Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1021764 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Waterman, J. Waterman,Jenora NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Building Immunoproteomics Research Capacity for Biomarker Discovery: Detection of Pathogenic Antigens in Swine Lung and Environmental Samples
1027134 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Watkins, E. Watkins,Eric UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Enhancing Sustainability Education Through Managed Urban Landscape Curricula at Higher Education Institutions in Minnesota
1031515 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Watrelot, A. A. Watrelot,Aude A IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Enhancing regional grape and wine production and quality
1020575 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Xu, W. Watts,Evelyn LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Collaborative Food Safety Education Program for Louisiana Retail/Manufacturing Crossover Businesses
0196253 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Waukechon, C. Waukechon, C. COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Strengthening the Economic Capacity in the College of Menominee Nation's Service Community
1025995 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jones, B. Webb,Edward TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY - TIAER TX Enhancing regional dairy center’s outreaching capacity via virtual reality platform
1027417 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hallett, L. Webb,Michelle MAINE DEPT OF AGRICULTURE ME Maine Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance: Supporting an Inclusive and Responsive Continuum of Services
1027058 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wee, J. Wee,Josephine PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA CULTURED 1.0: Leading Higher Education Initiatives in Emerging Innovations for Sustainable Food Production
1008826 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Weeks, P. P. Weeks,Penny Pennington OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Oklahoma`s Baccalaureate Degree in Agricultural Leadership: A State-Wide Partnership to Support Degree Completion in the Food and Agricultur
1020579 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Weil, R. Weil,Raymond UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Transitioning to Organic Grain Production: Strategies to maximize profitability and ecosystem services while reducing risks and barriers
0188725 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Weissinger, A. K. Weissinger, A. K. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Tobacco Research for Medicinal Purposes
1026985 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wenninger, E. J. Wenninger,Erik J UNIV OF IDAHO ID Developing the use of crop oils for management of current-season spread of Potato virus Y in Pacific Northwest potato
1027055 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rashed, A. Wenninger,Erik J UNIV OF IDAHO ID Extension Implementation Plan for IPM in Idaho 2021-2024
1017962 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Taylor, R. W. Wesson,G. Dale FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL FAMU FY 2018 Facilities Grant Program
1031387 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wesson, G. Wesson,G. Dale FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL FAMU FY 2023-2027 Facilities Grant
1016307 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hernandez, N. Weston,Marlon THUNDER VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SD Food Sovereignty Initiative: Creating a Local Food System on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
0196732 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS White, M. White, M. LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College Extension Inititative
0198337 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS White, N. M. White, N. M. EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY NC Integrated Watershed-Based Molecular and Hydrologic Monitoring Techniques to Assess Pathogen Loading in Estuarine Environments and Improve
1027524 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS White, C. J. White,Chana Janine NATIVE BRAND HONEY, LLC NC Creating Profitable Farm Business Opportunity for Native Americans and Veteran Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in North Carolina
1012825 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS White, J. White,Jill Dominican University IL Multicultural Scholars Registered Dietitian Pipeline at Dominican University
1024152 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rivera, N. White,Kenneth SEGAR ADVOCACY INSTITUTE INCORPORATED PR Reviving Food Production in Puerto Rico through the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Program- COVID19 Pandemic Relief Supplement Project
1022405 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Whitesides, L. D. Whitesides,Louis D SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC SC State 1890 Research & Extension Agriculture Innovation Scholars
1022343 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Whittaker, W. Whittaker,Wesley LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Langston University 1890 Scholarship Program
1031216 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Whittaker, W. Whittaker,Wesley LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Facilities Development in the Sherman Lewis School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences: Langston University Continuing Growth Pathway
0216185 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Burns, M. Whittaker,Wesley L LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Langston University`s Construction and Renovation Project
1004999 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Burns, M. Whittaker,Wesley L LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Langston University`s FY 2017 Facilities Program proposal is a document that will strengthen the University`s efforts to serve the public.
1018205 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Whittaker, W. L. Whittaker,Wesley L LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK 1890 Facilities Grants Program
1024345 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wickings, K. G. Wickings,Kyle N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Utilizing Acoustics to Enhance the Monitoring and Management of Belowground Pests and Their Aboveground Predators
1026844 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wieczorek, A. WIECZOREK,ANIA UNIV OF HAWAII HI Hawaii-One-Ag: Developing new pathways in agricultural education and future career growth