feasibility of an agricultural digital lending platform in frontier and remote areas.
1025943 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Carballo, S. M. Carballo,Sergio Madrigal AGROSPHERES INC. VA The AgriCell: A novel, biodegradable delivery technology for enhanced crop protection with minimized environmental toxicity
0221768 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Japel, Margaret, A. Japel, Margaret Babble Tree, LLC WY The Babble Tree English Language Learning Tool-Kit: Early Vocabulary Intervention For Latino Non-English Speaking Students
1023268 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roskos, H. Roskos,Henry CERMETEK CA The commercialization of a new agricultural subsystem (Leafmon-S) for online, realtime leaf monitoring to determine crop health (stress level) for precision irrigation and water conservation.
1009566 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Czokajlo, D. Czokajlo,Darek ALPHA SCENTS, INC. - Oregon OR The Development of a Breeding Station for a Predator of Coffee Berry Borer
0215241 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT O'Neill, F. T. O`Neill,Tim ENGINEERED COMPOST SYSTEMS, INC. WA The Development of an Environmentally Compliant and Cost Effective On-Site Animal Manure Management Composting Technology
1003010 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Mattupalli, C. Mattupalli,Chakradhar PHYLLOTECH, LLC WI The Enzymatic Degradation of Quorum-Sensing Signals to Decrease Bacterial Phytopathogenicity
1028489 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zeece, E. Zeece,Eric THYREOS, INC IL The first non-neuroinvasive live-attenuated bovine herpesvirus type 1 vaccine
0225294 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wills, R. H. Wills,Robert Solar-Stream, LLC NH The Flex Pump - An Innovation in Solar Water Pumping
1016041 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kemgang, T. Kemgang,Tanedjeu Sonfack PERSEA NATURALS LLC PA The Green Processing of a Novel FDA Exempt ("Natural") Food Color Additive
1020202 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kemgang, T. S. Kemgang,Tanedjeu Sonfack PERSEA NATURALS LLC PA The Green Processing of a Novel FDA Exempt ("Natural") Food Color Additive.
0225295 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rogoff, N. L. Rogoff,Natasha Lance KidsCOOK Productions MA The project "KickinKitchen.TV" - An interactive digital learning technology program.
0233697 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Smith, L. Y. Smith,Laura Yvonne Blue Moon Bulbs LLP Westscape Nursery MT The Selective Control of Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) with Low-Cost Application of a Naturally Occurring Phytotoxic Element
1006254 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Watkins, G. Watkins,Ginger ORB TECHNOLOGIES, LLC KY The Sustainable Workforce Affordable Power Initiative (SWAP) - Utilizing Near Zero Energy Home Replacements
1006320 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Schultz, J. Schultz,John S.T.S., INC. VT The use of acousto-ultrasonics to determine the quality of the brazing and grinding of carbide tipped cutting tools
0210016 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT bourne, T. Bourne,Thomas TERRENEW, LLC NY The Use of Agricultural Waste Products for Environmental Cleanup and Remediation
0222941 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Smith, L. Y. Smith, L. Y. WESTSCAPE WHOLESALE NURSERY MT The Use of Ion-Accumulating Halophytes for the Phytoremediation of Saline and Selenium Impacted Soil and Water in Cold-Arid Climates
0206470 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Nardi, G. C. Nardi, G. C. GREAT BAY AQUACULTURE, LLC NH The Use of Reproductive Technology to Improve Flounder Growth
0200724 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hooper, J. E. Judith Hooper PIMA RESEARCH COMPANY AZ The Use of Sulfur for the Control of Varroa
1030451 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zadshir, M. Zadshir,Mehdi PVT CLEAN ENERGY LLC NY Thermal management and energy harvesting in a solar geothermal greenhouse for improved plant production
1025901 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Charles, J. Charles,Josh ADVANCED COOLING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PA Thermal Regulation with Salt Hydrates for Biodigester Isothermality
0221730 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tesar, J. S. Joseph Tesar Quantalux, LLC MI Thermal Storage for Small Farms
1015882 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Banfield, M. G. Banfield,Michael G SPRINGSTAR, INC. WA Tick Surveillance and Mass Capture Trap