Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1019982 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Albrecht, D. E. Albrecht,Don Earl UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Rural Development Center 2020
1019983 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Albrecht, D. E. Albrecht,Don Earl UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Rural Development Center 2018
1020449 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Reeve, J. R. Reeve,Jennifer R. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT From Compost Carryover to Compost Legacy: Intercropping and compost effects on yield, quality, and soil health in organic dryland wheat
1020972 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Young, S. Schaeffer,Robert Nelson UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Increasing the Efficacy and Integration of a Biocontrol Tool for Managing Canada Thistle in the Intermountain West
1024475 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Albrecht, D. E. Albrecht,Don Earl UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Rural Development Center 2021
1026973 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Murray, M. Murray,Marion UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Coordinating IPM Successes in Utah Agriculture and Communities
1027573 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ivie, D. S. Ivie,Deborah Sue UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT USU FASL Hands in the Garden Program
1029201 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ramirez, R. A. Bernhardt,Scott UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT The Compatibility and Contribution of Natural Enemies in Western US Alfalfa Management
1029587 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Albrecht, D. E. Newman,Elizabeth A UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Rural Development Center FY22
1031490 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Newman, E. A. Newman,Elizabeth A UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Rural Development Center 23
1031497 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Borghi, M. Borghi,Monica UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Harnessing blueberry flower chemistry and morphology to boost pollination and bee health
0230373 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Spielmaker, D. Spielmaker,Debra UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION UT National Agriculture in the Classroom
1027525 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hill, C. Millares,Marie VEGGIELUTION CA Eastside Food Initiative: Improving Food Security, Healthy Food Access, And Community Self-Reliance In East San Jose
1020299 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Elliott, R. Elliott,Robert VETERAN'S FARM OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC., THE NC Veteran`s Agricultural Training and Education Program
1026982 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Frank, D. Frank,Daniel VIRGINIA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION, VA POLYTECH INST. VA Virginia Extension Implementation Program
0196212 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Parkhurst, J. Parkhurst, J. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Novel Educational Strategies to Assess and Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Natural Resources Undergraduates
0202764 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Fell, R. D. Fell, R. D. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Development of an International Center in South Africa for Studies in Agriculture and Related Life Sciences
0205266 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Marchant, M. Mack, T. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Refinement and Improvement of the Food and Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS)
0212520 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Alwang, J. R. Alwang, J. R. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA USDA National Needs Fellowship in Bio-Fuel Systems
0225951 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lockee, B. B. Lockee,Barbara Bellcher VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Engaging the New Biology: integrating quantitative genetics and genomics in animal breeding graduate learning
1015831 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Copenheaver, C. A. Copenheaver,Carolyn A VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Next Generation Scholars
1016465 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, B. Zhang,Bo VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Developing edamame varieties for mechanized production and improved consumer acceptance to increase sustainability of the vegetable industry
1020117 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Schmale, D. G. Schmale,David G VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Tracking the long-distance transport of wind-dispersed pollen from GE switchgrass and hemp using UASs (drones) and a LES model
1020318 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Munsell, J. F. Munsell,John F VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Seeded and Growing: Sustaining Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Education and Engagement
1020815 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ragan, V. A. Ragan,Valerie Ann VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Training the Veterinary Public Practitioner
1020840 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Copenheaver, C. A. Copenheaver,Carolyn A VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Recognizing and Sharing Excellence in Teaching: An Inclusive Approach
1021835 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Copenheaver, C. A. Copenheaver,Carolyn A VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Promoting Professionalism in Remote Fieldwork
1023535 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hong, C. Hong,Chuanxue VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Improving boxwood blight mitigation through innovation, economic analysis and education
1024208 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gagnon, J. L. Gagnon,Jennifer L VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Decision Support Tool: Pilot for Remotely Teaching Woodland Owners to Implement Crop Tree Release to Improve the Quality & Growth of Oaks